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Skyward Sword Gratitude Crystals

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Dec 19, 2011
I need a little help with house cleaning sidequest. Although I already did it and got the Crystals from Mallara, IGN mentions this:

Here is a question - how to trigger this cutscene? Sleeping in bed inside Pipit's house doesn't work. Sleeping in different bed and visiting that house also doesn't work. The only good news is that I can always repeat the cleaning sidequest for 20 rupees.

For me I heard the conversation at night walking by the house. I was headed elsewhere. I didn't try to go in.
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Nov 26, 2008
You need 80 crystals. You're either missing one sidequest and one overworld crystal or you're missing 6 overworld crystals. There are overworld crystals to be found on the Lumpy Pumpkin and Beedle's Island if you haven't gotten those yet. It's a good idea to dowse for them if you have that option unlocked.
I believe it's impossible to have 74 crystals and not be able to Dowse for Gratitude Crystals; go talk to Batreaux after completing the Sandship and you'll be able to Dowse for loose Gratitude Crystals.

All of the individual Gratitude Crystals have already been taken, sadly.
Impossible, if you have 74. You're missing one. Find Batreaux and Dowse for it.


Dec 16, 2009
United States
Attack helicopter
All of the individual Gratitude Crystals have already been taken, sadly.

You're missing something. After you get Nayru's Sacred Flame, talk to Batreaux. You'll then get the option to able to dowse for Grattitude Crystals. Try the one on Beedle's Airship. Go into his ship, sleep on the bed until night, exit, and use the Beetle to get the Grattitude Crystal. If you have that one, go to the Lumpy Pumpkin, then look upstairs and in the pumpkin storage shed. After that, search around Skyloft, don't forget the ones that you get around the area where your bird was. There's also one on the island where the waterfall was coming from. Use the clawshots or Tough Beetle to get there. Don't forget to look around the Light Tower, and in houses. Other than that, remember to do sidequests for people to get Grattitue Crystals.
Oct 11, 2010
You should be able to do Beedle's Beetle after you free Levias from the parasite (because this stops the storm inside the cloud and Strich then comes to the insect island). Make sure you talk to Beedle first to find out that the bug is missing, THEN go to Strich for it.
Dec 19, 2011
You need 80 crystals. However, when you get near the end, the rest of the crystals are useless, but I'm still going to get them to 100% the game.
Dec 20, 2011
I got all the crystals before I did the skyloft silent realm. Beedle will only talk to you about his problem at night.
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