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Has Link ever talked in a game? Would you want him to?

Aug 18, 2009
I have played at least five Zelda-related games, (WW, SS, OoT, PotH, HW), and currently playing through Minish Cap and Twilight Princess. I was just wondering if Link has ever spoken in other games, (full phrases, not just some word) I don't remember if he does in the ones I played. For the most part, he's a silent warrior and just shouts and screams when fighting. And the other question, I believe the gaming industry to be quite advanced by now, so I don't get why LoZ creators don't make Link talk, just like other major characters do so in scenes. I was watching the new game intro the other day and he still seems to be a mute when Zelda is doing all the talking and asking him questions, which made me shake my head in disapproval. I guess the LoZ creators decided to just roll on with having Link as it has always been, the classic silent type. Would you prefer if Link talked in the new games or do you stick to classic Link?

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The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
I take it you don't count the CDI games? XD

But seriously though, why does he need to talk? Why can't he stay silent? It's not like it's an automatic improvement just because a character talks. Having higher resolution, more polygons, better sound quality, higher FPS etc. are all technological improvements that should be getting better with time. Adding dialogue/voice acting, using a certain artstyle or choosing between chiptune, MIDI or orchestrated music are all choices that depends on the game. Neither one is better than any of the others in any way (that'd be subjective of course), they're all just artistic choices.

So why is there such a demand from certain people that Link should talk? I think it's great that we can have different types of games with different types of characters. There are so many other great games out there where the main character talks, so why can't we have one where they don't?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
both SS and LBW have him doing hand gestures while explaining to characters what's going on, so while we're not getting dialogue boxes, he most definitely can talk, plus SS had those dialogue choices

I don't really lean one way or the other about him talking or not, I guess it'd be nice if he did but I wouldn't complain or anything if he continues to be silent

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
He has never talked to anything meaningful extent outside of one or two lines in Zelda 2 and the "come on" call-out in Wind Waker. My issue isn't the dialogue, but that him being silent somehow makes him a better "player avatar". It doesn't improve my immersion of Link just stands there drooling on his own shoulder.


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
He's never really spoken beyond the basic vocalizations like've already been mentioned, and the implied dialogue in games like SS.

That said, I'm not opposed or in favor of him speaking or staying quiet, per se. There's ways to give characterization to even silent protagonists, but Nintendo refuses to do even that for the most part. I certainly wouldn't mind them taking a crack at voicing him fully for the first time.
Aug 18, 2009
Oh yeah, I had surely forgotten that he calls out "Come on!" in WW. Still, in a future game I wouldn't mind and it would be nice to have a full voice-over Link, but perhaps some players would find that odd or at least have a hard time adjusting from going to classic Link to full voice over Link.


Mar 25, 2016
Link actually talks. Most Zelda games have a talk button

By pressing A or R (In Minish Cap), he speaks to anyone even though he doesn’t have a dialogue

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Link actually talks. Most Zelda games have a talk button

By pressing A or R (In Minish Cap), he speaks to anyone even though he doesn’t have a dialogue
I think the conceit of the thread is about whether or not people would like Link to have visible lines of dialogue, not just if he can press a button to engage in conversation.
Last edited:


magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
O like them mute cuz i like to imagine a voice for them....like ss link is very perky and funish then st link is a child...
Dec 21, 2023
I think without link talking, it adds more of an element to the game. If Link could talk, the Zelda series would not be what it is now.


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
I don't have a problem with Link staying silent since in most games he doesn't have to, his speech is implied. When Darunia says "Was there something you wanted to ask me about? What? You want the Spiritual Stone of Fire, too?" you dont exactly need a text box to know what Link was saying. It saves time and keeps thing from getting redundant. The only time I do want him to talk though is in games like BotW and TotK where we have full cutscenes. Them explaining it away in Zelda's diary it doesn't stop the conversations with him in cutscenes from being clunky and awkward. If his silence is actively detracting from the game, make him talk. Don't stand by some forced tradition.

If Link ever were to speak it'd be funny to see the reactions of fan artists/writers who have him doing sign language lol.

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