- Joined
- Jan 18, 2012
Hello there, I'm a let's player and I'm planning on doing an LP of Skyward Sword in the near future. Since the Legend of Zelda is such a special series to me, I wanted to make my first Zelda LP special somehow. I was hoping that someone would do art I could put in for the bosses and maybe special ones for special events in the game. I would like to be able to offer a little money for this, but I have $12.41 to my name :/. If you do decide to draw for me, you would obviously get credit in the videos, and I'll include a link to my channel. If you take a look at my avatar you'll see why I can't really draw it myself haha. Anyway if you are interested please send me a message here, on my youtube channel, or reply to this thread. Thanks in advance for your time.
Let's Play Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Leonomonn?feature=mhee
List of drawings I would like to get if it would not be too much trouble:
Link receiving sailcloth from Zelda WikiEezEpic/Pocket Asian
Link flying on his loftwing ENA-Three
Link playing the Song of Hero on Levias with the three dragons flying around Beeker
Link getting Goddess Sword Mandym287
Zelda Falling to World Below Random Person
Link getting true Master Sword WikiEezEpic
Dropping into Eldin Volcano Random Person
Dropping into Lanayru Desert WikiEezEpic
Dropping into Faron Woods Random Person
Opening the Time Gate Illusore
Impa Breaking the Time Gate WikiEezEpic
Getting the Hylian Shield WikiEezEpic
Reuniting with Zelda at the Sealed Grounds
Master Sword being struck by lightning fighting Demise WikiEezEpic
Updating to the Goddess Longsword
Updating to the Goddess White Sword
Updating to (Not true) Master Sword Skullkid96
Bosses (Sub-bosses less necessary):
Stalfos WikiEezEpic
Ghirahim (1st encounter) WikiEezEpic
Scaldera BigGerudoNose
Moldarach WikiEezEpic
The Imprisoned deniro
Koloktos WikiEezEpic
Tentalus Beeker
Ghirahim (2nd encounter) Beeker
The Imprisoned (one with arms)BigGerudoNose
Bilocyte Mandym287
The Imprisoned (with the dark ring for flying) *This one is probably the least necessary of the drawings, but if someone wants to draw I'll definitely take it.
Ghirahim (3rd encounter) pianolover8593
If you have any other suggestions of special moments in the game just let me know I'll probably agree haha
Let's Play Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Leonomonn?feature=mhee
List of drawings I would like to get if it would not be too much trouble:
Link receiving sailcloth from Zelda WikiEezEpic/Pocket Asian
Link flying on his loftwing ENA-Three
Link playing the Song of Hero on Levias with the three dragons flying around Beeker
Link getting Goddess Sword Mandym287
Zelda Falling to World Below Random Person
Link getting true Master Sword WikiEezEpic
Dropping into Eldin Volcano Random Person
Dropping into Lanayru Desert WikiEezEpic
Dropping into Faron Woods Random Person
Opening the Time Gate Illusore
Impa Breaking the Time Gate WikiEezEpic
Getting the Hylian Shield WikiEezEpic
Reuniting with Zelda at the Sealed Grounds
Master Sword being struck by lightning fighting Demise WikiEezEpic
Updating to the Goddess Longsword
Updating to the Goddess White Sword
Updating to (Not true) Master Sword Skullkid96
Bosses (Sub-bosses less necessary):
Stalfos WikiEezEpic
Ghirahim (1st encounter) WikiEezEpic
Scaldera BigGerudoNose
Moldarach WikiEezEpic
The Imprisoned deniro
Koloktos WikiEezEpic
Tentalus Beeker
Ghirahim (2nd encounter) Beeker
The Imprisoned (one with arms)BigGerudoNose
Bilocyte Mandym287
The Imprisoned (with the dark ring for flying) *This one is probably the least necessary of the drawings, but if someone wants to draw I'll definitely take it.
Ghirahim (3rd encounter) pianolover8593
If you have any other suggestions of special moments in the game just let me know I'll probably agree haha
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