Gamers can be a demanding lot, some demands are just impossible for developers to pull off well or at all, whereas its a wonder why other demands arent met at all despite sales figures...
Nintendo recently, have been giving us games we didnt ask for (as have other developers but Nintendo are on a roll).
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Paper Mario Colour Splash
Chibi Robo Zip Lash
Tri Force Heroes
And arguably Pikmin 3ds
These are all games most people didnt ask for. Its odd that these games exist when Nintendo know what their fans are crying out for.
A sequel to Thousand Year Door would go down a storm, as would a home console Animal Crossing community game and a home console Metroid actually featuring Samus would all sell well.
Yet.... they arent here. Tri Force Heores is... but not F Zero 3DX.
What other games out there exist for no other reason than to dilute franchises and leave loyal fans asking why?
Which games exist that you didnt ask for?
Nintendo recently, have been giving us games we didnt ask for (as have other developers but Nintendo are on a roll).
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, Metroid Prime: Federation Force
Paper Mario Colour Splash
Chibi Robo Zip Lash
Tri Force Heroes
And arguably Pikmin 3ds
These are all games most people didnt ask for. Its odd that these games exist when Nintendo know what their fans are crying out for.
A sequel to Thousand Year Door would go down a storm, as would a home console Animal Crossing community game and a home console Metroid actually featuring Samus would all sell well.
Yet.... they arent here. Tri Force Heores is... but not F Zero 3DX.
What other games out there exist for no other reason than to dilute franchises and leave loyal fans asking why?
Which games exist that you didnt ask for?