If I were an enemy I would want to be a darknut, because I'm arkward like that and they are great to fight and extremely hard at the same time, like in TP when you are surrounded by two and they are circling you and you have one heart left no potions NO NOTHING and link is gasping annoyingly *Gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp* and when you strike and remove armour from one of the darknuts by using helm splitter then suddenly one behind you that you hadn't been paying attention to strikes you and link falls to the floor whilst you scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" at that T.V, then you really want to throw that wii remote at the wall but you know if you do that it will break and you wont be able to try again, so you just curse at it, and whilst this is happening a sad symphony is playing on the harp and printed on the screen are the words "Game over" "Would you like to try again" and you sigh as you point the little sparkly blue fairy towards the yes button as you try once more...