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Smash Bros Kazuya Mishima comes to Smash

Threads relating to the Super Smash Bros series.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
thank you

Anyway, has anyone tested out Kazuya yet? How good is he?

Whether you play Smash casually or wanting to improve, he feels super good to just play. It helps his sound design is crispy with the Tekken sound effects. Just because he's Kazuya, he has a ridiculous amount of tech that's being for how wonky he is. He even has some infinites and ToDs that were just found yesterday. Here's an example of one these nutty finds.


Disaster Master
Dec 26, 2017
He's really not that hard to understand. literally any character in a real fighting game takes me more time to learn.
Just give it 5 min in training and look at the move list.
Don't care much about the character itself, but I expected as much as the whole of pass 2 have been crap to me, but he's pretty fun to play, especially 1v1 against another kazuya. I feel in free for alls its more of a crapshoot and its almost impossible to make good use of some moves.

Wish they put the amount of love they put in the DLC characters in the stages too though. I like breaking stuff and all but the layout is just boring, like pretty much any DLC stage so far. The fatal fury stage is pretty much this stage but better too.
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What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
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After playing through his classic mode, I have pretty much the exact same feelings on him as before.

His 10 hit combo isn’t nearly as fun as I imagine it was supposed to be, and tbh the most fun I had with him was landing his side taunt. I’m glad we get a few characters that do that, it’s always a neat thing to see (though Kazuyas doesn’t really feel like a taunt as much as Luigis or greninjas).

Also, is it just me or are the DLC spirits here really easy? I believe this is the first DLC spirit board I didn’t lose to once, though it could just be because almost all of them were stamina and I was using Ganondorf with a “big metal” spirit. This isn’t a complaint or anything, just an observation.

But by far the best part of this update is when I made a Dragonborn Mii and yelled out “FUS RO DAH!” When I used his tornado gust neutral B.

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Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
I'm not really surprised considering we have Ryu, Ken, and Terry. I have never played Tekken before so I have no feelings towards his inclusion. I did not watch the presentation from Masahiro Sakurai, but in the trailer, nothing particularly interested me about his move set. But for me, that's okay because there is no one else I desperately want in this game that has any realistic possibility of happening.

I am trying to play the games of every character in Smash Bros, so if someone could recommend a place to start for the Tekken series, that would be great.

Edit: Didn't know he was out now, but I haven't been on Smash Bros in quite a while and don't plan on playing again for another few weeks.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I'm not really surprised considering we have Ryu, Ken, and Terry. I have never played Tekken before so I have no feelings towards his inclusion. I did not watch the presentation from Masahiro Sakurai, but in the trailer, nothing particularly interested me about his move set. But for me, that's okay because there is no one else I desperately want in this game that has any realistic possibility of happening.

I am trying to play the games of every character in Smash Bros, so if someone could recommend a place to start for the Tekken series, that would be great.

Edit: Didn't know he was out now, but I haven't been on Smash Bros in quite a while and don't plan on playing again for another few weeks.
You're best option would be Tekken 7 on PC since it's on sale.

Azure Sage

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He's really not that hard to understand. literally any character in a real fighting game takes me more time to learn.
Just give it 5 min in training and look at the move list.
I can barely do tilt attacks consistently or on purpose, you expect me to be capable of anything on his move list? I am the person that spongebob numpad meme is referring to.

I tried him this evening and dont like him at all, as expected. His stage is also kinda boring but it might also be cuz I have no appreciation for Tekken. I grabbed all the new spirits and that was that.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
I tried him this evening and dont like him at all, as expected. His stage is also kinda boring but it might also be cuz I have no appreciation for Tekken. I grabbed all the new spirits and that was that.

What do you mean???? Mishima Dojo is perfect for funny wall combos either for 1v1 or free-for-all. :sadcat:

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