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Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
You know how there's that one artist that always draws ilinka? Well there's one like that for midlink too, and aparrently they've outdone themselves over the summer cause there's hella more of their stuff now.
This first one is especially cute, her pose is just adorable. If I would work on drawing Midna I'd want to work towards a style like this one.

mid_AAA AA.jpg
*moto moto starts playing*

this is adorable.

This one's especially cute to me cause my little sister loves link and midna, and one day we were playing it while on a walk and on the car ride home we were pretending to be riding on a subway and hiding from "the light dwellers". I don't think they're even on a subway but it reminds me of that lol.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Tingle's nose in that last one... o.e

Is that really the same artist? I don't really think so, the Ilinka ones don't ever have any background. Similar artstyle but I don't think it's the same artist

Those aren't Midilink either, they're just cute


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
Is that really the same artist? I don't really think so, the Ilinka ones don't ever have any background. Similar artstyle but I don't think it's the same artist

Those aren't Midilink either, they're just cute
Not the same artist as the ilinka one, I was saying they're similar in the sense that there's one dominant artist that does most of the art. But the styles are really similar, I actually went to look at the ilinka stuff to check if they were by the same person.

Also yeah, not midlink in the romantic sense but I use that as a blanket term for anything link and midna related at this point lol.

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