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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

I love this place.

  1. 5:45 PM - funnier6:
    You sure are :D
  2. 5:44 PM - Spirit
    is an awesome/scary person
  3. 5:44 PM - Lilac:
    If her real name was Mary it would be terrifying...
  4. 5:43 PM - funnier6:
    That was pretty awesome/scary
  5. 5:43 PM - Lilac:
    Oh so you're a hidden user, I get it.
  6. 5:41 PM - Lilac:
    or I may be wrong
  7. NinJa:
  8. NinJa:
    HOLY ****
  9. 5:41 PM - Lilac:
    Doesn't look like it's working :/
  10. 5:40 PM - Spirit:
  11. NinJa
  12. NinJa:
    Spirit.... Spirit.... Spirit
  13. NinJa
    stares into the mirror
  14. NinJa:
    If you look into the mirror and say Spirit three times, she will appear!
  15. 4:59 PM - Satan
    replied to thread Forum Time Outs
  16. 4:53 PM - Lilac:
  17. 4:48 PM - AncientPoe:
    spirit spirit spirit

I remember this. Good times.


❤️ love yourself ❤️
ZD Champion
I will always remember this.
Read from bottom to top

  • Sheikah_Witch: :hug:+1
    10 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: Thank you guys again, this has made me feel so much better! +1
    11 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: I just barely got done with all of my errands for the first day right before it hit nightfall, wasting no time at all. +1
    12 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: it's important that is has heart. I love a lot of 'old, traditional' art, because it's sincere and comes from a good place. +2
    14 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: Sometimes traditional art is actually the best kind. +1
    14 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: Thank you guys! sometimes I get really down, thinking how good other people’s art is, and how mine is old, traditional. But you guys make me feel so much better. +2
    18 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: It depends on the sentence for me, Twi. If I am trying to make a really good sentence, with adjectives, I have to concentrate and make it really nice. Other times, I just speedrun through, writing pretty bland sentences, then come back on fit adjectives in them.
    20 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: And that's not exaggerating. +1
    21 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: ambition takes you long way +1
    21 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: Thank you, Sheikah :)
    22 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: Writing an entire sentence takes me like 15 minutes.
    23 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: It is just really exhausting when I think about it
    23 minutes ago
  • Scrapper: @Sheikah_Witch has posted a new reply in the thread "Which Song Are You Currently Listening To?".
    23 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: And an author, and a pianist, and a YouTuber, but so many things do ...
    24 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: you'll get there. <3 +2
    24 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: But a really want to be a professional artist one day
    25 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: I am kinda okay at both, but I hope to better at both too.
    26 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: On the opposite with those two.
    28 minutes ago
  • Moe the Moblin: Drawing on the other hand baffles me
    30 minutes ago
  • Moe the Moblin: I've always felt writing wasn't too hard, but I think it's just because I read so much as a kid that language arts came a little easier to me
    30 minutes ago
  • Twilight Shadows: I haven't seen those words in a while.
    32 minutes ago
  • Scrapper: @Spirit has posted a new reply in the thread "Let's go, Milla!".
    32 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: I have that same admiration for people that can draw. I can't draw even if my life depended on it, so when I see people making impressive art my mind gets blown.
    36 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: oh yeah it's extremely hard. I guess the answer is that I've been making games since 2013, so practice makes perfect, just like with most artistic skills.
    37 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: *looks
    37 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: Np, how do you make games that look so good? It just likes like it would be so hard to make
    38 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: it's getting along pretty good now actually. I'm trying my best +1
    38 minutes ago
  • Sheikah_Witch: oooh thanks :)
    39 minutes ago
  • Snowlight:

    relate completely *sigh*
    39 minutes ago
  • Snowlight: I just want t say again, your game looks amazing!
    40 minutes ago
  • Load more messages?

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Read bottom to top. Animal Crossing is a serious game series.
  • Azure Sage:
    Chevywolf30 said:
    Why are we debating the government of AC?
    and here you thought animal crossing was a baby game. YOU WERE WRONG!
  • Azure Sage:
    he uses his privelege to give power back to the citizens
  • Azure Sage:
    tom nook is literally the one fixing the system
  • twilitfalchion:
    Because they can.
  • Azure Sage:
    you would have a point if nook actually had any control over the money after he puts it back into the community
  • Chevywolf30:
    Why are we debating the government of AC?
    'nice capitalist'
  • Azure Sage:
    you are the owner and the one in control, not him.
  • Azure Sage:
    even when he buys a deserted island he literally just lets you do whatever you want with it. hes only there to provide assistance when you want it.
    tom's large control of money is de facto control over their lives
  • Azure Sage:
    90% of his profits go right back into the community. he doesnt own the community.
    the systemic rot creates the problems that said system must then band-aid
  • Azure Sage:
    he doesnt control the businesses he assists.
  • Azure Sage:
    its the same way the ables function. they arent dependant on nook. he uses his resources to provide opportunites where ther were none before.
    the fact that their scraps are sizable negates not them as scraps nonetheless
  • Azure Sage:
    its theirs.
  • Azure Sage:
    they literally build their own business empire
  • Azure Sage:
    How so?
  • Azure Sage:
    have you even played the game
  • Azure Sage:
    they live off scraps as compared with what they're worth
    but keep in mind, it isn't just Tom, the rot is systemic
  • Azure Sage:
    timmy and tommy *do not* live off scraps.
    there's no reason to think Tom's monopoly, as the winner of the 'free' market competition, ought to exist in perpetuity merely out of perverse virtue signaling to large property ownership and 'free' market dogma, instead the worker's ought to be paid their worth which will further motivate them to reach their entelechy and then Timmy and Tommy won't just have to live off scraps
  • Princess Niki:
  • Azure Sage:
    he literally just gives you a house.
  • Azure Sage:
    thats not even a loan at that point.
  • Azure Sage:
    you are so fixated on the loan but you fail to realize that the loan is irrelevant. you literally. do not have to pay it back. ever.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Glory to the state.
  • Azure Sage:
    can you imagine if you showed up on an island run by any other business tycoon who expected you to pay for the trip there and the cost of building your home and instead of shooing you back where you came from he just. gives you a house. for free.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    He presses you into a loan like the capitalist pig he is.
  • Azure Sage:
    tom nook literally gives you a home when you show up without a penny to your name and the only time youre required to pay him back is if *you* want to.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Like a good villager.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    No. I tore down the store and distributed its wealth to the people in the name of the glory communist island state.
  • Azure Sage:
    wrong. they have complete freedom to run their business how they want.
  • Azure Sage:
    can you say the same? did YOU own a store franchise as a toddler?
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Still under the thumb of the capitalist pig.
  • Azure Sage:
    they own their own store franchise despite being toddlers.
  • Azure Sage:
    and look what theyve done with themselves
  • Azure Sage:
    timmy and tommy were orphans until he took them in
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Of course not. Tom Nook must be deposed and his funds distributed to the people.
  • Azure Sage:
    fools. tom nook's enterprises literally revitalized dying towns and gave homes to people like timmy and tommy
    besides, wouldn't it be fairer if his business was run democratically?
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Isabelle remembers.
    @Azure Sage Tom Nook's charitable donations ultimately amount to nothing more than a pretty face on a broken system. Are his actions good if they perpetuate a system that is merely a race to the bottom?
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Azure Sage said:
    also hhd implies isabelle commits tax fraud so this is just flat out backwards. :ananger:
    Isabele would never commit tax fraud. She always pays her dues to the state and the great communist regime.
  • Azure Sage:
    yoshi too.
  • Chevywolf30:
    Isn't that Yoshi?
  • Azure Sage:
    Bowsette Plus-Ultra said:
    Is Tom Nook about to finally be overthrown by Isabelle's communist regime?
    also hhd implies isabelle commits tax fraud so this is just flat out backwards. :ananger:
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
  • Azure Sage:
    a man who gives you a house with no expectation of repayment or interest on the loan is not greedy and i refuse to allow tom nook slander in this house.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    So many poor villagers trapped by Tom Nook in deceptive loans.
  • Azure Sage:
  • Azure Sage:
    implying that tom nook, a man who gives away 90% of his income to charities and the needy, is a capitalist pig
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    It's been a long time coming.
  • Bowsette Plus-Ultra:
    Is Tom Nook about to finally be overthrown by Isabelle's communist regime?
  • Princess Niki:
    I can't wait to see what we get for the anniversary update besides Mario stuff

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Bottom - top
But I think we can all agree that Mario Epsilonxy was a bit... underwhelming

Mellow Ezlo:
Not bad, I think that one's a little bit better than Mario Omicronixy

My favorite must be Mario Kappaxy though

That's a good one

Mellow Ezlo:
Can't pun rn, too busy playing Mario Deltaxy

Typo fixed but feel free to keep the puns going, I enjoy them :)

Mellow Ezlo:
That's coming out July 16

But what about Mario Omegaxy? Or is that not out yet?

Mellow Ezlo:
nah it's the third part of the trilogy that began with Mario Alphaxy

Is that the one before Mario Betaxy?

Mellow Ezlo:
Mario Gamaxy

@VikzeLink has started a new thread called "VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 449!" in World of Zelda.

@the8thark has started a new thread called "Mario Galaxy vs Skyward Sword, what Mario Gamaxy got right and Skyward's fatal flaw" in World of Zelda.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
Bottom to top

baa * wooloo rolls *

Goddamn sheep following sheep.

Azure Sage:
someone left the gate open when they left to go buy sshd, i guess.

How did these ****ing sheep get loose?
Dark Boo:

Azure Sage:

Azure Sage:
You have to enjoy it the way I think its morally correct to be enjoyed!!!!!!

Last edited:


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
@ExLight @Gorozoron
Bottom to top, you know the rules and so do I

  • ExLight:
    49 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    Gorozoron said:
    My opinions don't have to be slightly invalidated by chalking them up to " he's just a kid "
    noone is invalidating your opinions because you're a kid, they're being invalidated because they're bad
    49 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    Gorozoron said:
    My opinions don't have to be slightly invalidated by chalking them up to " he's just a kid "
    I see your point but I don't think that was his intention
    50 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    ExLight said:
    aren't you like 12
    My opinions don't have to be slightly invalidated by chalking them up to " he's just a kid "
    50 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    It had been abandoned
    51 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    30 years in the future
    51 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    I think second one was already shoving lore down everyone's throat
    51 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    what was the third one again? the amusement park?
    51 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    Eh I'd say after the 3rd
    52 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    oh boy can't wait for freddy to be in smash
    52 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    I think there was some passion behind FNAF but after the second game it was clearly just a milkfest lmao
    52 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    kiddo sounds right
    54 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    Undertale was a passion project Five nights at Cringy bear's place wasn't
    54 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    Gorozoron said:
    kiddo is bs I'm def sure Toby will finish it
    aren't you like 12
    54 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    And to clap back at the haters
    55 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    Scott just made a game just to get some money for his family it wasn't really a passion project
    55 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    I don't see your point sorry
    55 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    56 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    56 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    Chevywolf30 said:
    Just because Scott Cawthon is a great indie game dev doesn't mean they all are
    scott is scott , Toby is Toby
    56 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    57 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    ExLight said:
    try not to raise too much expectation kiddo
    kiddo is bs I'm def sure Toby will finish it
    57 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    Just because Scott Cawthon is a great indie game dev doesn't mean they all are
    57 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    at this rate it will be over whenever you're at my age and it prolly will have less playthrough hours than undertale
    57 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    try not to raise too much expectation kiddo
    57 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    lol it really won't
    58 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    Deltarune is going to be HUGE
    58 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    ExLight said:
    took him 2 years to make undertale on his own
    but that was a small scale game
    58 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    that's just bull lol
    58 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    but he needs 3 to make 20% of the follow-up with a team of 5+?
    58 minutes ago
  • ExLight:
    took him 2 years to make undertale on his own
    59 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    the dude is really working hard
    59 minutes ago
  • Gorozoron:
    ExLight said:
    so far only episode 1 after like 3 years lmao
    probs cuz Fox is trying to get a bigger team
    59 minutes ago
  • Chevywolf30:
    Today at 8:48 PM
  • Chevywolf30:
    Probably never gets finished
    Today at 8:48 PM
  • ExLight:
    a fiasco already prolly
    Today at 8:47 PM
  • ExLight:
    so far only episode 1 after like 3 years lmao
    Today at 8:47 PM
  • ExLight:
    Chevywolf30 said:
    Hasn't it been in progress since like 2018 rofl
    yea toby was planning on releasing it episodically
    Today at 8:47 PM
  • Gorozoron:
    alt universe
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • Chevywolf30:
    Hasn't it been in progress since like 2018 rofl
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • Gorozoron:
    Spiritual Mask Salesman said:
    Isn't Deltarune a sequel in progress
    not a sequel
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • Gorozoron:
    ExLight said:
    there a recent game called Everhood
    made by cody box
    Today at 8:46 PM
  • Spiritual Mask Salesman:
    Isn't Deltarune a sequel in progress
Last edited:


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3

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