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Games Other Than Zelda?

Dec 18, 2010
Idaho, USA
I think the storyline of Metroid interests me more than the games do these days.

This is exactly what I thought as I played through Prime 3. It's a good game, but nowhere NEAR comparitive of Prime 1 and Prime 2. The first two were just... mind blowingly awesome in every way. Style, music, gameplay, story, graphics, everything. The story is very good though. I would probably say it's my least favorite Metroid game of the Metroid games I've played (Zero Mission, Prime, Prime 2, Prime 3, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion. Haven't beaten the original, Hunters, or Other M, and I don't plan to ever play any of those. Might emulate a color version of Metroid 2 in the future, though.) For too many reasons to list here... Again, it's a good game, and I do like it, it's just not exceedingly amazing like most other Metroid games are. The story was definitely worth all the painful playtime though.


Super Awesome Member
Jun 2, 2009
A computer if I'm online
You want me to list all of them besides Zelda? Well, OK!

They are (in no specific order):

Any Pokemon game that isn't Pokemon trozei
Any Mario game that isn't a sports game *glares at Mario Sports Mix*
Final Fantasy
Animal Crossing
Harvest Moon
Monster Hunter (my name on tri is ToonLink)
Any Super Smash Bros. game
Luigi's Mansion (it deserves it's own place)
Sonic the Hedgehog (I can finally say that without getting at laughed again!)
Soul Calibur 2


Ballos's Minion
Dec 6, 2010
Mimiga Village
Ace Attorney series- Teh epicness. My favorite series after Zelda. I love these games.

Professor Layton- I love the professor. Everything about this series is amazing- the music, the puzzles, the story, the cutscenes, everything.

Castlevania- I love a stiff challenge.

Mario- Best: Mario 64 and Sunshine. While the Galaxy games are ridiculously overrated, the best Mario games are always close by and are a blast to play.

I Wanna Be The Guy- Tougher than nails to the billionth power. But like I said, I love a stiff challenge.

Luigi's Mansion- I agree, it does deserve its own place.

Metroid Prime- All 3 are amazing. Other M was alright but not really all that, and the original Metroid was awful. I love the Prime games the most.

Heroes of Mana- A great storyline combined with fun gameplay. What more can you want?

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon- I think I have more time logged on this than most of my other games (excluding Brawl), due to the fact that it is the game I play most when in places like planes and cars.

Smash Bros- I play for fun, but I am still very competitive. Brawl is the best of them all, of course, though I like Melee just as much, but for completely different reasons.

Mario Kart- Also deserves its own place. I own(ed) all the MK games (I no longer have the SNES one, though). Double Dash is the best one by far- the only reason I play MKWii most often is for WiFi.
Dec 2, 2009
Canada (Pfft, I wish)
There's a whole bunch, but some of my favorites are:

Okami and Okami Den
Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia <3
Kingdom Hearts
Sly Cooper
Ace Attorney <3
Dark Cloud
Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts

And more. :)


Ganondorf Incarnate
Feb 12, 2011
Dark Realm
hmm...letz see...
Mario Bros.
Super Smash Bros. series
Call of Duty
Kingdom Hearts!

.....aaand that's about it! :) :ganondorf:
Apr 10, 2010
Besides Zelda, here are my favorite game series:

-Final Fantasy (although I'm quickly losing interest after the last game)
-Metal Gear Solid
-Command & Conquer (Tiberian / Red Alert)
-Elder Scrolls
-Grand Theft Auto
-Kingdom Hearts

-Some Mario / Pokemon / Resident Evil games


Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
what games do you play other than zelda?well i play pokemon, mario, and kirby.
black and white comes out tomorrow for me!!!!im so exited and happy!lolz
i have to save up for a 3DS...i only have $40.....(OoT!!!!!!:) and i really want a majoras mask 3D....really...bad....
and i found out last night there was a canceled kirby game for the wii called kirby wii......it was supposed to be fot the game cube, but they moved it to the wii....but it never came out....>.< and there is a kirby 3D game comming out!!!!:D

Other than Zelda? There are a lot of video game series I play... but I suppose you mean popular ones that I play often. Let's see:

1. Pokemon
2. Final Fantasy
3. Sonic Adventure
4. Mario

Now, as far as less popular or defunct games:

Tales of Symphonia
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
FIFA... I get the new FIFA game every year. Even if they are all basically the same haha

Also, I have a collection of most of the main Final Fantasy series. I think they're fantastic games.
Sep 11, 2009
Connecticut, USA
The old-school Enix games - Soul Blader, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and from other Nintendo series - Mario and Metroid.

My favorites are Super Metroid and Super Mario World.
Mar 2, 2011
super mario
okami-( like zelda with japane mythology)just bought it two months ago but that one is a great game
the story, gameplay,graphic style and even the music is epic XD
sphinx and the cursed mummy is fun (just like okami its like zelda but with egyptian mythology) i just love mythology and stuff like that :)
super smash bros
metal gear solid
final fantasy
kingdom hearts
tomb raider
soul calibur series
aaaand the sims 2

...i think i am half a boy XD


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
Other then the zelda series the main games I play are also Nintendo products. Such As metroid, Super Mario, Kirby, and Pikmin but their are also a couple of other franchises i like such as Splinter Cell and I definitly had to buy Goldeneye Wii

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