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OoT-3DS Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS Add-on DLC?

Feb 15, 2011
In Hyrule Field
Hey Zelda Dungeon, link7 here. I keep thinking about this idea in my head about having OOT DLC for the 3DS. Do you think it would help or hurt the series? Some ideas that I thought of was DLC mini games such as an arena-style battle with enemies, A poe hunting mini game, A Cuccos fetching game, maybe have a mini game where you collect ruppees within a certain time limit. Other ideas could include buying items through Micro transactions like those found in Guild War 2 (Which I've never even played). I'm curious to here some ideas from other users. Also, before anyone bashes me, I actually hate DLC, but having it for a game like OOT, it could help the game. If someone doesn't want to buy it, they don't have to, I'm trying to find cool new ideas for a game that is already amazing.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
There is no legit reason to hate DLC. Therefore, anyone who does, loses credibility in my book, the book of truth.

Anyway, those things have been done before in Zelda games, and I really see no point in it being DLC for a two year old game that has no other reason to be touched. The game already did its job, it's over.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
An extra dungeon - or the cut URA ZELDA content - would be pimpin' if you ask me. I welcome OoT3D DLC, but others will bash it for no good reason. Q_Q


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
It's a cool game, but its unlikely to get DLC. Its a two year old game. Nintedno has moved on to other projects. And it would be weird to add DLC to a remake of a game that had none. I actually like the idea of seeing more of OoT's glory, but I don't expect any.
Jun 14, 2011
I think this is more applicable in A Link Between Worlds than Ocarina of Time 3D, but then again the stuff you mentioned would most likely be in the game anyway so the whole idea would become redundant.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
I'd be up for it. Making the experience even more refreshing with new content would be fantastic in my book. New dungeons and areas to explore has been something I've always pondered with Ocarina of Time, so seeing this come to life would be a dream come to.

As others expressed, however, it's unlikely that this will happen, considering that the remake is already two years old, and that Nintendo could apply this idea to A Link Between Worlds.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
There is no legit reason to hate DLC. Therefore, anyone who does, loses credibility in my book, the book of truth.

Anyway, those things have been done before in Zelda games, and I really see no point in it being DLC for a two year old game that has no other reason to be touched. The game already did its job, it's over.

^It's too late to add DLC for OoT 3D. Interest in the game has long waned.

OoT 3D's purpose was to deliver a portable Ocarina of Time experience, which it accomplished. Also, I believe shallow mini-games would detract from the experience.

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