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Spoiler Link & The Imprisoned



Everyone always hates on The Imprisoned because of his weird shape and repetitiveness in the game. But I think that people are missing the true point of The Imprisoned.

In Skyward Sword, Link is faced with the quest of rescuing Zelda from Ghirahim. It is on this quest that Link meets one of my favorite enemies of the series, The Imprisoned, who is a giant whale monster with legs, and eventually arms and a halo thing on its back. Link faces of against this monster not just once but 3 times. It is during these 3 "trials" that I think Link becomes able to wield the Triforce of Courage. So while people hate on The Imprisoned, he is probably one of the most significant figures in The Legend of Zelda series.

Azure Sage

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I don't hate the Imprisoned. I actually really like it. But, that's beside the point.

The Imprisoned fights are not trials. You could interpret the meaning of the fights that way, but then that makes the purpose of the Silent Realms and Sky Keep completely meaningless. The Silent Realms were trials for Link to prove his worth, and Sky Keep was a trial to get the Triforce. The Imprisoned fights were just that the stubborn thing kept trying to escape. That's all.

You could also say that the Imprisoned fights were meant to allude to the final boss of the game, and create a sense of enigma for the player in regards to wondering just what the Imprisoned is. But, I don't think you can take it any farther than that.
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But couldn't all of those things be trials too? Yes the silent realm is identified in game as a trial but its pretty naive to think that the greatest power of the land can be obtained after 4 trials


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
Everyone always hates on The Imprisoned because of his weird shape and repetitiveness in the game. But I think that people are missing the true point of The Imprisoned.

In Skyward Sword, Link is faced with the quest of rescuing Zelda from Ghirahim. It is on this quest that Link meets one of my favorite enemies of the series, The Imprisoned, who is a giant whale monster with legs, and eventually arms and a halo thing on its back. Link faces of against this monster not just once but 3 times. It is during these 3 "trials" that I think Link becomes able to wield the Triforce of Courage. So while people hate on The Imprisoned, he is probably one of the most significant figures in The Legend of Zelda series.

Well of course the Imprisoned is significant, he's freaking Demise. Just because someone dislikes the Imprisoned, doesn't mean they don't think he's vital to the series.

Azure Sage

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But couldn't all of those things be trials too? Yes the silent realm is identified in game as a trial but its pretty naive to think that the greatest power of the land can be obtained after 4 trials

It's also pretty naive to think that the greatest power in the land can be obtained after three. Link fights the Imprisoned three times, after all. Besides, whether it's naive or not is irrelevant, because Link did obtain it after-- actually five, because there are four Silent Realms-- trials.

Technically, you could argue that everything Link did in the game earned him the right to the Triforce. So really, there's no point in arguing this if everything can be thought of like that.

But still, I rest my case; the Imprisoned fights didn't have anything to do with the Triforce. They were simply that the thing wanted to get out and devor Zelda. Stopping the thing could prove Link's worth, but it's not like it was necessary for him to obtain the Triforce.

Besides, think about it. The Imprisoned is Demise, the ultimate evil in the world. I doubt the Goddess would risk allowing it to escape simply for the purpose of putting the Hero through a trial. And like I said earlier, that was what the Silent Realms (and technically Sky Keep) were for.


It's also pretty naive to think that the greatest power in the land can be obtained after three. Link fights the Imprisoned three times, after all. Besides, whether it's naive or not is irrelevant, because Link did obtain it after-- actually five, because there are four Silent Realms-- trials.

Technically, you could argue that everything Link did in the game earned him the right to the Triforce. So really, there's no point in arguing this if everything can be thought of like that.

But still, I rest my case; the Imprisoned fights didn't have anything to do with the Triforce. They were simply that the thing wanted to get out and devor Zelda. Stopping the thing could prove Link's worth, but it's not like it was necessary for him to obtain the Triforce.

Besides, think about it. The Imprisoned is Demise, the ultimate evil in the world. I doubt the Goddess would risk allowing it to escape simply for the purpose of putting the Hero through a trial. And like I said earlier, that was what the Silent Realms (and technically Sky Keep) were for.

I never said that it was just the 3 times you fight the imprisoned that earned him that. I completely agree with you that it all comes together to obtain the triforce, im just saying alot of people miss the point of him in general


Working on a webcomic. :D
Oct 18, 2007
To me, I think the Imprisoned fights were merely there to show you that the seal was quickly weakening. It gave you a sense of urgency and feel like you have to quickly find a way to seal the beast again or worry it will break free again.

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