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General Modern Is This Odd?


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Well, I feel kinda weird about this. But my favorite Zelda game isn't Ocarina of Time, Majora, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess or Link to the past. It's actually very different

As my name might suggest, my favorite Zelda title is The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. It was such a great experience from start to end and it was made even better by the fact it was portable. I like all Zelda games alot, but I most certainly like this one the most, followed amazingly close by the Wind Waker.

By the looks of it, Skyward is looking to become my favorite, but for now It's the Minish cap.

So, did you think Minish Cap was on of the best? Or just answer if you enjoyed the game. Btw, I love all Zeldas!
(In 3rd place is every other 3D Zelda :D)
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the over analysing guy
Aug 17, 2011
South Wales
Minis cap was one of my favourites, I really liked the kinstones and all the assorted extra bits you could do.

Link 2 the past

Slashy Slashy
Sep 5, 2008
Harrogate, England
Minish Cap had a lot of good things in it good dungeons, cool side quests, and the interesting experiences of turning minish. It seemed to me like the handheld equivalent of MM with less dungeons and more side quests. The problem was that the over world wasn't really big enough to contain all this and your movement around it was a bit too restricted at times. I also felt that it was short even for a handheld, and that some of the heart pieces were way too easy to get, they'd have been better off having full heart containers like in the original game and the DS games.

One minor thing that really annoyed me all the way Link runs around when fire hits him.


Toon Deity
May 16, 2011
Seattle WA
Minish Cap is for sure my favorite handheld game, second to which is Links Awakening (which I only just started playing and am already in love with). It (Minish Cap) had an amazing story, great graphics for its time, and took a pretty long time to beat all the way. It's really an amazing game.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Just to keep it straight...it's Twilight Princess, not Twilight. I know it's probably done that way to shorten it, but I don't want TP to be mixed with vampirism.

I have never played Minish Cap, but from what I've heard it sounds like the top portable Zelda title. So I don't find it odd at all. It isn't lawful that you enjoy console games over portables, though I do simply for the enhanced immersion. Still you can select whatever you like the most and should not worry about being bashed about it. We're all entitled to our own opinions.


Hero of the Skies
Aug 24, 2011
Just to keep it straight...it's Twilight Princess, not Twilight. I know it's probably done that way to shorten it, but I don't want TP to be mixed with vampirism.

I have never played Minish Cap, but from what I've heard it sounds like the top portable Zelda title. So I don't find it odd at all. It isn't lawful that you enjoy console games over portables, though I do simply for the enhanced immersion. Still you can select whatever you like the most and should not worry about being bashed about it. We're all entitled to our own opinions.

I know it's Twilight Princess, I'll quickly change that for the sake of removing reference to that abomination of a film(or series) ;)


Cute, quiet and alert!
Aug 17, 2011
Somewhere deep in my subconcious
I think Minish Cap was one of my first Zelda games and I imediatly loved it! I love the Kinstones and the Minish and...well...everything. The items were different and fun to use too and all the dungeons were semi-challenging(for me at least ^^).
It's definatly in my top 3 Zelda games, even though I still haven't finished it :D
Aug 22, 2011
United States
I liked MC, especially the exclusive items like the Gust Jar. The puzzles with them were cool. I also really liked the Ocarina of Wind and how it was like the Recorder in the original. All in all, an awesome game. I just wish the Hookshot was an item in it.

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