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Least Favourite Character From Each Game You Might or Might Not Own


*Insert title here*
Feb 9, 2011
Midwestern US
LoZ: Even though there are only a few, I find all of them annoying. They're necessary for certain items, but their dialogue is not helpful at all.
AoL: Never got very far in this game, but most of the NPCs I encountered were completely useless.
aLttP: The villagers who called for soldiers whenever they saw you. I just want to walk around Kakariko! Can't you leave me alone?
LA: Never played this one.
OoT: Kaepora Gaebora. Just...Kaepora Gaebora. Such a useless character (except for the one time he helps you down Death Mountain). And most of his scenes are required and they tell you nothing! Stupid owl...:dry:
MM: The only thing I've played of this was the demo at Best Buy when it first came out.
OoA: Maple. She shows up out of no where and then tries to steal your stuff. Oh, and that one boss with the four faces. That thing is annoying.
TWW: That fish guy who fills in your sea chart. I like it when the map automatically fills in and I don't have to search for a tiny fish in EACH SQUARE!
MC: There weren't any characters I really disliked here.
TP: Barnes. He looks weird and something about his personality was very grating. About the only thing I did like was the fact that he was the butt of a few jokes.
PH: I never finished this game because I lost interest pretty quickly. Probably Linebeck, from what I can recall from the game.
ST: Those stupid monster trains! I don't know if they count, but I was pretty indifferent to most of the characters. The only things that really annoyed me were those trains.


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
LoZ: Those guys in that one dungeon in the 2nd quest that ripped you off either a certain amount of rupees or a heart container if you wanted to progress
AoL: All the townsfolk who just say "I know nothing" (or similar). They're just there because... they're there?
LttP: The thieves in the Lost Woods/Village of Outcasts... why can't you just kill them?
LA: Not a chracter, but... the Guardian Acorn. Too much stupid text to go through everytime and little use.
OoT: Navi. There, I said it. I think she was the most helpful but also the most annoying character in the game at the same time. Whenever you wanted to do a sidequest and therefore strayed off the straight path to the next dungeon, she'd always be like "Hey! Go to the next dungeon right now, will ya?" *continues sidequest anyways* - 5min later: "Hey! Go to the next dungeon right now, will ya?" and so on. Furthermore she's too much of a Captain Obvious sometimes. Just one example: "You can open a door by pressing A while standing in front of it..." O RLY?!? Who would've thought that?! :silent:
But let's not forget the owl, other than Navi that guy wasn't very helpful at all. Too many senseless interruptions, always saying basically the same and always hiding at places where you just don't want to meet him. He annoys you before you learn the Song of Saria, and again right after it. (On recent playthroughs I usually just save and restart (from Link's house) directly after learning the song, i.e. without going through the lost woods where this guy's appeareance is triggered.) Opposed to most other people who find him annoying, the "Yes/No"/"No/Yes" thing never annoyed me that much: It's always the second choice anyways and if you accidentally choose the wrong answer you can simply skip quickly through the whole text by pressing A (or was it B?) to get to the question again, that's fair enough IMO.
MM: Not too many annoying chracters here that I can think of right now, but I still choose Tingle. He's not that annoying (but still very strange), the only thing that bugs me is that everytime you shoot him down you have to watch the whole cutscene of him falling again and every time you speak to him you have to read through the whole same boring "Kooh-looh-limpah [...] blah blah blah [...] don't steal my magic words [...] blah blah blah" over and over again. One time per game would've been enough, wouldn't it?
WW: The snot kid. Eeeeew. As if that guy weren't disgusting enough, he even stalks you if you get too close to him. I always keep a huge distance to him so that this won't happen. Tingle didn't annoy me that much here, I'm someone who always collects all the rupees that I come across so I never had any problems with paying him. No grinding was necessary.
TP: Most definitely the postman. First of all he's creepy as hell (what's up with that face), then he always stops you and even forces you to transform back if you are in wolf form. The cutscenes of him coming at you, doing his stupid chant, giving you the mail and finally running off are always unnecessarily long. Plus most of the letters are either plain useless or redundant information.

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