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General Zelda Isn't It Time That TLoZ Made It in the LEGO World?


Apr 6, 2013
Hazzlehurst GA
Lego sets? That would be cool, although I would only buy them for the minifigures. I can build anything else with the Lego's I already have.
But a Lego Video game would not go over well, being that the Lego game is too different from Zelda games and that Zelda is a video game already, why do we need a Lego version? (I say this as a fan of both Legos and their games)


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Lego sets? That would be cool, although I would only buy them for the minifigures. I can build anything else with the Lego's I already have.
But a Lego Video game would not go over well, being that the Lego game is too different from Zelda games and that Zelda is a video game already, why do we need a Lego version? (I say this as a fan of both Legos and their games)

Why do people keep saying they are so different from each other?
Not that I necessarily would want a Lego Zelda game, but I fail to see what's so extremely different between them. Yes, LoZ has a lot more of what I guess you would call "depth"; but other than that they have pretty similar gameplay setups. I don't want to reiterate my earlier reply where I pointed most of them out, I just want to know why people feel the way you do.
Jun 22, 2013
I dont think LOZ would go well with the lego structure. It doesn't seem like a good fit. Sure it would be cool, but i dont think it would do well.

Yuki Cross

Attack on Titan~!!!
Mar 26, 2013
The world of anime.
Have you ever played a Lego Video Game? Because they're already in a similar gameplay style to Legend of Zelda, they have the equivalence of: overworlds, dungeons, bosses, and side quests. They also use a very similar heart mechanic, so I don't see your point.

I, personally, agree with Link2random. I've been forced to play several Lego games and I hated them all. I honestly don't see the attraction. What's the point? Zelda's already a video game, so what's the point of making a /lego/ version of the video game? At least lego Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean etc. games are based of movies, so it's not entirely pointless. Even so, I think that it's ridiculous. It's like a downgraded version of Zelda. People would get the wrong idea about Zelda, and it would become all about the lego and not the original for younger players. And instead of actually having nice graphics, you're using little blocks that are meant to build little coloured castles on the floor.

As for the actual WW lego set - that'd be a cool idea.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
I, personally, agree with Link2random. I've been forced to play several Lego games and I hated them all. I honestly don't see the attraction. What's the point? Zelda's already a video game, so what's the point of making a /lego/ version of the video game? At least lego Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean etc. games are based of movies, so it's not entirely pointless. Even so, I think that it's ridiculous. It's like a downgraded version of Zelda. People would get the wrong idea about Zelda, and it would become all about the lego and not the original for younger players. And instead of actually having nice graphics, you're using little blocks that are meant to build little coloured castles on the floor.

I'm going to ask a single question and then continue to respond to your post: What do you mean by forced?

The point of the Lego games since their inception has been to allow players (mostly younger) to explore, build, and destroy a new environment in each new installment. This point is slightly deceptive in the fact that it seems rather basic, which to an extent it is, but it is a point many video games share with it (including to an extent The Legend of Zelda series). Although sometimes the games have been known to be glitchy, I've probably 90 something percented Lego Harry Potter 3 or 4 times because of a game breaking glitch, they always draw the targeted audience in by giving them a way to control the environment somewhat similarly to how they could with Legos irl. This is mostly an audience that has probably never played many video games before, like LoZ, and are looking for an easy-to-play fun time. I have never meet a person who got the wrong idea about Star Wars video games after playing Lego Star Wars and I doubt it would be any different for a stand alone Lego LoZ and anyway, don't we want more people playing the series than not. This would be a great place to give a person who doesn't have the desire to play a game from the series to show them an overall, simpler sense of what the games are about.

Again, I'm not saying one should happen; I just don't understand why it seems to you like it would doom the series because some people would be introduced to it a bit differently. I also don't understand why you don't say the Lego games don't have "nice graphics", because they've always had great graphics for the experiences they were trying, and often succeeding, to convey. You also don't seem understand that a lot of gamers these days like the "you're using little blocks that are meant to build little coloured castles on the floor" type of style these days

Yuki Cross

Attack on Titan~!!!
Mar 26, 2013
The world of anime.
I'm going to ask a single question and then continue to respond to your post: What do you mean by forced?

My cousins force me to play all their different lego games. Anyway, I used the wrong word when I said graphics, and conveyed the wrong meaning. The Lego games do have excellent graphics, so sorry for the confusion there. What I was trying to explain was that the particular reason that I don't like the lego games is solely for the characters. I dislike how they look. I realize that they are supposed to look like that because they are lego characters, and I also realize that many people, particularly in the younger ages, would prefer this to the more realistic view, understandably. I apologize for using the complete wrong word, and I understand that graphics have nothing to do with this, I don't even know why I said that tbh.

I didn't say that it would 'doom' the franchise. I said that people would get the wrong idea about it. Zelda, in general, is a very beautiful franchise - it's amazing to look at. Take Zelda and make it into a Lego game, and you take that entire element from it and trash it. Because, in all honesty, Lego isn't beautiful. Also, there are so many things going on in the games, that you simply can't convey in a Lego game. It's not necessarily Lego's fault, but the fact that they are square blocks make it harder to do so.

I do understand that people these days like the coloured blocks, and that's fine. But I think that Zelda is better as it is, and doesn't need to be made into lego.


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
My cousins force me to play all their different lego games. Anyway, I used the wrong word when I said graphics, and conveyed the wrong meaning. The Lego games do have excellent graphics, so sorry for the confusion there. What I was trying to explain was that the particular reason that I don't like the lego games is solely for the characters. I dislike how they look. I realize that they are supposed to look like that because they are lego characters, and I also realize that many people, particularly in the younger ages, would prefer this to the more realistic view, understandably. I apologize for using the complete wrong word, and I understand that graphics have nothing to do with this, I don't even know why I said that tbh.

I didn't say that it would 'doom' the franchise. I said that people would get the wrong idea about it. Zelda, in general, is a very beautiful franchise - it's amazing to look at. Take Zelda and make it into a Lego game, and you take that entire element from it and trash it. Because, in all honesty, Lego isn't beautiful. Also, there are so many things going on in the games, that you simply can't convey in a Lego game. It's not necessarily Lego's fault, but the fact that they are square blocks make it harder to do so.

I do understand that people these days like the coloured blocks, and that's fine. But I think that Zelda is better as it is, and doesn't need to be made into lego.

I guess I kind of overreacted to the whole "graphics" thing and maybe "doom" was too harsh of a word. I think what it really comes down to is how we perceive beauty when it comes to art and/or games/toys. The thing is, not that long ago, Zelda was square blocks. Yes they were 2D pixels and no 3D polygons, but it was built out of square blocks. Lego pieces by themselves, sans some of the newer ones, don't exactly have beauty. It's what you made out of them which could, in my perception, create beauty; just like Nintendo did all those years ago with pixels. I've always been wowed by the imagery in the Lego games, because the combination of blocks and a more realistic 3D world was almost seamless and what they did with those blocks even made it something more.

Take Zelda and make it into a Lego game, and you take that entire element from it and trash it.
You take any none polygon Zelda game and make it, your missing an element from it.

Yes "Zelda is better as it is" and yes it "doesn't need to be made into lego", but these aren't reasons to not make a Lego Zelda game on the side; they're just reasons to not experiment with a different idea. Some of the best, and what some Zelda fans would claim to be the best, games were Nintendo experimenting with different ideas. Notice: I agree that a Lego Zelda game is probably not something either company should even be thinking of making, each one having other ways to expand their properties and the previous sentence is in no way implying that I think a Lego Zelda game would be one of the best Zelda games.
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2013
Hazzlehurst GA
Why do people keep saying they are so different from each other?
Not that I necessarily would want a Lego Zelda game, but I fail to see what's so extremely different between them. Yes, LoZ has a lot more of what I guess you would call "depth"; but other than that they have pretty similar game play setups. I don't want to reiterate my earlier reply where I pointed most of them out, I just want to know why people feel the way you do.

To be blunt, because the Lego games are different in format. But that is not a bad thing. I like the Kingdom Hearts games, but its different from LOZ.

The tread's question was if it was time LOZ made it into the Lego world. He then went to talk about the WW set. So yes I would like Lego LOZ sets, take this picture for example.


But I would not like Lego video games base off them. The reason I don't want them is like Yuki Cross and I have already said. LOZ is already a Video game why do we need a Lego version? All the Lego games follow the same Level design outside of the hub world (I'm assuming you have played them) I don't think that taking Zelda's open world and converting to that type of Level would work out.

But hey, I could be wrong. Maybe if they made the Hub world like the Lego Lord of the Rings game it would work. And they make the Dungeons and plot related events the Levels (Like defending the carriage on it's way to the village in TP)


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
To be blunt, because the Lego games are different in format. But that is not a bad thing. I like the Kingdom Hearts games, but its different from LOZ.

But I would not like Lego video games base off them. The reason I don't want them is like Yuki Cross and I have already said. LOZ is already a Video game why do we need a Lego version? All the Lego games follow the same Level design outside of the hub world (I'm assuming you have played them) I don't think that taking Zelda's open world and converting to that type of Level would work out.

But hey, I could be wrong. Maybe if they made the Hub world like the Lego Lord of the Rings game it would work. And they make the Dungeons and plot related events the Levels (Like defending the carriage on it's way to the village in TP)

Star Wars is already a video game, why do we need a Lego version? Please quit using that kind of excuse; it's not a reason for anything other than not trying something different and as we know LoZ has thrived on trying different things.

I personally think that Zelda's "openworld" is very similar to how the recent Lego games have been set up, as you mentioned about Lego Lord of the Rings, and it would be an easy transition for TT Games to create a Zelda world in Lego. Zelda games have an Overworld and Dungeons and Lego games have a Hubworld and Levels. Is it really that much of a stretch?


Apr 6, 2013
Hazzlehurst GA
The original Star Wars was a video game? I really thought those where movies. I gave you my reason, I just don't see the point in Legoizing a video game, sorry but that's what I think.

Come to think of it, you're right about the way recent Lego games are. So I guess it could work...idk I don't really like the idea. How would you think the Lego game would handle the extra stuff like side quests and trading items? Lego isn't known for that, most of the extra stuff is hitting a few things to get a gold brick. Or do you think they would they drop them altogether?


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
The original Star Wars was a video game? I really thought those where movies. I gave you my reason, I just don't see the point in Legoizing a video game, sorry but that's what I think.

Come to think of it, you're right about the way recent Lego games are. So I guess it could work...idk I don't really like the idea. How would you think the Lego game would handle the extra stuff like side quests and trading items? Lego isn't known for that, most of the extra stuff is hitting a few things to get a gold brick. Or do you think they would they drop them altogether?

Star Wars has had a bunch of, often successful, video games made about it's universe, nobody ever said that was a reason to not make a Lego video game about it. What makes Zelda any different? That it started as a video game? I don't think that's a good enough excuse for there not to be a Lego Zelda game. The point of it being to try something different. I don't understand why everybody doesn't freak out when they announce a Zelda game in the style of Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, but the moment somebody even brings up a Zelda game in the style of Lego everyone immediately thinks Zelda shouldn't be done slightly differently.

I do, however, agree that there are reasons. Most of them having to do with things I think the companies that own these two titles should worry about making first. I just don't understand why people would be so offended at these two coming together at some point to expand their fan bases and to create an entertaining video game.

I don't know how or if they would include side quests and items, but it wouldn't be too much of a stretch. Lego games tend to use many playable characters in place of items and I think it would be interesting to play as other Zelda characters, something the main Zelda series doesn't allow. Side quests could be achieved multiple ways or just be excluded; since even some (many?) Zelda players skip the side quests anyway, it wouldn't be a stretch for them to dump them in a "simpler" game.


Apr 6, 2013
Hazzlehurst GA
I don't understand why everybody doesn't freak out when they announce a Zelda game in the style of Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, but the moment somebody even brings up a Zelda game in the style of Lego everyone immediately thinks Zelda shouldn't be done slightly differently.

I do, however, agree that there are reasons. Most of them having to do with things I think the companies that own these two titles should worry about making first. I just don't understand why people would be so offended at these two coming together at some point to expand their fan bases and to create an entertaining video game.

I never said I was offended, quite the opposite. I would be a sad excuse for a fan if I got offended so easily. However I don't remember saying that making a Lego Zelda game would be the most horrible thing ever to happen or "OH NO we can't have a different Zelda game!" Different is okay, WW was different and it's not like we are discussing to take Link out of the series. I just said I don't think it could work and I'm not to fond of the idea. I even went to admit that I could be wrong, maybe Lego could make a good Zelda game.

To make it short.
Do I think Zelda would make great Lego set? Heck yeah! A Lego Video game? Not so much.

Lets agree to disagree and move on, shall we?
Sep 8, 2013
What about Lego sets called Lego Nintendo? We could have sets like Bowsers Castle, Pirate ship( from Wind waker), Pokemon center, sets from Metroid, Kirby, and so on. As for the lego zelda games, I do not like thi idea. It is a bad idea to make a video game based of another video game.

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