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Tears of the Kingdom I Still hate Breakable Weapons

Who else STILL hates Weapon Durability?

  • Oh I just LOVE Weapons that break so easily /s

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Mar 8, 2017
Fusing Doesn't fix the Fundamental Problem I Have with the Entire Gameplay mechanic TOTK & BOTW are centered around;

Weapons that break like they were made of ****ing Glass; after a Small Number of Consecutive Uses on an enemy, or for Utility like Chopping Trees. . .

I Hated it in BOTW, and I Hate it Here too;

I Don't want Weapons that Can't last;

I Don't want a Master Sword that needs to Recharge every 10 Real World Minutes; I want a Master Sword that Never Breaks, Never needs to Recharge, And You can use it as long as you want, and many times as you want, like you could in EVERY TLOZ Game Prior to BOTW;

I Don't care if Enemies give you weapons(I Honestly wish they didn't as that would give the Big N LESS of a reason/excuse for why Weapons have to break so easily), What Good is having Enemies Drop Weapons; if they AREN'T any more durable than the one you just broke using against them?!!

I Know what I like; and I Don't like to be forced to try new things, or have to change how I like to play; I want to be able to play the same way with the same weapons with no drawbacks; for example: the weapons breaking like they were ****ing Glass

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
fusing fixes the problems for the most part; it was fun making absolutely broken weapons that melted bosses
the master sword STILL needing to recharge is dumb in a world full of 200+ power weapons that it just doesn't measure up to. It's literally the master sword, it should be overpowered and significantly better than most weapons you come across
I don't hate weapon durability as a concept but it basically meant nothing of value in BotW and Tears when you can find a new weapon right around the corner. It offered nothing to incentivize gathering new weapons if just to avoid having none left when they all break.

That's not good progression and it's not a good motivation for the player to engage with the system. Better to offer something like weapon repairs and/or upgrades to durability that lead you to gather materials to perform them. Or something to that effect.

Ideally, I don't really want to see more weapon durability in Zelda, but if it's there again, they need to actually make it interesting.
Mar 8, 2017
it basically meant nothing of value in BotW and Tears when you can find a new weapon right around the corner. It offered nothing to incentivize gathering new weapons if just to avoid having none left when they all break.

That's not good progression and it's not a good motivation for the player to engage with the system. Better to offer something like weapon repairs and/or upgrades to durability that lead you to gather materials to perform them. Or something to that effect.

Ideally, I don't really want to see more weapon durability in Zelda
Me Neither; Or at the very least they should At Least let us Craft Weapons, and make them more Durable and Less Likely to Break so easily

Or Better yet; Have the Hylian Shield be the only Unbreakable Shield; and the Master sword be the ONLY Sword that doesn't break; WITHOUT A 10 REAL WORLD MINUTE COOLDOWN TIME LIKE THEY DID IN BOTH BOTW & TOTK

You know like in every Zelda game PRIOR to Breath of the Wild. . .

the master sword STILL needing to recharge is dumb in a world full of 200+ power weapons that it just doesn't measure up to. It's literally the master sword, it should be overpowered and significantly better than most weapons you come across
Exactly. . .

Why should the Master Sword have some BS Cooldown where you need to wait 10 Real-world Minutes for it to come back?!! You never had to deal with that BS Prior to BOTW. . . Why should we have that BS in TOTK, Too?!!

Daku Rinku

Substitue Person
Jun 1, 2023
I think it should break only after many fights or major boss fight if its weaker weapon. Legendary level weapons once you get them should be unbreakable, since you earned them.

Daku Rinku

Substitue Person
Jun 1, 2023
Playing Botw for first time, the breakable weapons irked me. Its obvious Hyrule doesn’t use German blades (if you are in HEMA, you’ll get that pun). :D
Apr 22, 2020
I think it should break only after many fights or major boss fight if its weaker weapon. Legendary level weapons once you get them should be unbreakable, since you earned them.
I got the Biggoron Sword which is as fragile as the 5 dmg basic sword.
The weapon durability system is so annoyingly broken in TotK. Sure, you can fuse two weapons but mostly, it is of no real use since the weapon, which got fused to your wielding weapon, breaks sooner than your wielding weapon after a few hits. Only some weapon fusions really increase the durability completely without some drawbacks.

Yes, it would definitely have a better battle experience if your single weapon only gets highly damaged and weakened after like 10 battles with enemies. Then you would have the option to repair this weapon at a blacksmith. Yet, even legendary weapons get completely destroyed after like 50 hits and they barely last against silver colored enemies.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
In theory you can extend the durability of any weapon indefinitely by constantly fusing new things to it once the durability of the fused item runs out (each item has a set durability that counts down before the weapon's base durability iirc) but that is such an inconvenient and costly method that it's entirely pointless.

Weapon breaking was my biggest issue with Breath of the Wild and i was disappointed to see it return in Tears of the Kingdom. That said, I found it much more manageable in the latter as fused items do indeed extend the durability of the weapons on top of increasing their damage, and some fusion combos make weapons with a strong enough damage output to melt bosses without even needing to worry about breakage at all. I found my weapon inventory management was far less of a problem in Tears than in Breath, so I didn't end up minding it.

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