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Least Favourite Character From Each Game You Might or Might Not Own

Okay, this topic is for each character you hate from each game. Does not matter if you own it or not. The rules are you do not have to say which you like or say all of the ones you do not like. You have to mention at least one if you post on this topic. And if some twist of faith, can not say Link, Zelda, and especially Navi! Post Script: You can also say your least favorite bosses, but not enemies.

Here are mine.

LoZ Old Man
AoL Old Man
ALttP Moldorm
LA Marin
OoT Mido
MM Tingle
OoX Vasu
TWW Tingle
FS Big Manhandla
FSA Those rude Dekus (Usually I love Dekus)
MC Tingle
TP The Greedy Man in the Star Game
PH Lineback
ST ?

UPDATE: @Defamer who are you to defame a post from almost half a year ago about an opinion? You should be ashamed of yourself for giving in to the human mind's urge to be cruel.
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nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
AoL: Basically anyone who doesn't give you any valuable/relevant information, aka: "HELLO!" or "I KNOW NOTHING."
ALttP: Jerk burglars in the Lost Woods. Guhh.
LA: Haven't come across anyone I dislike yet. Well, maybe the store owner in Mabe Village who overpriced that bow. I feel really bad for stealing it, but it's for the greater good.
OoT: Mido, but he realized in the end that he was a jerk so he's not ALL bad.
MM: Sakon. What a tool. And the lazy sword smith guy in Mountain Village was REALLY strange.
TP: Beth and that other obnoxious kid that wasn't Malo or Colin from Ordon.
ST: ...Well I'd say Zelda since she was annoying as could be in that game, but I guess I'd go with anyone who wanted a ride somewhere and proceeded to criticize my train driving skills.

I have a problem with greedy characters, it seems.


nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
Yeh, Talo reminded me of some of the kids at this summer day camp I used to work at.
And yeah! You'd be generous enough to let him borrow your sword for a while but he never gave it back.
Stupid kid. >D

Ah, Zubora's his name. Yeh, he came across as being a bit shady and annoyingly pompous for a guy who lives in a smithy in the middle of nowhere.
Gabora, on the other hand, was awesome. Even though he scared the crap out of me when I first played MM.


Ordon Village
May 27, 2010
Ordon Village
Least favorites out of the games I've played:

The Legend of Zelda: The money making little dude, because I always lose. Or the guys who say "Pay me and I'll talk." Oh, and the guys who, if you bomb their house by accident, say, "Pay me for the door repair charge." :mad:

The Adventure of Link: The people in the towns who don't help me. "Sorry, I know nothing." Grrr...

A Link to the Past: The guy in the forest in the light world and the little bunny dude from the dark world who try to steal my rupies and items. Jerks.

Ocarina of Time: Mido. Little punk. He's so mean to Link.

Majora's Mask: I'm playing it for the first time, so I don't know yet. Sakon is mean though, trying to steal the old lady's bombs.

Wind Waker: The poor old man on Windfall Island. He's annoying how he runs over to you and talks to you whether you want to or not. Then after his daughter gets saved, he becomes a rich jerk.

Twilight Princess: The smallest of the children. The one who owns the shop, I forgot his name. He was always mean. "If you're done wasting money, stop wasting time" or whatever he said, something like that. He had a little attitude that I didn't appreciate.


I don't suffer from it ..
Jun 17, 2010
LoZ: Money making game guy ... it seems like 9 times out of 10 HE'S the one who's making the money. It wouldn't be that big a deal though if rupees were easier to come by.

AoL: The bridge keeper in Saria. I use Death Mountain to build up my experience levels and every time I go back I have to show him Bagu's note. Is his memory span so short that he can't remember a guy with a sword & shield dressed in green?? Compared to other Hylians in towns, Link sticks out like a sore thumb.

OoT: Ingo. He's just a jerk for what he did with the ranch, then of course using a loop hole to keep his word after you whip him in the race. Sure he lets Link keep Epona as he said, but tries to lock him in so he can't leave ... thankfully she's one athletic horse and can leap over the ranch wall with ease, I love that part :D

MM: Sakon. He's just a loser plain & simple, stealing from kids and old ladies.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
AoL: Any character that turned into a bat after I talked to it.
ALttP: Any tree that talked to me and spat at me.
OoT: Kaepora Gaebora. He annoys me to no end. I cannot stand his constant stalking of me and interrupting.
MM: Tatl. She is bossy and annoying. What happened to Link is part her fault and she keeps getting in his face.
TP: Midna before she aquires Zelda's "wisedom." That brat was worse than Tatl. She was ridiculously selfish. After the transfer of "wisedom" though, her character changed completely.


The Young Drifter
Jun 16, 2010
A LttP: Those stupid theives that run into you and steal your stuff.
OoT: Mido, because he's mean to everyone.
MM: Sakon. He's a jerk.
WW: YES, that guy on Windfall. At first, he won't stop annoying you to save his daughter, and when you do, he turns into a money-loving jerk.
TP: Colin. He's annoying. He's a wimp. And then at the end he thinks he's all cool because he has a sword and shield.
PH: Jolene. I didn't hate her as a person, but she's constantly chasing you and it's annoying.
ST: Chancellor Cole. He's annoying, creepy, and yet, still powerful. Everything you need to get a character that I hate.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
ALttP - Ganon. If you have the Triforce, USE IT.
OoT - Mido was the BIGGEST jerk I've ever known. Good thing I looked at the OoT manga to see some non-canon backstory
MM - Happy Mask Salesman was a freak of nature. He's always smiling, except for the time where he put on his angry face inside the Clock Tower. Creepy little guy.
OoS - I think it is the Maku Tree. Gosh, quit interrupting my questing everytime I beat a dungeon!!
TMC - Vaati. I know he is the main villain and all, but he really had no reason to take Ezlo's hat in the first place.
TP - Midna was an annoying little thing, and she still is even after her change. She is selfish enough to get Link to find the Mirror of Twilight, after she made him spent days and nights getting the Fused Shadows. If she never existed, and we were just saving Zelda, I'd be HAPPY AS A BIRD. I also hate Malo, because he was an annoying little brat. He doesn't appreciate anything that the real heroes do. If I could, I would slice his head off, not beat his head into different directions >_>.


Jun 2, 2010
Windfall Island
LOZ: The "Let's play a money making game." I could not for the life of me figure out how to play or even start the game for that matter.
AoL: Anyone who just says "Hello young fellow" AGH!
OoT: Ruto. What a self-centered, bossy, controlling, sassy b*tch.
MM: Either Dampe or Evan. Dampe is so slow and annoying but I love his face. Evan's too arrogant and self-centered. He won't accept his band-members ideas because he wants all the fame and glory. I also really hated the swordsman teacher because I hate how his hair stays in the same poistion while his head and body move.
WW: Although I played this game a long time ago, I've forgotten most of the characters. My disc was scratched. :(
TP: SKULL KID, OMG. Also, Shad kind of annoys me for whatever reason.
PH: Jolene. D:


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
The Legend of Zelda: (I own the game but I haven't played it yet)
A Link to the Past: (I own the game but I haven't played it yet)
Ocarina of Time: Mido. He's just... Ugh.
Majora's Mask: Sakon. He's freaky and an annoying thief...
Four Swords: (I own the game but I can't play it...)
Four Swords Adventures: (I haven't finished it)
Wind Waker: Molgera! >_< HE'S SO ANNOYING! But that's a boss... For a character, I have to go with Tingle... >_>
Twilight Princess: Fyer, the canon dude...
Phantom Hourglass: ...Not sure... Bellum, I guess?
Spirit Tracks: Skeldritch, hands-down. UGH.


The game is on!
LoZ - Old Woman
AoL - Darknut
ALttP - Sahasrahla
LA - Crazy Tracy
OoT - Keapora Geabora
MM - Keapora Geabora
WW - Zill
TP - Gengle
PH - Gongoron
ST - Bridge Worker

Sasuke Uchiha

The Crimson Alchemist
Jun 14, 2010
LoZ: Person who sells rings for unnatural prices,
WW: Fish
MC: All of the small people
TP: Shaman Lady
PH: Ocean King
ST: All of the Locomos, the Horned Freak and The Train Part Maker.
Jan 1, 2011
Legend of Zelda: Old Lady/ Old Man, do I need to explain why?
Ocarina of Time: Mido, He's just a jealous, annoying kid who need's to grow up. (wait I forgot, he can't!)
Majora's Mask: Old Lazy from bomb shop, what woman travels at night to get stuff? That's just ignorant.
The Minish Cap: No Character's I didn't like
Phantom Hourglass: Eh, I guess Ceila. She was quite annoying.
Spirit Tracks: Bridge Builder, he was just too demanding, like Lineback the III
Twilight Princess: Barnes, he wouldn't let me set his bomb shop on fire. D:

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