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WW-Wii U Ganondorf in the WW Weight Problems.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I can remember quite a few men who were taller than Link

But anyway. Think of this guys. If he really was fat, do you think he could be doing all those jumps and flips we saw in the final fight in WW?
Remember he didn't have the triforce at that point either so didn't have much magical help
well Mario isn't really a slim dude himself,yet he's prefectly capable of doing freakin acrobatics

you think HE'S a fat jerk?
you ever heard of Porky Minch


God of Goddesses
Feb 20, 2011
You see, what I don't get it how Ganon, ( This name does not deserve to be capitalized, but I did anyway, lol), is so skinny in Oot, but in WW he's the fattest jerk I've ever seen in my entire life lol lol. I understand he was locked away in the dark realm, but any ideas how he could of gotten that fat? XD.View attachment 18274

Have you considered his robe. His head seems proportional and he could be huskier, but it could just be a robe. When you look at his hands they seem to signify that he is probably the way he looked in OoT with just a more intimidating outfit and design.

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