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Legends: Arceus Discussion

Azure Sage

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We've finally got a solid look at the game. I have to say, I'm a lot more impressed than I was in the reveal. From the first trailer, I was cautiously optimistic, feeling that this game could finally be the right direction that Pokemon has been needing for a while, though it clearly needed some more time in the oven. I think this new trailer and footage have shown that it's buckled down and gotten things together.

The first thing that I noticed was the Pokemon were no longer moving at 5 frames per second like that Chingling in the reveal. I'm not one to notice FPS, but I sure noticed that last time. This time, I couldn't spot any issues with how it ran. It also looked like it had been visually improved, though the character models still look kinda fuzzy. But, still an improvement from before. I think it's steadily getting there. Hopefully it continues to do so.

One of my biggest fears for the game was the battle system. There were some leaks that suggested it could have changed from turn-based to active time battle, which I loathe with a fiery passion even more than I dislike turn-based gameplay. Fortunately, it seems that leak wasn't totally accurate, or at least, this isn't the kind of ATB I've experienced before. It's still turn-based, just now the speed stat is more important and affects how often you move. I can accept that.

The open world and its mechanics are very interesting (BotW comparison jokes aside). Nice to see Ride Pokemon returning as a way of exploring, of course, but having to avoid Pokemon attacks that can hurt you, the player, is a pretty neat way to make the world feel more alive than it's ever been in past games. I really like what they're doing with the world interactions. It looks very promising. It also seems like there's a lot to do out there with the Pokemon, like lots of goals and missions to meet.

Overall, this game is looking more promising and brimming with potential. I'm starting to feel like I've got to give it a chance. Pokemon was possibly the oldest thing I've been a fan of as a kid, but recent games have turned me pretty sour on the series as a whole. I really hope this is the game to make me a fan again.

How about you all? What do you think about what we saw today?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
hoping to keep a balance of mainline games and these experimental titles, recent changes to the mainline games have made me generally more favorable towards them and they may incorporate features from successful spinoffs

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I am optimistic for this game. I think Pokémon needs a refresh after 25 years of the same formula, and Pokémon Legends Arceus seems to deliver while still remaining relatively faithful to the franchise. The overworld is basically a giant wild area, and I think that ride Pokémon will definitely make traveling the world pretty swift. Battle system looks okay. Same old, same old, but with some twists based on stats. My only major concern remaining is that the frame rate and models are not the best, but it's at least a step up from Sword and Shield.

Azure Sage

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Some scattered thoughts after I've watched the presentation a couple times now:

- nice to see whichever gender option you don't pick still there as a companion/rival. I missed that.
- we can see a building with a symbol depicting scissors in the footage of the town. hair stylist maybe?
- eshop confirms clothing options through the announcement of a "hisuian growlithe kimono set" preorder bonus.
- eshop also confirms online play, and that you'll need to progress approximately two hours into the game before online features are unlocked

The main online play I'm concerned about is trading because I really want to have both cyndaquil and rowlet as soon as possible, so I'd be trying to trade for whichever one I don't pick in the beginning asap.

I could actually make a decent team with some of my all time favorite pokemon here. cyndaquil + rowlet + buizel + turtwig are all confirmed, we haven't seen eevee or leafeon yet but theres no reason to think they won't be in it. if furret is in the game, that's a whole team right there.

The more time this new info sinks in, the more I want the game. It's been a while since I've felt this way about pokemon.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Some scattered thoughts after I've watched the presentation a couple times now:

- nice to see whichever gender option you don't pick still there as a companion/rival. I missed that.
- we can see a building with a symbol depicting scissors in the footage of the town. hair stylist maybe?
- eshop confirms clothing options through the announcement of a "hisuian growlithe kimono set" preorder bonus.
- eshop also confirms online play, and that you'll need to progress approximately two hours into the game before online features are unlocked

The main online play I'm concerned about is trading because I really want to have both cyndaquil and rowlet as soon as possible, so I'd be trying to trade for whichever one I don't pick in the beginning asap.

I could actually make a decent team with some of my all time favorite pokemon here. cyndaquil + rowlet + buizel + turtwig are all confirmed, we haven't seen eevee or leafeon yet but theres no reason to think they won't be in it. if furret is in the game, that's a whole team right there.

The more time this new info sinks in, the more I want the game. It's been a while since I've felt this way about pokemon.
thanks to home compatibility you'll likely be able to start a second profile, drop the starter in home, then put it in your main profile
that way you can use the same OT name

Azure Sage

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thanks to home compatibility you'll likely be able to start a second profile, drop the starter in home, then put it in your main profile
that way you can use the same OT name
I don't really care about OT names, and I don't really want to get Home for a single pokemon. I'm sure I can find a willing friend to breed me one.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Posting Joe Merrick's tweets here because there's more tidbits that being shown when looking at the game deeper.
English/Korean trailer differences
Wurmple difference
Wurmple in Legends Arceus:

Wurmple in every game prior:

Could mean that Wurmple or at least the Beautifly and Dustox lines could get some Hisui forms.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
It still... doesn't look that great, tbh. At least they've seemingly hammered out the performance issues. Looks aren't everything, though. I've all but given up on Pokemon so if this one turns out to be a good, open, well-rated RPG I may give it a try. I don't have my hopes up, but I hope I'm impressed.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
wow, I have to say visually it's once again a step up. They're really making great progress on this game and (maybe?) listening to fan feedback. Wonder if the company has taken a new direction for mission statement or if they're just making sure this new foray into another type of game goes well


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I really wanna know what the story pacing is gonna be like here. I hope that these warden/noble battles aren’t just Legends’ version of gym leaders, because I feel like that would severely limit this game being the “leap forward” for the series that it sorely needs.

Also, is kleavor a new evolution of Scyther/Scizor? It kinda looks like that to me, though that would mean that the line would go from flying to steel to rock for some reason.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
the wardens seemed to me like key characters in the vein of the Gen 6 or Gen 8 rivals. While I can't exactly say I'd be thrilled about Yet Another Character Driven story, it does seem to be how they prefer writing stories as of late. As long as the story beats are there I'm cool with it

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