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General Classic Gold Skulltulas... ONLY 4 MORE!!!

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Heh heh hee...
So I went back and found all the gold skulltulas except for four. The Lost Woods Section of the map is the only one with out a gold skulltula emblem by it, but when I went back to look for the ones I had missed there I couldn't find any...
SO I guess my question is this:
What all does the "Lost Woods" include? Where else should I be looking?
P.S. I already checked the Forest Temple, and I have an emblem there.

Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
There are 4 possible spots the last four you need could be (unless the Kokiri Forest is listed seperately but I'm too lazt to check), Kokiri Forest, Lost Woods, Deku Tree, and the Sacred Forest Meadow(SFM). There are three gold skulltulas in each spot except for the SFM where there's only one and the Deku Tree where there's four.

Kokiri Forest: Tree where the know it all brothers live (Past), Release bugs in the soft patch of dirt next to the shop (Past), and on the tree where the twins live (Future).
Lost woods: Two of them require releasing bugs into soft soil and the other you have to ride the magic bean plant in the area where the Forest Stage is located to reach another one.
Deku Tree: Three you most likely got in the begining of the game one one where you have to come back after getting the bombs and the boomerang.
SFM: Get on top of the maze and there's one on the wall to the east.
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