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Breath of the Wild I'm desperate .. (am I playing this wrong?!)

Jun 10, 2020
Hey together,

let's start with saying that I'm not the most experienced Zelda player.

I've played BOTW for ca. 10 h now and I'm more or less stuck. I'm mostly followed the main quest, first to Kakariko, then to Hateno Village. The only actionable quest is “The Spring of Wisdom”. I tried climbing up Mount Lanayru but died of frostbite (even though I have my Warming Doublet).

Then I had a big WTF moment when I looked for a tutorial video how to survive the cold. All the players had like 8-10 hearts (I have 4), top-tier gear and thousands of rupees (I have 22).

Am I playing this wrong? I'm constantly out of weapons fighting with hoes and axes, never had more than 200 rupees (after I sold basically everything) and every way seems to be a dead end (thorns, barriers, too powerful enemies).

What am I missing?



The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
A lot of those tutorials are from people who have played the game for hours upon hours and know the game by heart.

You can't really play the game "wrong," just different. I would recommend doing other side objectives, then coming back to that particular quest if you want. Explore the world, find new locations, and find some shrines. Shrines are great because they offer orbs for increasing your hearts/stamina, or more short-term rewards like rupees and weapons.

I'd highly suggest you just start exploring the map, as that will help you out in the long-term. Take advantage of your sheikah sensor to discover shrines.
A good idea is to seek out shrines.

As someone who plays Zelda for story, I tried to get the story done as quickly as I could to know what happened but this wasn't the best way to do it.

You kind of have to grow Link with the world and take it slow.

Seeking out shrines really helps becauee then you can upgrade your stamina and hearts, having more health will let you take on harder enemies with heavier hitting weapons so you can take them after battle.

The North West side of the map where the big bird is is a rather chill place to get some experience and build Link up a bit.

As for the temperature, there are a few levels of them. So the warm doublet wont alway protect you if you're high up in the mountains.

Youll get armour later in that you can combine for full protection, you can also cook food like peppers to protect you from the cold for a limited time.

Also if you find a fire sword you can equip that and it'll keep Link warm, too. The same goes for cold items in warm places.

Also, bombing mineral deposits with a golden sheen to them will give you some rare stones like rubies and sapphires, they usually bring a good price in shops.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
My best advice is, find the Towers and confine yourself to the region it shows when activated, from the shrine you can normally find 5 or 6 shrines using the binoculars most of the shrines on a direct route from the plateau to Hateno are early ones and so fairly easy, for weapons, work on bokoblin camps they generally have some low tier weapons and so they can be used and thrown away willy nilly, for decent weapons i'd say take a look around the country side or search out specific shrines called Tests of Power, these ones have some very good weapons if you can do the battle.

More importantly for you currently, go to kakariko and look in the forest nearby for a Massive flower bud and i do mean it's massive, pay the 50 rupees, do this by finding beedle at stables and just hocking random stuff to him, you will unlock a Great fairy here, and more importantly the smaller fairies so now you have 2-3 fairies as a safety net, if you've found your way to Mt. Lanaryu you've probably discovered Zora's Domain, solve the problem they are currently having, this'll lead you to the first "dungeon" of the game Divine Beast Ruta, who is fairly easy.

Remember at any point you are able to leave the dungeon for more equipment items or whatever you need to get.

For rupees early on theres a few things you can do, you can smash ore rocks found all over the dueling peaks mountain, or if you're fairly strong enough you can pick on Talus' theres a few around Dueling peaks or one near the shrine of Resurrection on the plateau, the aim with them is lob bombs at the arms to destroy them then smash the ore crystal on it's back til it dies, it'll shower you with semi-precious ores.

One Last thing the Shiekah Sensor (the thing that beeps alot near shrines) isn't clever in the slightest, it doesn't take elevation into account, nor multiple shrines that are nearby, case in point is dueling peaks, theres 3 shrines right on the mountain and one near the stables, the ones on one side are almost ontop one another so the sensor can pick both up and give a false reading.

Explore explore explore, there's a hell of a lot item wise hanging around hyrule be it shrine, bug, flower or weapon, if you do the quest in Hateno for the lab assistant you'll get the ability to set the shiekah sensor to other things than shrines, so if theres a weapon you're particularly attracted to, take a photo and set it on the sensor and you'll find more in good time ^^.

If you ever feel you have too much stamina and not enough health or vice versa look for a goddess statue near the shrine in hateno (Just over the hill) it'll have a purplish aura around it, if you've got the cash you can swap health and stamina.


Korok Finder
Nov 15, 2019
My House
I would recommend getting most of the towers and looking for shrines from there to build up your stamina and heart containers. Then do some small side quests and maybe then do 2 of the divine beats before exploring a bit more. I’d sat Vah Ruta (The Elephant) and Vah Medoh (The Bird) would be the first 2. With them you will have very helpful power ups and armour which you can then use to get up Mt. Lanayru and other places.

As of money what I usually do is break shining black rocks when I see one and fight stone taluses with a sledgehammer or weapons alike. They will then drop minerals which you can then sell to get many rupees (I myself got over 2K when I first found Beedle on master mode).

For weapons you could chop down a tree to get a korok leaf and use it against enemies on the path east of the dueling peaks and the great plateau to push them in the river. The blue+ Bokoblins (unless you’re on master mode then it’s black+) will always have a soldier’s broadsword which is a very decent weapon for the start of the game.
Nov 16, 2020
A lot of those tutorials are from people who have played the game for hours upon hours and know the game by heart.

You can't really play the game "wrong," just different. I would recommend doing other side objectives, then coming back to that particular quest if you want. Explore the world, find new locations, and find some shrines. Shrines are great because they offer orbs for increasing your hearts/stamina, or more short-term rewards like rupees and weapons.

I'd highly suggest you just start exploring the map, as that will help you out in the long-term. Take advantage of your sheikah sensor to discover shrines.

Although it is true that the game in some part is very intuitive, there are obstacles in the missions that make you spend hours and hours trying to resolve and that sometimes it is very frustrating, for example the IYUOK's shrine mission (which for me was the most difficult and stressful) I had no choice but to end up seeing the solution on YouTube after spending hours arranging balls in different places until my patience ran out, although it is one of the best games I have played, in this case I think it should be more intuitive if attracting the attention of new players is what they are looking for, perhaps a suggestion would be to implement a system in which after certain attempts or lost lives suggest some change or a clue or path to follow to complete the mission.



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Mar 17, 2020
Take your time, this game is HUGE.
Spend plenty of time on the Plateau, that area in itself will give you masses of stuff.
Next stop is Karikaro & Hateneo, explore these areas well, talk to everyone, you will get lots of side quests and you don’t have to do all of them or rush at them. Look for the Towers and whilst on top search out Shrines glowing orange.
If you find a Shrine and it’s a fighting one don’t worry, if it’s too hard just leave it and go back to it later in the game when you are stronger. The travel gate you open will be very useful later on.
Link has to grow in strength, don’t rush, enjoy it.
Apr 2, 2015
I would recommend getting most of the towers and looking for shrines from there to build up your stamina and heart containers. Then do some small side quests and maybe then do 2 of the divine beats before exploring a bit more. I’d sat Vah Ruta (The Elephant) and Vah Medoh (The Bird) would be the first 2. With them you will have very helpful power ups and armour which you can then use to get up Mt. Lanayru and other places.

As of money what I usually do is break shining black rocks when I see one and fight stone taluses with a sledgehammer or weapons alike. They will then drop minerals which you can then sell to get many rupees (I myself got over 2K when I first found Beedle on master mode).

For weapons you could chop down a tree to get a korok leaf and use it against enemies on the path east of the dueling peaks and the great plateau to push them in the river. The blue+ Bokoblins (unless you’re on master mode then it’s black+) will always have a soldier’s broadsword which is a very decent weapon for the start of the game.

Azure Sage

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How do you know which tree has the korok leaf?

y‘l have some very good ideas. And this will help me a lot.
Korok leaves drop at random, so keep cutting them down until one appears. Using remote bombs to fell trees is a good way to conserve your weapon durability.
Mar 17, 2020
Get the Shrines and and go for some extra Stamina first from the statues, try to get at least two extra Stamina bits then go for Hearts, add more Stamina until you have a full second ‘wheel’.
Get the Towers so you can see where you are on the maps.
Kill as many enemies as poss and collect their weapons.
Fire an arrow at any Blue bunny you see-they are very flighty-they will drop rupees!

Stick your nose into every odd looking area you see, never think ‘I will go back for something’ as it very often disappears!
Build up slowly and try to complete as many quests as poss some will give you rupees.
Link will get stronger as you progress and his weapons will still break but they will seem tougher too, trouble is his enemies will get stronger too!
Just go with it and enjoy the ride!
Apr 2, 2015
Thank you. I got to the village. Where the Impa was. Trying to light the blue lights. But it always raining. Then I thought I would go back to one off the frist towers. I didn’t know they unlocked the map.
Yes I am 69 and I have played Zeilda for a long time. On the DS’s. OoT is my favorit. I am stuck on the moon in MM. . But I just love playing them.

I get stuck in a shrine. I just leave cause I get so aggravated.

and not very good at shooting the bow. Mythe time I get it lined up. I have moved Link he falls off of somethin. Lol
just keep going.
one can go on forever in BoTW.

I got the switch light. And I love it.
Any more tips you can think off let me kno.

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