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Microphone Issues

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Just a quick question from a newbie. :)

I'm at the Sand Sanctuary on Spirit Tracks and am having a bit of trouble. When I open up the spirit flute to just mess around with (not during a performance), it works fine. Now when I go to performance mode, I do everything the same and play when Rael signals, but the notes are short and choppy instead of the long, fluid notes it plays outside of performance mode. It's not my rythm, as I'm a violinist. ;P It's also not the blowing part of it since the Mic works fine when outside of performances. Any ideas why it's not working? Thanks. :)


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
You really must follow the color of the notes perfectly. Simply don't stop blowing but press the left/right buttons to move along with the colors. Don't give up. You will succeed. As soon as one of the sages is watching you it's a sign you have to play the notes in the same way you practised. Just keep holding the tune in your head and simply ignore the sages notes and play what you practised before.
Jul 3, 2010
Also no need to blow too hard. Just a light and steady stream of air works much better. I've also found that if the melody goes farther than the pipe next to it, it will actually help you by skipping that pipe when you are playing, so no need to worry about blowing in the pipes inbetween.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
When playing the duets, the game "helps" you by skipping notes between two notes if they are not part of the song. Because of this, I like to do the entire part in one breath. It saves you from the dangers of inhaling during the song.
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