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Legends: Arceus Discussion

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
So there was a minor update today and we got a small handful of new quests and a new type of mass outbreak, but not much else. Pretty tame, nothing exciting. Hopefully there will be more robust updates down the road, but with Scarlet and Violet revealed, the development must be split hard, so we may not be getting much more than this.

Also with this update, they patched out the ability to reset outbreaks for shiny hunting, which is really odd. Gamefreak makes the best shiny hunting game and then nerfs the shiny hunting. Classic gamefreak.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
Also with this update, they patched out the ability to reset outbreaks for shiny hunting, which is really odd. Gamefreak makes the best shiny hunting game and then nerfs the shiny hunting. Classic gamefreak.
I’m actually ok with this. It’s way too easy to get shinnies in PLA, I think this balances it out better. Honestly I wouldn’t even complain if they patched the shiny odds back to what they were prior to gen VI.

Also, the trailer made it look like we were getting new boss fights. I’m not sure what that was about, but I’m hoping it’s true.

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