Beginners Guide to Mafia
Below is ZD's beginner's guide to playing Mafia, crafted by
Axle the Beast. A few sections have been edited by Viral Maze to make it more current.
Link to the original here
Basic Description of Mafia
Some of you may know this already, as it's basically described in every Mafia sign-up thread, but I want to re-explain it for this guide.
In Mafia you generally have two groups for the most part. The Townies, and the Mafia (also known as Scum). The game goes in Day and Night periods, usually the Day lasts about a week and the Night lasts only a day or two. During the Day, the Townies discuss and vote for who will be lynched, or killed, in attempt to weed out the Mafia, who are hidden amongst the Townies. As for the Mafia, usually a quarter or a third of the total players are Mafia, and they are the only ones who know who the others are. The Mafia have the ability to vote on a person to kill during the Night, and their goal is to kill all the Townies. The Townies want to survive, discover the Mafia, and lynch them.
It's a game of lies and deduction. It's brutal and can involve intense scrutiny of your posts, attitude, and general behavior. Keep this in mind if you decide to play that at any time you could have all the other players accusing you of something and you will be expected to defend yourself effectively.
Now there are other special roles aside from Townie and Mafia, each with their own special rules and traits, but I'm not going into that for the basic description. I intend to give more details and advice for these roles in a later update for this guide.
This is not a cheat sheet. These tips will help you play but realize this guide is intended for both the Townies and the Mafia. Both should keep in mind all tips, including those of the other side, because then you'll understand what the other side will be doing, how they think, and what they need to be watchful of. Any suspicious in Mafia can easily become circular; something may seem suspicious, but it is in reality is engineered as a distraction or method of framing by the Mafia. You might think you know how Mafia act, but a good Mafia knows how to seem like a Townie. This can become a circular debate, so the notes and tips listed in this thread do not replace intelligent thought. You're going to need to think carefully while playing Mafia.
General Tips For All Players
Newbies: Don't Get Discouraged
Chances are you're going to make some mistakes when you play Mafia for the first time, regardless of which side you play. No matter what happens or how quickly you are killed, don't get discouraged. Try again and learn from your mistakes and how things went. It only gets funner and funner.
There Are No Golden Rules
This thread is composed of advice, notes, tips, and information about Mafia. But do not assume that any of these are right under every single circumstances, or that there aren't many other possibilities. This should get you started, but always think carefully, especially about what the other side would or should be doing and learn from your mistakes as well as new experiences. If you think of a trick that you or the enemy could pull, don't ignore it.
Inexperience, Absence, Play-style, and Claiming Innocence Are Not Defenses
Mafia involves a lot of lies and deception. Any player has the same chance of being Mafia as any other. You can claim that a reason you seem suspicious is because you just are new and don't know any better, or because that's just how you play, but while both CAN be factors, scum behavior is scum behavior, and you shouldn't expect anyone to grant you leniency for either, although you may receive it just the same. Playstyle can explain away some suspicions, but you'd be better off challenging the logic of how it's a scummy playstyle than saying "it's just my playstyle". Additionally, absence is something that can get you in trouble as not being present much is a Mafia tactic used to avoid standing out and thus preventing any suspicions about their posts being cast on them. There are many legitimate reasons for being absent from the game, but if you aren't going to be available or posting much, doubt will likely be cast on you and you should expect this regardless of whether you are Mafia or not. Finally, and the most obvious of the four, just because you claim what role you are or that you are telling the truth doesn't mean anyone should believe you.
Recognize The Benefits of Sacrifice
Regardless of which side you play on, just because you've died doesn't mean you can't use it to your advantage. Remember than even if you die, you still win if your team pulls through after your death. Obviously you don't want to die, but don't give up even when you die and continue to root for your team. You can even use your death to benefit yourself and your allies. There are many ways you can do this. If you're Townie, you have to realize that upon your death your innocence is confirmed, so you can use it as a way to push your own theories (although people would have to have trust of your intelligence and/or reasoning, so you should post an explanation if you can, in as much detail as possible). Mafia can use their deaths in more ways, too many to list, but a good way is to use it for confusion and also make sure your fellow Mafia's behavior surrounding your death puts them in a safe position. Use creativity to take the most advantage of it.
Pressure and Suspicion is Part of the Game
Through the course of a game, you will be voted for, and will be asked questions the answers to which may be seen as scummy (even if you are a townie). This is normal, and not a reason panic or give up. Voting is not only a tool to lynch, but also a tool to add pressure. You are not lynched until you are lynched. Don't feel overwhelmed because one or two players voted for you or are questioning you. If you are a townie, you must realize they are townies too trying to determine your alignment to see if they can trust you, or they are scum trying to see if they can cast suspicion on you. Either way, its a part of the game, so don't take it to heart. You will rarely get through a game without being voted for, or asked questions.
Use Your Votes to do More than Just Lynch
Your vote is a powerful tool. It can help lynch scummy players, but it also can help pressure players into talking, or scum into making mistakes. If you think about it, which scenario may elicit a response to you? Asking a question, or asking a question coupled with a vote on that player? Applying pressure by voting AND asking the right questions can really get your target talking, and can help you determine their alignment. The key here is not to just vote, but to vote and ask questions.
Some Tips for Townies
Trust No One, Think For Yourself
This is Rule #1 for the Town. Every player has the same chance of being Mafia, including someone who may be your best buddy. Obviously this is a game and not a cause to abandon friendships, but WITHIN the game you shouldn't trust anyone but yourself. You need to consider what others say and work together to find the Mafia, but at the same time any theories, votes, or other actions need to ultimately be based on YOUR conclusions and decisions, not those of another player. That is how Mafia manipulate the Town into killing innocents. At the same time, people will try to rally others to vote for their suspects, so it's not an absolute scum-tell. Ironically, the Mafia are generally the only players that can actually trust each other as they know the identity of their allies with certainty.
You Can't Ever Be Sure, Be Decisive
No matter how much evidence you gather and no matter how obvious it is that someone is guilty, they can still turn out innocent for one reason or another; no matter how clean someone appears, they could just be a diabolically clever Mafioso. Never make the mistake of thinking you know with certainty, because you never will. You can be reasonably certain, but not absolutely, so you have to be decisive and realize mistakes will be made. Waiting around to find damning evidence is usually a bad idea, and something the Mafia will try to make happen to keep the Town stagnant and confused.
Weigh Evidence, Watch For Inconsistencies, and Trust Your Gut
One little suspicious thing is generally not enough to be realistically suspicious of someone. Unless the single thing is big, you should generally try to figure out several things that look bad when put together. Since anyone could be either Townie or Mafia, and the clues and debates in finding Mafia can become so circular, your best friend can be inconsistencies and finding something wrong with the picture. A player's current behavior changing from their previous behavior, the effects that all their posts and suspicions have had, and even the Nightkills that happen around them, can all lead to a strange picture that will lead you to real Mafia better than little suspicious things on their own can ever. Finally, I highly recommend at least partially following your instincts. Do not act purely on them, because then your suspicions lack any basis and you will likely be lynched yourself. But when you get a bad feeling, you shouldn't ignore it and should keep an eye on things that don't feel right until you either have your concerns alleviated or you find enough evidence.
Never Forget or Get Distracted
No matter what happens, don't get distracted and forget something suspicious or odd. Even the small little things, while not suspicious enough to clearly show who is scum, can add up later in the game. And distraction is a key Mafia tactic, used to either make the Town directionless and stagnant, or to aim their attention and suspicions at an intentionally orchestrated person or group.
Mafia Voting
Mafia can do a number of things during the actual Day period when it comes to voting. They may try to start the vote against an innocent, or they may jump on at the end in agreement so it doesn't look like they are pushing the issue. They will not be limited to just one or the other, though, and may be smart enough to not make it obvious. Additionally, Mafia WILL VOTE FOR OTHER MAFIA. Smart Mafia won't be afraid to vote for their fellows in an effort to make themselves look clean, and this can allow even a doomed Mafioso to clear his allies of any suspicion. Be aware of how Mafia vote, and don't think that certain ways of voting clear a person of suspicion.
Aggressive and Passive Defenses
Usually if someone is voted for, they will defend themselves. There are many ways that this may go down, but to start you should at least listen to what they say. Don't trust the suspect's defense outright, but you should at least weigh the logic of what they're saying and make comparisons of your own about it. Two kinds of extreme defenses sometimes occur. Aggressive defenses generally involve harsh and fierce defenses, clearly from someone who doesn't want to die. You may claim those who defend themselves aggressively must be Mafia, but any player will generally want to live, so that's not true. Additionally, some players will barely defend themselves or won't defend themselves at all. This is pretty much the same thing. Both can be scum behavior, and both can be Townie behavior. Weigh the facts to their general attitude and the big picture and decide.
Playstyle Changes
While saying "this is just how I play" is not a valid defense if you are acting scummy, there are plenty of ways to play that may seem harsh or mellow but are not scummy. Think carefully about the Mafia benefits of any playstyle. Another interesting note is playstyle changes. This is yet another thing where there is no black and white distinction, and you're going to have to judge it case by case. Sometimes players change their playstyle as they learn how scummy it is (which can indicate either a Mafia trying to seem innocent or a Townie trying not to appear guilty), and possibly even in the middle of a game. Playstyle shifting between games can differ a lot in reasons. For example, it could be a player simply learning and changing their game appropriately. It could be the player acting differently with different roles. Bad Mafia often act uniquely when they are Mafia than when they are Townie, but good Mafia play exactly as a Townie would. This can go both ways, so be careful, but be aware of all this.
Be Stubborn But Not Stupid
Flip-flopping is a common term for those who can not follow through with their votes or suspicions. They could be unable to back it up, confront the other players, or never were very sure to begin with. Play smart, and try to make accusations when you have a basis, and when you do, don't back down and defend your theories. You must also recognize when those who debate your theories are right, and when you DO need to back off.
Don't Revenge-Vote
Someone casting suspicion on you is not a reason to suspect them. Yes, you might be innocent, but remember that they don't know that, and they can't trust you. If you think there is something legitimately suspicious about their attitude and behavior, then by all means explain so and vote for them, but realize that their suspicions against you may be legitimate and don't consider that alone a reason to vote for them.
Pay Attention to Player Experience and Intelligence
Try to figure out either in the middle of the game or beforehand which players are generally the most experienced and/or intelligent players (the two may not always come together). Certain actions can appear very different when a newbie does them than when an intelligent player does. For example, rookie Mafia mistakes (obvious scumtells) might be something you can forgive on a player who is obviously too smart to make such a mistake if they were guilty. There are other things to consider about this, just remember there are no absolutes and never forget anything you find strange.
Sometimes players come along who are problematic. They might be incredibly distracting, devoid of any contributions to the game, or just generally cause trouble. These players are almost always newbies. One important thing to realize about members who can't play normally is that they can turn out to be anything. They tend to be Townies, as newbie Mafia usually end up being incredibly cautious due to the role's secretive nature, but with these kinds of players it's incredibly difficult or even impossible to discern their role as bad Townies and bad Mafia can act just about the same. It's debatable if the solution is to lynch them regardless, but at the very least their nature cannot be ignored.
Be Aware of Townie Special Roles
Among the Special Roles assigned to players aside from just being Mafia or Townie are special Townie Roles. These differ from game to game in many cases, but you have to be aware there are roles beneficial to the Town that play similarly to the Mafia, such as the Vigilante, which is essentially a Townie with a Mafia-like ability to Nightkill. Another is the Cop, who has the ability to discover a player's role during the Night, and may intend to pass this information on to the rest of the Town discreetly. These Townie Roles are valuable, so you want to avoid killing them. Be careful in trying to discern what may be Mafia behavior and what may be a Townie Role. At the same time, if you announce with certainty who has which role, they are likely to be the Mafia's next targets in the Night.
Read the Tips for Mafia
Below I've written tips for Mafia, and you need to read them. Yes, I've listed things here that Mafia may do and how to make deductions and avoid confusion, but the Mafia will know all these tips as well and what to do to appear clean. You also need to be aware of advice given to Mafia players that they will be using to play better as well, and know the way a Mafioso operates. Furthermore, you need to realize that the Mafia have been told to read the advice given to YOU as well; good Mafia will take all factors of the game into consideration when they decide how to act, and you need to do the same when trying to figure out who is Mafia.
Some Tips for Mafia
Act Like A Townie, Play Like You Usually Do
This is the #1 Rule for the Mafia. No matter what, regardless of your true allegiance, to the rest of the players you need to appear like a Townie. Make this your top priority; it's the single most crucial thing. You also need to make sure you play as you always do. Don't adjust your playstyle any more than is normal for you. The best Mafia can not be differentiated from Townie, and they play exactly the same on the outside in every game.
Be Consistent
This is Mafia Rule #2. Make sure that everything you do is consistent. You should go through the game without changing your attitude more than necessary (to avoid suspicion on you or if you're a newbie and learn from early mistakes), and try to stay consistent with your attitude in previous games (again, with the exception of being a new player learning from his/her mistakes or if changing your game slightly is normal for you). Remember that little suspicious actions are not nearly as telling of the fact that you are Mafia as inconsistencies and the big picture.
The rule about only discussing WITHIN the game thread does not apply to the Mafia, who are allowed to convene in PM, instant messenger, email, or any necessary means. The Mafia should constantly do so. The more the Mafia coordinate their plans the more powerful they are. This allows quicker decisions when voting for Nightkills, makes it easier to take advantage of Mafia deaths when they do occur, among other things.
Don't Know Each Other
While the Mafia should coordinate, they should do so only in secret. The Mafia should rarely (although it would be necessary at times for sure and shouldn't be avoided when it would be forced) associate with each other openly in the game. Don't vote for the same things, don't agree on the same things. Keep this in mind, but don't be unreasonable when keeping separate.
Eliminate Special Roles
The Townie Roles are built to help the town, and you definitely want to eliminate them. As noted in the Townie Tips, some of these special roles can actually make the person look suspicious. If someone seems like they might be Mafia but you know they are not part of your Mafia, they should be considered a target in most cases, but it's always better if you can get the Town to take them out, since they may seem like Mafia anyway.
There are many strategies on who to kill during the Night period. You can simply pick people at random, and while this can be a good idea sometimes, there are better ways. In fact, who you Nightkill, if chosen carefully, can greatly benefit the Mafia and be your greatest asset. This is one thing the Mafia can do that is entirely behind the scenes. The Town can not see it at all. One method is to kill the smart players, but there are many drawbacks to this. One, it derails the game in general as they often lead the newbie players. This can make the game less fun, although it can still make for an easy Mafia victory at times. It does however pose a serious problem if the Mafia team is composed of even one smart player, because if smart players are being targeted, then why were they left alive? This tactic is best pursued by a Mafia composed mostly of or entirely of newer players, although it can easily make this fact very apparent so either way it can spell out the archetype of player that composes the Mafia. There's also the fact that intelligent players are often more dynamic and directly involved in the game, meaning they're more like to have suspicion cast on them (or easier for the MAFIA to cast suspicion on them) and them getting lynched by the Town. One excellent method of Nightkilling is to kill people the Town won't kill, ensuring a speedy decline of the Town's numbers. You can use Nightkills to frame people, by killing people they suspected, making them look like Mafia themselves. This is a pretty newbie mistake, however, so it's not a good idea to frame smart players in this way. There are countless ways to use Nightkilling; be creative. Just never Nightkill people that you, the Mafia, have cast heavy suspicion on.
Distraction and Confusion
Something to keep in mind while posting, voting, and Nightkilling is that the more confused and distracted the Town is, the better for you. Keep in mind Mafia Rule #1, though, and make sure it's not apparent to anyone observing you that you are doing so. There are subtle ways you can spread confusion, such as by inserting very subtle lines into your posts that almost subliminally incite paranoia or by carefully and in a manner like a suspicious Townie, provoke someone into getting upset, playing aggressively, or just generally making them crack. There are other ways too, again, use your imagination. Nightkilling is great for this, especially when you Nightkill a significant suspect and reveal them to be a Townie. You can even take advantage of newbie players or problematic ones and use them to distract the Town and easily get them to lynch Townies. The less the Town has to go on, the more confused, distracted, and stagnant they are, the better for the Mafia.
Don't Be Stepford, Avoid Peacekeeping
The Stepford Wives is a story with a lot of other elements, but what the term references here is something that is TOO NICE, with something sinister underneath. Don't act perfect and angelic, unless that would be in-character for you (stay consistent). Act real, act like a normal Townie, and don't let on that you know who is innocent and who isn't by always avoiding voting for an actual Townie. Additionally, avoid peacekeeping, because in general it can be pegged as an easy method of keeping Townie discussion stagnant. Try to do so in a subtle way if you need to do it, not openly.
Don't Be Afraid To Lie
Mafia is a game of deception, and that mostly comes from the Mafia. Don't be afraid to lie, but only do so when you need to, and do so convincingly. Half-truths are excellent ways at telling convincing lies.
Don't Let Anything Slip
Oddly enough, a common mistake by newbie Mafia is to let things slip. Don't indicate that you know with too much certainty who is innocent, and never accidentally let on too much, like the Mafia-based reasoning behind your suspicions, accusations and votes. Be careful.
Read Tips for Townies
These are tips for what you should do to keep your role secret and to sow disorder amongst the Town, but you should read the tips given to Townies, too. This will better help you understand how the Townies will be trying to track you down, as well as how to actually act like one (which, once again, is crucial). Also do not forget that Townies will be reading these tips for Mafia and will bear them in mind as well.