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Spoiler Least Favourite Race?


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
What is your least favourite race in the Zelda universe, and why?

I absolutely hate the Oocca from Twilight Princess. Their design is terrible; chickens with human heads? Human heads with wings for ears for the young Oocca? And this race created the Hylians, so I expected them to be way cooler. Man, was I disappointed! :(


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
I agree entirely. The don't look the most pleasant, do they? I hate judging a race completely based on how they look, but I'm going to do it anyway. The Oocca looked absolutely horrible. Are they completely losing their creativity or something? The Oocca played a good part and all but they just looked... ugh.


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
I actually liked the Oocca. There are not really any races that I don't particularily like, but if I have to choose, I'd say the gorons. I wasn't a fan of their look and I thought they were very plain and colorless. Maybe it's because I've never been a fan of fire temples and gorons are usually associated with fire.


Milk was a bad idea.
Jul 21, 2010
My Casa!
I hated Gorons. HATED them. I thought the ooccos were kinda cool. Then again, I didn't really care about the race.. I just liked the music associated with finding Ooccoo in dungeons. It's one of my favorites. (:


Randomus Pervertus
May 13, 2010
Hmmmmm, I don't particularly 'hate' any of the races, but the Deku are my least favourite, They are just so goofy looking, and most of them have no arms o_O
Jun 24, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I was really disappointed with the Oocca as well.... I haven't saved up the money for TP yet but I've heard all about them and how they're supposedly a sacred race closest to the goddesses that created the Hylians. Then I look at them and I'm just like... HOW can that be right? They're like these freakish distorted bird-human hybrid things. That just doesn't work for me. I've heard theories where they're not really the sacred race, but somehow they got confused with another race (I forgot which, or how for that matter). I really hope this is true. I would think the sacred race of Hyrule at least looked pleasing to the eye...
Anyway, that's my rant on Oocca. The Gorons have always been my favorite because I love Fire and such, but MM really killed that for me. The Goron you play as in really hard to control (at least, when you're rolling it is), and the Temple was a huge let down, seeing as it was an ICE Temple! Not a single fire themed temple in the whole game! *UGH*
a sacred race closest to the goddesses that created the Hylians.
Fist, I would like to point out something about christianity. People rarly realise how important owls and chickens are to christianity. Second, them creating the hylians was a mistranslation. The Japanease one says they were a sacred race that created Hyrule, not the Hylians.


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
There is no race I hate or dislike, but I have to say I like the hylians but they are a quite stupid, everytime link saves hyrule they just think ganon will never return and if link will help them out. After so many times they losed from ganon they still don't think its necessary to prepare themselfs for a (possible) next disaster. Without that its a nice race :)

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