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Island Above the Skies (not LoZ RP) Sign-ups


the shadow mage
Mar 6, 2011
Name: Glay Will
Race: man
Age: 22
Aperance: tall, lanky , Brown hair
History: (im not good at comeing up with backgrounds)
Personality: calm but he is easly frustrated.
Role: taction
(If no one else whats it ill take the trident)


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
The map came out a lot worse than I had hoped, but I think it is enough for now.

Name: Christopher Balron
Age: 17
Race: Man
Appearance: Filthy, and many times bruised. His right arm is bandaged. He dresses usually in a doublet. Blonde hair, and blue eyes.
History: He grew up on the streets, is older brother always keeping him safe. His arm has always been bandaged, after he was born. Christopher went into training to be a warrior. He had never fought so he was no good with a weapon in hand. He excelled in his studies though. His brother went missing not long after he began training and was moved to the soldiers barracks. Being the worst fighter, he had been seen as the weakest by the others training and they took advantage of it.
Personality: He is a cynical, sarcastic fellow. Always thinking, but making foolish comments when he is sincerely afraid.
Role: To be discovered. Seeing as though nobody has taken the war hammer I guess I will take it. If wanted, someone else can have it.
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
That's five, right? So you need one more to make six?
Name: Keriki Narshanul
Age: 17
Race: Dwarven
Appearance: Short brown hair, held back with a ring-mail headband similar to her undrer-armor. Flattish nose, pleasant blue eyes. Nice smile. Wears a lace-up boots and a brownish tunic, tucked into slightly darker pants, and over that her mail and plate armor, forged herself. The armor is etched in blue, fading to red at the top and bottom. Breastplate, shoulder pads, kneepads, greaves, and bracers. Pack typically slung over her shoulder, but she shifts it to her back in battle. Currently wields a black ore warhammer with a diamond-encrusted handle, a gift from a friend who died in the fire.
Personality: Doesn't give up easily, and is willing to try just about everything. Very open, easygoing nature. Only tight in battle, and loosens up as soon as the enemies leave. Tends to get enthusiastic, but stays calm in tragedies. Excellent, violent fighter. Reckless, but intelligent.
History: Grew up in the forges of the dwarves' northernmost home, lived a prosperous youth. When she turned 16, a vicious fire went out of control and killed many of her friends, severely wounding her parents. However, at this point she had already gone out adventuring, so she doesn't know yet... ;) Her mother was always in charge, her father was always lame(as in, crippled).
Role: Good, on the side of the gods. Would never betray her allies for anything
(dibs on the warhammer!)
Oct 31, 2011
The Boundary
I thank you for allowing me to join so abruptly.
Name: Ornstein
Age: 28
Race: Human
Appearance: a dragon shaped helmet, armor that has spiked pauldrons, and greaves to match. (will upload a picture when able to)
Role: Righteous. (And I would love a spear if none have taken it, but can make do with anything you decide.)


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
Its perfectly alright. I was hoping for another person to join but assumed it was not going to happen. And you can use a spear, but it will not be one of the "great weapons." I dont think that was an option for the god weapons and the rest are taken. Sorry, if you were hoping for one.

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