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How Do You Channel Your Emotions


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I cry. It's annoying. I cry when something's not even that sad, or if it's happy. It does my head in. It's not like I'm bawling and weeping of course, but I'll feel my eyes welling up and just get annoyed at myself for it! :P

For anger, I've gotten good at ignoring stuff now. If someone's annoying me, I just walk away and go play games or something. Listen to music. I don't like ignorance and horrible people, but I also really dislike confrontation and any fighting nowadays. When I grew up my brothers would constantly fight, like I remember waking up, going downstairs in my jimmy jammys and seeing Craig walking out the door with blood down his face because Andy had head-butted him after a joke, so I think growing up with that being very normal has made me not like fighting. So, yeah, I find my leisure stuff like games and music are the best way to relieve anger and stuff. :)


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
When I am angry at someone I tend to shout at them or threaten with a fist to the face. Or if it is an object I am angry at, such as a controller that is making me lose a game. I shall take my anger out upon the object itself usually ensuring in its destruction.

When I am happy I am a very pleasant person to be around though.


Cucco Butt
Jun 5, 2012
I try to hide my emotions. All the time. When I'm sad, I put my hair in my face so nobody can see me. When I'm mad, I start thinking so I forget about it.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
When I'm angry at someone I shout at them and desperately try and avoid murder. When I'm frustrated by an object I tend to get very terse with those around me.

When I'm sad or depressed I go on Skype or here and whine about it.


Innocent but not fearful.
Jul 27, 2012
Canada, eh
Music, video games, and a bag of potato chips. ;) It's a combination that goes well with any emotions I may feel.

Maniacal Ezlo

ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Dec 2, 2012

What flavor of potato chips ;)

I know you weren't asking me, but something spicy. I like it hot! ;)

If I want to channel my emotions, I crawl into my bed and wail like a baby.


Obviously, I'm joking :P

I actually just tend to keep to myself. I hate showing people my emotions, and I do not even know why


What a fearsome beast!!
Dec 19, 2011
Oklahoma city, OK
I can honestly say that I don't have a good way of expressing my emotions.. and I have no real clue on what kind of hobby i should pick up either lol! though for now I read if i get angery. when I'm happy I'm santa lol!! i give everything and anything to anyone and everyone lol..


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
When I'm sad I cry, and I also cry sometimes when I'm angry if it coincides with sadness. When I'm happy I sing and I just goof around. When I'm mellow I'll just do whatever, like read, draw or write. Um, yeah. On rare occasion do I cry when I'm happy, its only when I so so super happy, like when I got confirmed. :>


Is FINALLY out of school!
Mar 16, 2012
Foeba, my town in Animal Crossing
When I'm happy, I can get so happy that I start shaking. I end up with a adrenaline rush for days, if not weeks. I do a lot of physical activity when I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'll be waay to hyper ( I get very annoying when I'm too hyper).
When I'm sad, I immediately want to talk about it to anyone whether it be a stranger or a friend. If I don't have anyone, I'll just listen to a bunch of happy J-pop music or play video games.
When I get mad, I do not want to talk. I end up forgetting about what angered me in the next 3 minutes if no one brings it up.

On a side note, why haven't video games been suggested as a therapy? It works for almost everyone worldwide AND it can be translated into any language!
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Sage of Tales
Spiriutal ponderings often get written in some kind of fictionalized, fancified manner.

As for the rest... I'm bipolar. This means that I have trouble with being overwhelmed by emotions, so... they get expressed. Cried out, screamed out, whatever. I don't channel them so much as... they explode.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
I guess I'm sorta like a, um, wild animal. When I'm sad, I just curl up into a ball, lay there, and whimper. I don't move or eat anything. When I'm happy, I make a lot of high-pitched bird noises and start clawing at whatever's next to me. When I'm angry... well, getting angry for me is something that almost never happens, so I don't really know.


*~German Sparkle Party~*
Aug 28, 2012
I so often don't ever understand my own emotions.
(Warning: Possible long-winded rant on me figuring stuff out. Be careful.)

Often, I've been getting angry for the smallest things. I start screaming and punching anything non-breakable. Like the closet wall. I also start crying uncontrollably. My face goes really red.
I often just cry my feelings out. But I don't like to cry in front of anyone, and my dad tries to calm me down, which only makes me angrier.
I will also draw my feelings out. You can tell if I'm sad or angry when I drew a picture. It'll have tearstains all over it.
One time, I wandered blindly out into the neighbor's field and bawled for an hour and a half.

If I'm happy, I will let that show. I will smile uncontrollably and get irked at myself for it because I look like a freak.
I can't draw if I'm happy. Only if I'm in a deep emotion. (Sad or angry. Possibly high on lack of sleep or skittles.)

My way of showing emotions depends where I am. I was all embarrassed a week ago because I started crying in Band class because a teacher yelled at me.
Often, I'll tear people up if I'm angry. (Figuratively)
I try to not show my emotions in public, because I can be so extreme.
Great, now I'm tearing up just typing this reply.
Thank you for reading, this has been "Rants: Long and depressing," By Imprisoned.
(End rant.)

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