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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
[11:50:54 AM] A Link In Time: Heh
[11:58:38 AM | Edited 11:58:49 AM] Mido: Ehe
[11:59:14 AM] Tristan: Eeh
[12:00:16 PM | Edited 12:00:23 PM] Chase DekuNut: Hhe
[12:00:42 PM] Tristan: He
[12:02:08 PM] Mido: Is
[12:02:20 PM] Tristan: A
[12:02:36 PM] Chase DekuNut: Bear
[12:02:43 PM] Mido: That
[12:02:49 PM] Tristan: Has
[12:02:58 PM] Mido: Twelve
[12:03:08 PM] Libk: Fetuses
[12:03:15 PM] Mido: Locked
[12:03:21 PM] Libk: Under
[12:03:33 PM] Mido: The
[12:03:36 PM] Tristan: Bus
[12:03:44 PM] Mido: Which
[12:03:56 PM] Tristan: Was
[12:04:04 PM] Mido: Previously
[12:04:19 PM] Libk: Destroyed
[12:04:23 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): By
[12:04:23 PM] Tristan: By
[12:04:31 PM] Libk: Haitians
[12:04:43 PM] Tristan: And
[12:04:48 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Loves
[12:04:56 PM] Tristan: To
[12:05:01 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): ****
[12:05:02 PM] Libk: Bacon
[12:05:13 PM] Mido: At
[12:05:18 PM] Tristan: Midnight
[12:05:25 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Caressing
[12:05:35 PM] Mido: The
[12:05:37 PM] Libk: Oranges
[12:05:42 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): And
[12:05:49 PM] Mido: Other
[12:05:52 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Ducks
[12:05:56 PM] Tristan: That
[12:06:05 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Make
[12:06:36 PM] Mido: Sweaters
[12:06:40 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): That
[12:06:44 PM] Tristan: Are
[12:06:49 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Gargling
[12:07:02 PM] Tristan: With
[12:07:07 PM] Libk: Cucumbers
[12:07:15 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Covered
[12:07:18 PM] Libk: In
[12:07:33 PM | Edited 12:07:40 PM] Johnny: Jizz
[12:07:33 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Lube
[12:07:51 PM] Johnny: R rated
[12:07:52 PM] Libk: Because
[12:08:05 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Salmon
[12:08:11 PM] Libk: Isn't
[12:08:18 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Horny
[12:08:23 PM] Tristan: Anymore
[12:08:31 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): wink
[12:08:54 PM] Tristan: This is the greatest story ever
[12:08:57 PM] Storm(Lupus)(Satan)(Chel): Yes
[12:09:07 PM] GAY Salmon: :|
[12:09:11 PM] Libk: It definitely is. Post it on ZD


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
See? Never say our members don't care about your birthday :P Matt's last comment in this quote was priceless :D It has nothing to do with the birthday conversation but the timing couldn't have been more perfect :P
7:25 AM - Matt: If anyone on Xbox One wants Fallout 4, it's currently on sale for gold members for $39. Or $66 for the bundle that includes the season pass. Pretty good deal.
7:22 AM - DekuNut: Figures
7:22 AM - Matt: Two days after join date
7:21 AM - Matt: few weeks ago.
7:21 AM - DekuNut: Last activity?
7:21 AM - Matt: That hasn't done much yet.
7:21 AM - Matt: Nope. Very recent one.
7:19 AM - Malon: Hi
7:19 AM - DekuNut: Hi Malon
7:18 AM - Malon: Hi I'm back
7:18 AM - DekuNut: i'm assuming it's a little-known, unactive-for-three-plus-years user
7:14 AM - Matt: Have no idea who that is.
7:12 AM - Viewtiful Ken: Yes, THE Stephani Kawkaye
7:12 AM - DekuNut posted a new thread in Media: DC Rebirth
7:06 AM - Kingdom X replied to thread Death battle Link vs Cloud Round 2?
7:03 AM - Tristan: OMG STEPHANI KAWKAYE???
7:01 AM - Viewtiful Ken: Guys, it's Stephani Kawkaye's birthday


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
So at my school every residence hall has its own student government. I'm a part of mine, and here's a conversation from our group chat today regarding a climate awareness table were putting up on campus:
Jacob: How ought we dress for tabling?
Oliver: Is nudity accepted is my question
Oliver: I'm asking
Oliver: For a friend
Zhane: XD
Me: Now I know little of tabling clothing requirements
Me: But since we're working on saving nature, I think it only right that we work on saving naturism as well.
Me: So I'll say yes :P
Oliver: Now that is a well made point i can get behind. If me showing up in the nude is a not then I guess somebody better say something to the contrary. As of now I'm with Chase on this.
Rad: It doesn't matter, just wear what you usually would
Oliver: Ah. No nudity in public then, got it
Jun 3, 2011
[1:25 PM] Selenus: Come on! You're better than this!
[1:25 PM] Selenus: You've got civilizations to bring to ruin, feeble human minds to destroy!
[1:25 PM] Selenus: Exactly! You have better things to do than sparkle!
[1:24 PM] Deus: But not in a punny way, its just really hard to play W2 when doing it. When I fly it it literally doesnt suck because it isnt a cordless
[1:24 PM] Cthulhu: yeah well when you are a glorious sea monster that can destroy minds with one sucker then you can tell me what to do
[1:24 PM] Selenus: 'Tis a terrible epidemic sweeping across the intertubes, brah.
[1:24 PM] Selenus: Some people don't resort to sparkling to pay those bills.
[1:23 PM] Deus: Cthulhu is right. It really does suck
[1:23 PM] Selenus: So shameful.
[1:23 PM] Cthulhu: In soviet russia energy drinks you
[1:23 PM] Selenus: So you've become Sparklethulhu.
[1:22 PM] Cthulhu: I got me some Twilighting to do
[1:22 PM] Cthulhu: no it sucks too much
[1:22 PM] Deus posted a new thread in General Gaming: Witcher 3: Blood and Wine
[1:19 PM] Selenus: Ah, but have you played Witcher 2 while flying on your Dyson?
[1:18 PM] Deus: Time to play some more Witcher 2. Blood and wine DLC for 3 is out in 4 days


The game is on!
May 28, 2016 6:01 PM - @DuelMark: Still salty...
May 28, 2016 6:10 PM - @Selenus: Well, stop licking salt bricks! Geez!
May 28, 2016 6:23 PM - @Vanessa28: yellow brick road
May 28, 2016 6:28 PM - @Pendio: So goodbye yellow brick road
May 28, 2016 6:28 PM - @Pendio: where the dogs of society howl
May 28, 2016 6:28 PM - @Pendio: You can't plant me in your pen house
May 28, 2016 6:29 PM - @Pendio: I'm going back to my plow
May 28, 2016 6:29 PM - @Pendio: Back to the howling old owl in the woods
May 28, 2016 6:29 PM - @Pendio: Hunting the horny back toad
May 28, 2016 6:30 PM - @Pendio: Oh I've finally decided my future lies
May 28, 2016 6:30 PM - @Pendio: beyond the yellow brick road
May 28, 2016 6:30 PM - @Vanessa28: I wuv you pendio!
May 28, 2016 6:31 PM - @Terminus: ooohhh ari has some competition i see
May 28, 2016 6:31 PM - @Azure Sage: the salt brick road
May 28, 2016 6:31 PM - @Pendio: c:
May 28, 2016 6:32 PM - @Vanessa28: Terminus: ooohhh ari has some competition i see<--- Termy wins hands down :P
May 28, 2016 6:32 PM - @Terminus: slugs
May 28, 2016 6:33 PM - @Vanessa28: NAH Ari wins the competition ;)


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
[1:25 PM] Selenus: Come on! You're better than this!
[1:25 PM] Selenus: You've got civilizations to bring to ruin, feeble human minds to destroy!
[1:25 PM] Selenus: Exactly! You have better things to do than sparkle!
[1:24 PM] Deus: But not in a punny way, its just really hard to play W2 when doing it. When I fly it it literally doesnt suck because it isnt a cordless
[1:24 PM] Cthulhu: yeah well when you are a glorious sea monster that can destroy minds with one sucker then you can tell me what to do
[1:24 PM] Selenus: 'Tis a terrible epidemic sweeping across the intertubes, brah.
[1:24 PM] Selenus: Some people don't resort to sparkling to pay those bills.
[1:23 PM] Deus: Cthulhu is right. It really does suck
[1:23 PM] Selenus: So shameful.
[1:23 PM] Cthulhu: In soviet russia energy drinks you
[1:23 PM] Selenus: So you've become Sparklethulhu.
[1:22 PM] Cthulhu: I got me some Twilighting to do
[1:22 PM] Cthulhu: no it sucks too much
[1:22 PM] Deus posted a new thread in General Gaming: Witcher 3: Blood and Wine
[1:19 PM] Selenus: Ah, but have you played Witcher 2 while flying on your Dyson?
[1:18 PM] Deus: Time to play some more Witcher 2. Blood and wine DLC for 3 is out in 4 days

Honestly not sure what selenus was drinking this time.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Azure Sage: i think you're right
9:02 PM - Cfrock: I think you need a glass of water and a lie down
Azure Sage: how
Azure Sage: not to mention catroom at the end
Azure Sage: typo skill level +12
Azure Sage: not only did i write korean twice without realizing it i also made it almost unrecognizable the second time
9:01 PM - The Hero of Legend: What the **** is a coreak
9:01 PM - Cfrock: 10/10
Azure Sage: thats a whole new level
Azure Sage: how did i butcher that sentence so badlyt
Azure Sage: what the ****
Azure Sage: i live inside a korean coreak catroom
9:00 PM - TheTrickyKeaton: animee
8:59 PM - Cfrock: Are you ever not in middle of watching Korean cartoons?
Azure Sage: i was in the middle of watching animu anyway
Azure Sage: well it was interesting while it lasted
Azure Sage: wow this conversation died fast
i wanted to immortalize my greatest ****-up to date

el :BeoWolf:

When all else fails use fire
Feb 5, 2016
Jul 18, 2016 12:29 AM - @Malon: #fourscoreandsevenyearsagoourfathersbroughtforthuponthiscontinentanewnationconceivedinlibertyanddedicatedtothepropositionthatallmenarecreatedequalnowweareengagedinagreatcivilwartestingwhetherthatnationoranynationsoconceivedandsodedicatedcanlongendurewearemetonagreatbattlefieldofthatwarwehavecometodedicateaportionofitasafinalrestingplaceforthosewhodiedherethatthenationmightlivethiswemayinallproprietydobutinalargersensewecannotdedicatewecannotconsecratewecannothallowthisgroundthebravemenlivinganddeadwhostruggledherehavehalloweditfaraboveourpoorpowertoaddordetracttheworldwilllittlenotenorlongrememberwhatwesayherewhileitcanneverforgetwhattheydidhereitisratherforusthelivingweherebededicatedtothegreattaskremainingbeforeusthatfromthesehonoreddeadwetakeincreaseddevotiontothatcauseforwhichtheyheregavethelastfullmeasureofdevotionthatweherehighlyresolvethatthesedeadshallnothavediedinvainthatthisnationshallhaveanewbirthoffreedomandthatgovernmentofthepeoplebythepeopleforthepeopleshallnotperishfromtheearth

Best. Hashtag, Ever.

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