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Island Theories


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
Ok we know that OOt comes before WW so that means when the flood comes between the two that the taller areas stuck up making the first and largest islands you see on the Great Sea the Islands were made by other land marks floating up from the bottom after breaking away from the land maybe. This also means that landmarks from OoT are most likely in WW some where. IM trying to ask where are some of these islands from what we all know Dragon Roost might be Death Mountain and Spectacle rock might be Spectacle island but there is to much debate on this so Im asking what are the rest of these islands and where did they come from. My ideas: The Kokiri Fourest's higher points became the Forest Haven, the top of Zora's Fountain where Jubu jabe is is the broken Greatfish isle but we are not sure because Ganondorf destroyed the isle.


I'd say that's really about it. None of the other islands ever rang any bells with me. Gerudo Desert and the Desert Colossus are submerged, never to be seen again, and Lake Hylia just became part of the ocean bed. All the other islands seem to be made up for the game, with the possible exception of the Fairy Island, which is more than likely a raised Fairy Fountain. Outset also appears to be part of the old Hyrule, but I'm not sure which part. It has a Fairy Fountain that you're told the Hero of Time used, so it survived the flood. Other than that, I have nothing.
Nov 26, 2008
Er, I really don't think any of the islands broke off and floated to the top. First, there's no mention of this. The King of Red Lions even states that they're all mountaintops. Second, I'm pretty sure that's completely impossible. Earth would just break up in the water, and even if it didn't, a mass of earth and rock the size of an island would sink, not float.

Anyway, the rest of your theories sound pretty good, although it's impossible for Dragon Roost Island to be Death Mountain AND Spectacle Island to be Spectacle Rock because Spectacle Rock is located ON Death Mountain; the islands are too far apart.

As Cobalt said, most of these islands seem completely made up, with a few exceptions. I personally think Dragon Roost Island is Death Mountain, and I think Spectacle Rock is more than likely just thrown in there because they wanted to work in that famous landmark somewhere.

The only two islands that were not mentioned were Headstone Island and Gale Isle (locations of the Earth and Wind Temples, respectively). While the locations (probably) aren't featured in Ocarina of Time, there was one particular feature about them that the King of Red Lions mentioned. He basically stated that both temples stretch all the way down into Hyrule. The entrances on those islands (or mountaintops) are alternate entrances. I felt that was a bit relevant to the discussion. ;)


There way probabally some kind of erosion that caused the other islands.


(I'm using OoT to figure out these locations)
What I've noticed is that Dragon Roost is Death Mountain. After all, the trademark ring of smoke is around it.
Forest Haven is to the southeast of the map, which would explain the Deku Tree (of course).
It's unlikely that Greatfish Isle is where Zora's fountain was, considering Zora's River and Fountain were to the east, north of Kokiri Forest.
Aug 7, 2008
If we consider the fact that Hyrule Castle is under the Tower of the Gods, Then Dragon Roost Island makes good since as Death Mountain; However, EVERYTHING south of the tower of the Gods is just outside of the map from OoT (since that seems to be the map we are using for this discussion). This means the only islands worth talking about are on the north side of the map. Everything else is just new territory.


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
i dont think that spectacle rock is spectacle island because hats impossible as Axle stated and the floating islands wouldnt work but im guessing that many of the places are mountain tops and that alot of the pieces not on the OOt map which could mean that their are many nountainous area outside of that map
Dec 9, 2009
If I'm correct, some of the basic geography of Hyrule is still visible in Wind Waker.

Dragon Roost Island is where Death Mountain is in Ocarina of Time, the Forest Haven and Forbidden Woods are where Kokiri Forest and the Lost Woods where. The Deku Tree is probably the Deku Sprout from OoT. The Forsaken Fortress is where the Gerudo Fortress was, too.

What doesn't seem to fit is Windfall Island, though. It seems like that is Kakariko Village. It appears to be where Hyrule Castle was though, but that lies under the sea at the Tower of the Gods, which seems to be closer to Kakariko's location in OoT. It looks like it is switched around

Kinda weird if you ask me.

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