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Ghirahim Bind or Kill?

Sep 22, 2010
sorry if this thread exists elsewhere.
My question is(under the assumption that ghirahim is the head honcho villain) is how will he be defeated will we bind him like we did ganon in OOT,TP,ALttp or will we kill him link the story states between the original Legend of Zelda and Adventures of link. I ask this question because it seems like binding a villain such as majora or ganon does nothing but give grounds for a sequel where as killing him and him needing link's blood to regenerate would make him(ganon) harder to resurrect. I want to know your thoughts. and if ghirahim is not the head honcho how will his/her/its end be met binding or killing.


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
In TP, actually, Ganon is killed. Anyway, Ghirahim doesn't seem that strong to me so I think he won't be killed. I also think that Ghirahim won't be the last boss. Whoever is; I expect them to be killed.
Jul 14, 2010
I actually reckon Ghirahim will be the final boss as the people behind Zelda would know how annoyed they were about Ganon being the final boss even though he wasn't in 80% of the game so i doubt they would just go and make that mistake again. I also think they will kill Ghirahim.

Azure Sage

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I actually reckon Ghirahim will be the final boss as the people behind Zelda would know how annoyed they were about Ganon being the final boss even though he wasn't in 80% of the game so i doubt they would just go and make that mistake again. I also think they will kill Ghirahim.

My thoughts exactly. I completely agree with you on that.

On topic, I think he may be killed. Going by the timeline, which SS is first in, they'd have to kill him since he doesn't appear in any of the other games. Of course, Nintendo has stated before that they aren't too concerned with the timeline, so I doubt that'll be the motivation for Ghirahim's demise. Either way, I think Ghirahim will end up dying.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I'm hoping that we get to deal the final blow to him, sealing up a villain like you said just makes ground for another sequel whereas defeating them once and for all will give actual peace to the lands and you won't have to have the fear of another villain arising for a long time.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I'm sure Ghirahim won't be killed, but rather sealed in the Mirror of Twilight, as he is most certainly a "dark interloper".

In TP, actually, Ganon is killed. Anyway, Ghirahim doesn't seem that strong to me so I think he won't be killed. I also think that Ghirahim won't be the last boss. Whoever is; I expect them to be killed.

He was killed, but he may not be completely dead. Since the ToP only left him due to the MS being shoved in an already weak point, his power failed him, as he's evil. The ToP is still out there, though. He can get it back some how and be revived. (I mean, come on, they're not gonna get rid of the main villain of the series on *both* timelines.)
Feb 23, 2011
I suspect (if Lord Ghirahim is indeed a Dark Interloper) that he'll be sealed within the Twilight Realm. His whereabouts beyond that point (extremely likely) will forever be shrouded in mystery; in that place, he would most likely be a prisoner for some misdeed, or he probably dies in there?
Dec 23, 2009
In TP, actually, Ganon is killed. Anyway, Ghirahim doesn't seem that strong to me so I think he won't be killed. I also think that Ghirahim won't be the last boss. Whoever is; I expect them to be killed.

Don't state that Ganondorf was killed in TP, because we don't have confirmation either way. But I do believe Ghirahim will be killed.


Who needs a shield?
Jul 27, 2011
Ghirahim will probably die, because in OoT there's no mention of him. (Although Nintendo might make another game in between SS & Oot). But he doesn't seem as, well, stupid as Gannondorf, and his actions probably have a reason behind them. Gannondorf really just wanted to rule Hyrule.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ghirahim will probably die, because in OoT there's no mention of him. (Although Nintendo might make another game in between SS & Oot). But he doesn't seem as, well, stupid as Gannondorf, and his actions probably have a reason behind them. Gannondorf really just wanted to rule Hyrule.

Of course there was no mention of him in OoT, he wasn't written into the series at the time. That doesn't mean he has to die.
Feb 23, 2011
Ghirahim will probably die, because in OoT there's no mention of him. (Although Nintendo might make another game in between SS & Oot). But he doesn't seem as, well, stupid as Gannondorf, and his actions probably have a reason behind them. Gannondorf really just wanted to rule Hyrule.

It could be retconned for Lord Ghirahim to have been long since sealed away in the Twilight Realm by the events Ocarina of Time time period.

Any story of a Dark Tribe/Interloper might be indirectly speaking of Lord Ghirahim, as he is hinted to have been a part of said group(s) after all. :yes:

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