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Lets All Dust Off This Game!


one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
Hey people who just so happen to be zelda fans ;), I have a big question. what is the game in zelda that people need to give some well-deserved attention to. now, I haven't played Fsa,or the oracle games, but let's hear what all of you guys think:nod::) Thoughts please and thank you :)


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Definitely Adventure of Link, but really it should never have to be dusted off, because it should be constantly within the rotation of games you're currently playing! ;) But seriously, it's a great title. To anyone who thinks modern Zelda is too easy, I say give it a shot. It's not one that you can jsut power through though, it's much easier to actually grind and power up Link's abilities before tackling certain temples. For those who still find it difficult, it's much easier to play on the Wii's Virtual Console because of the save states. You don't lose XP when you turn off the game this way, or progress on the overworld map. It's a bit of a cheat but it helps out newer players, or older players like me who have played it enough just to enjoy it at this point. Really though, for $5 on the VC, there's no excuse not to give it a try.


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
Majora's Mask is the first thing that came into my mind. "Oh, but it's not Ocarina of Time" Well, it's bigger (well, not really but you get my point), it's better, and it's just plain awesomer. Majora's Mask is such an amazing game, and an even better Zelda game. It hasn't been getting the same credit as Ocarina of Time, due to the fact that it lacked originality, and innovative ideas. But, I thought the mask system was a VERY unique idea and I'd wish to see it again. It's quite the underrated game outside these forums, but the praise it does receive are understatements. This game was pretty challenging due to the 3-day system, which including me, frustrated many people. But, it's a small detail to overlook. The music, the overall gameplay mechanics are still up to the Zelda standards. So, don't delay and start polishing off the dust from this game!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Twilight Princess, because I feel it's the most grossly underappreciated console title. In my view its station is up there with the two greats, Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time. It held the amazing and innovative standards that both games did, along with a little more from its touching cinematic instances. Those cutscenes made up some of the best moments of the game. We saw Colin, who some would suppose to be weak, fearlessly sacrifice himself for Beth, who used to pick on him, proving himself worthy of being like Link. And Midna manipulating Link's concern for his friends, but merely so that she could rightfully take back her throne; also her arrogance can be justified by the bitterness of being outcasted from the Twilight Realm. Only the surface can be hated, until you look beyond it and see the true elements that made this a tremendous title.
Sep 4, 2011
Twilight Princess and Majoras Mask, I dont know how WW was voted more than it in that one poll. And people who dont play MM correctly stink! Because they ARE gonna say they dont like it that much and not take your word for it. I dont like OoT so much as everybody else because I played other games first, and the game constantly changed the sets of characters like PH, and Ganon didn't seem so greatly evil, and fourth, zeldas a dude.
Sep 25, 2011
Majora's Mask is the first thing that came into my mind. "Oh, but it's not Ocarina of Time" Well, it's bigger (well, not really but you get my point), it's better, and it's just plain awesomer. Majora's Mask is such an amazing game, and an even better Zelda game. It hasn't been getting the same credit as Ocarina of Time, due to the fact that it lacked originality, and innovative ideas. But, I thought the mask system was a VERY unique idea and I'd wish to see it again. It's quite the underrated game outside these forums, but the praise it does receive are understatements. This game was pretty challenging due to the 3-day system, which including me, frustrated many people. But, it's a small detail to overlook. The music, the overall gameplay mechanics are still up to the Zelda standards. So, don't delay and start polishing off the dust from this game!

Dude... lol you just said it wasn't original and then went on to say why and how it WAS original. :P But really. Majora's Mask was a highly original game in the Zelda universe. It took the concept of the masks, something remedial in OoT, and turned them into something that HAD to be used and could even turn the tides of gameplay depending on which ones you did/didn't have and how you used them. You were a Goron, A deku, and a Zora! The 3 day system where everyone was doing something somewhere different during those three days and some even doing something different every hour was highly unique! It was highly original. I'm not saying anything against you, I just found it kinda funny that you said it wasn't then said it was :P


Everbody should check out the oracle games, why? Because I always thought the connectivity between the two was always an interesting feature and I think everybody should experiance it for themselves.


The Juror of Courage
Oct 25, 2009
Wherever the winds take me.
Four Swords and Majora's Mask for me. I haven't played them as often as the others. Surprisingly, I play Adventure of Link often. But A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening remain my top played in the series.

speaking of the oracle games, I have always wanted to try those games but i dont have a gbc :( boo hoo
Do you have a Gameboy Advance or GBA SP? You can play it on them, too.


Everyone here should play final fantasy vii that game is awesome! lol That wasn't a zelda game maybe I should have read things first, well I am thinking of playing a link to the past right now, it was so epic!
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one of many
Sep 27, 2011
Talking to the other zellinkdas
Four Swords and Majora's Mask for me. I haven't played them as often as the others. Surprisingly, I play Adventure of Link often. But A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening remain my top played in the series.

Do you have a Gameboy Advance or GBA SP? You can play it on them, too.
nooooooooo I dont I only have wii 3ds and a ds lite

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