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Funny or Memorable IM or Shoutbox Conversations.

[1:10:44 AM] Satan: uwu
[1:23:08 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[3:51:08 AM] Abaddon: UWU
[8:25:46 AM] Satan: u///w///u
[8:25:56 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[8:26:01 AM] Satan: sinwu
[8:26:05 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[8:26:07 AM] Satan: uwu
[8:26:10 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[8:26:13 AM] Satan: uwu
[8:26:14 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[8:26:20 AM] Satan: u w u
[8:26:21 AM] Abaddon: uwu
[8:26:24 AM] Satan: uwu
[8:26:27 AM] Abaddon: UwU
[8:26:28 AM] Satan: umu
[8:26:32 AM] Abaddon: uWu
[8:26:47 AM] Satan: ùwú
[8:26:49 AM] Abaddon: UWU
[8:26:56 AM] Satan: uwu
[8:26:57 AM] Abaddon: >W<
[8:27:01 AM] Satan: KEK
[8:27:03 AM] Abaddon: I'm done
[8:27:07 AM] Satan: uwu
[8:27:07 AM] Abaddon: I can't handle anymore
[8:27:12 AM] Satan: u w u
[8:27:17 AM] Abaddon: No
[8:27:18 AM] Abaddon: stop
[8:27:23 AM] Satan: umu


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
This is pure brilliance.

  1. 7:26 PM - Dan:
    Frsky little pebble!
  2. 7:25 PM - Dan:
    wow wow we wa!
  3. 7:24 PM - Selenus:
    It needs so many it'll get hives.
  4. 7:23 PM - Selenus:
    That thread needs all the rumplebumples it can get.
  5. 7:23 PM - Dan:
    I think most of us were a little shocked how far he went to rumblebumple but it was worth it in the end.
  6. 7:22 PM - Dan:
    Probably one of his best rumblebumples was in the social justice thread a few years back.
  7. 7:22 PM - Dan:
    Same, I love seeing Jamie in his rumblebumple mode :D
  8. 7:17 PM - Selenus:
  9. 7:17 PM - Selenus:
    I'm ready for it.
  10. 7:16 PM - Dan:
    Jamie will probably rumblebumple that thread pretty hard.
Jun 3, 2011
  1. 2:12 PM] Dan:
    Person that asked me who they are talking about, not naming names but i'm not naming names.
  2. [2:12 PM] Jamie:
    Oh I couldn't tell, bok, since dan wasn't naming names
  3. [2:11 PM] Dan
    replied to thread The Wildlife Trade/Exotic Pet Trade
  4. [2:10 PM] Majoras-Light
    replied to thread Thoughts on the controls?
  5. [2:10 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
    I'm not naming names, but Dan is talking about you Jamie
  6. Selenus:
    How dare you derail threads! To the gallows with you, heathen! :P
  7. [2:10 PM] Jamie:
    Who are you talking about dan?
  8. [2:09 PM] Dan:
    Just because you were a former admin here at ZD doesn't mean you can derail threads.
  9. [2:08 PM] Dan:
    Thread derailment is wrong
  10. [2:08 PM] Tristan:
    punishment for bok should be execution
  11. [2:08 PM] Jamie:
    alright Deus, sounds good
  12. [2:08 PM] Cthulhu:
    but the pigmy hippo one doesn't belong
  13. [2:08 PM] Dan:
    Not going to name names but why are you derailing threads?
Now, I'm not naming names, but there were names being named here.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
  1. 2:12 PM] Dan:
    Person that asked me who they are talking about, not naming names but i'm not naming names.
  2. [2:12 PM] Jamie:
    Oh I couldn't tell, bok, since dan wasn't naming names
  3. [2:11 PM] Dan
    replied to thread The Wildlife Trade/Exotic Pet Trade
  4. [2:10 PM] Majoras-Light
    replied to thread Thoughts on the controls?
  5. [2:10 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
    I'm not naming names, but Dan is talking about you Jamie
  6. Selenus:
    How dare you derail threads! To the gallows with you, heathen! :P
  7. [2:10 PM] Jamie:
    Who are you talking about dan?
  8. [2:09 PM] Dan:
    Just because you were a former admin here at ZD doesn't mean you can derail threads.
  9. [2:08 PM] Dan:
    Thread derailment is wrong
  10. [2:08 PM] Tristan:
    punishment for bok should be execution
  11. [2:08 PM] Jamie:
    alright Deus, sounds good
  12. [2:08 PM] Cthulhu:
    but the pigmy hippo one doesn't belong
  13. [2:08 PM] Dan:
    Not going to name names but why are you derailing threads?
Now, I'm not naming names, but there were names being named here.

That pigmy hippo comment of mine looks strange out of context, just glad i didn't say "it doesn't fit there"

Also not naming names (@Jamie) but stop derailing my threads, not naming names (@Jamie)


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Triple A ownage dished!

  1. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    You'll never live it down
  2. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    Sorry Tristan the ownage has been dealt
  3. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  4. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  5. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  6. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  7. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  8. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    you just got owned in front of all your friends and family!
  9. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  10. 10:31 PM - Dan:
    owned TRISTAN!
  11. 10:31 PM - Tristan:
    aww :(
  12. 10:31 PM - Tristan:
  13. 10:31 PM - Dan:
  14. 10:31 PM - Dan:
  15. 10:30 PM - Selenus:
  16. 10:30 PM - Selenus:


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Triple A ownage dished!

  1. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    You'll never live it down
  2. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    Sorry Tristan the ownage has been dealt
  3. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  4. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  5. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  6. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  7. 10:32 PM - Dan:
  8. 10:32 PM - Dan:
    you just got owned in front of all your friends and family!
  9. 10:32 PM - Tristan:
  10. 10:31 PM - Dan:
    owned TRISTAN!
  11. 10:31 PM - Tristan:
    aww :(
  12. 10:31 PM - Tristan:
  13. 10:31 PM - Dan:
  14. 10:31 PM - Dan:
  15. 10:30 PM - Selenus:
  16. 10:30 PM - Selenus:
I believe you mean "Feel the Bern".
[7:36:21 PM] Satan: EH
[7:36:24 PM] Asmodeus: REH
[7:36:26 PM] Satan: EH
[7:36:29 PM] Asmodeus: REH
[7:36:31 PM] Satan: EH
[7:36:34 PM] Asmodeus: REHHHH
[7:36:37 PM] Satan: /EH/
[7:37:01 PM] Asmodeus: \REH\
[7:37:28 PM] Belphegor: Stepped away for one minute
[7:37:32 PM] Belphegor: What is this
[7:37:34 PM] Belphegor: Why>
[7:37:34 PM] Satan: art
[7:37:44 PM] Belphegor: .-.
[7:37:50 PM] Asmodeus: a tribute to the prophet MATT MVS himself
[7:38:06 PM] Belphegor: Geez
[7:38:16 PM] Belphegor: He only has like one good song
[7:38:18 PM] Belphegor: damn
[7:38:19 PM] Belphegor: wow
[7:38:21 PM] Belphegor: omg
[7:38:29 PM] Asmodeus: woah woah woah
[7:38:34 PM] Asmodeus: He has tons of good songs
[7:38:37 PM] Belphegor: NOPE
[7:38:39 PM] Belphegor: THERE
[7:38:39 PM] Satan: mattmvs is no one hit wonder
[7:38:41 PM] Belphegor: I SAID IT
[7:38:44 PM] Satan: all of his songs are masterpieces
[7:38:49 PM] Satan: that TRANSCEND
[7:38:58 PM] Belphegor: Naaah
[7:38:59 PM] Belphegor: nope
[7:39:01 PM] Asmodeus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIqnsexXWWI
[7:39:08 PM] Asmodeus: Have you even heard this masterpiece?
Jun 3, 2011
  1. Selenus:
    Haters gonna hate!
  2. [4:53 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
  3. [4:52 PM] Jamie:
    I say I hate you because I hate you.
  4. [4:52 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
  5. [4:52 PM] Jamie:
  6. [4:51 PM] Malon:
    Hullo bok hello odd
  7. [4:51 PM] odd300:
    That logic applies to me, right?
  8. [4:51 PM] odd300:
    I can finally come out desu.
  9. [4:51 PM] Jamie:
  10. [4:51 PM] Jamie:
    In reality, I like you quite a bit. I just say I hate you because I'm embarrassed
  11. [4:51 PM] odd300:
    Oh boy.
  12. [4:50 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
    You're never happy to see me!
  13. [4:50 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
    Jamie you hit your face on something?
  14. Selenus:
  15. [4:50 PM] Jamie:
  16. [4:50 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
    Is it safe to come out now?
  17. [4:50 PM] Jamie:
    Hi bok!
  18. [4:50 PM] Philosophies About Bok Choy:
Gonna hate gonna hate gonna hate!


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory

So I was talking D&D classes with my friend Chase because we want to set a campaign up before he goes to the Navy and I know nothing about it, and then all of a sudden Daniel out of ****ing nowhere.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
[3:23:33 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "The PatChat" ***
[3:24:41 PM] *** GAY Salmon has renamed this conversation to "more like no" ***
[3:25:26 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "umu" ***
[3:26:59 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "Centrum För Konspirationschattar™ och rumpor & butts" ***
[3:27:26 PM] Petter Lagerstedt: :O
[3:29:33 PM] *** Mido has renamed this conversation to "Centrum För Konspirationschattar™" ***
[3:29:54 PM] *** GAY Salmon has renamed this conversation to "booty chat" ***
[3:32:09 PM] *** Mido has renamed this conversation to "Salmon and Friends" ***
[3:32:35 PM] GAY Salmon: i approve
[3:32:38 PM] GAY Salmon: no one else change it
[3:32:39 PM] GAY Salmon: forever
[3:33:16 PM] Mido: forever?
[3:33:22 PM] GAY Salmon: forever
[3:33:27 PM] Tristan: forever? :O
[3:33:53 PM] *** Koko has renamed this conversation to "error: overload" ***
[3:34:49 PM] *** Patrick has renamed this conversation to "The Curiously Capped Caroling Dogs" ***
[3:36:08 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "Christmas Carols and Cappucinos" ***
[3:37:33 PM] *** Patrick has renamed this conversation to "Capes, Cowls, and Catwoman" ***
[3:38:37 PM] *** Mathias has renamed this conversation to "Niggas and Cheese" ***
[3:38:54 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "Cabalistic Calligraphy Carvings" ***
[3:38:56 PM] Patrick: Gg
[3:39:17 PM] *** Mathias has renamed this conversation to "GG Bruh" ***
[3:40:19 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "hella" ***
[3:40:29 PM] *** Mido has renamed this conversation to "Make the Charizards Great Again!" ***
[3:40:37 PM] Mido: ;)
[3:40:53 PM] Tristan: D:
[3:40:58 PM] *** Patrick has renamed this conversation to "Pink Beatles Boys" ***
[3:41:25 PM] Mathias: I bought Hyrule Historia
[3:41:52 PM] GAY Salmon: how could you guys do this to me
[3:42:12 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "Flamboyant Gay Cheeky Boy Party Gangbang what what" ***
[3:42:20 PM] *** Mido has renamed this conversation to "Salmon, Mathias, and Friends" ***
[3:42:27 PM] Patrick: Did you guys like my snapchat?
[3:42:33 PM] GAY Salmon: dog
[3:42:48 PM] Tristan: yes, it was very intriguing
[3:43:04 PM] GAY Salmon: my snapchat is also about my dog
[3:43:34 PM] Mathias: Trump hates Pedro
[3:44:01 PM] Mido: Vote 4 Pedro
[3:44:02 PM] *** Tristan has renamed this conversation to "Snapchats about dogs, bald heads, metal music, and butts" ***


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
[8:56:46 PM] Jamie: that was hot
[8:56:46 PM] Nautas: Bit groose
[8:56:48 PM] Jamie: oh
[8:56:48 PM] Nautas: Oh


The game is on!
[2016-05-02 04:42:45] Mathias: I could hear my mom's tv and they were saying Carolina every 5 seconds and I want to rip my face off
[2016-05-02 04:43:22] Komali: Gotta agree, not my favourite name.
[2016-05-02 04:43:48] Mathias: That's the name of the girl I like
[2016-05-02 04:43:59] Komali: I especially don't like the nickname of it that we at least use here in Sweden
[2016-05-02 04:44:05] Komali: "Carro"
[2016-05-02 04:44:09] Komali: ew
[2016-05-02 04:44:21] Mathias: That's what people call her
[2016-05-02 04:44:37] Mathias: #kek
[2016-05-02 04:44:41] Komali: Nothing personal towards any Carros out there
[2016-05-02 04:45:10] Mathias: This is funnier to me because I'm pending
[2016-05-02 04:45:37] Mathias: The only time I'm pending and i don't even mind it lol
[2016-05-02 04:45:49] Mathias: This is 1000x funnier now xD
[2016-05-02 04:47:07] Komali: OMG XD
[2016-05-02 04:47:10] Komali: lol
[2016-05-02 04:47:25] Mathias: I actually like the name ;-;
[2016-05-02 04:47:30] Komali: Hahaha
[2016-05-02 04:47:36] Komali: I'm sorry mate!
[2016-05-02 04:47:45] Komali: Oh I'm laughing so hard rn XD
[2016-05-02 04:47:50] Mathias: That was ****ing hilarious
[2016-05-02 04:48:09] Mathias: Like you kept talking **** and then I realized I was pending
[2016-05-02 04:48:15] Mathias: And I ****ing lost it xD
[2016-05-02 04:48:19] Komali: Haha yeah I was going on a rant lol


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
[4/27/2016 10:08:21 AM] GoodguyStebs: Hey man! Exhausting honestly lol
[4/27/2016 10:08:41 AM] Eric the Red: Busy season at work?
[4/27/2016 10:16:52 AM] GoodguyStebs: Very busy. I got a break with pax but now im back at it. How are you doing?
[4/27/2016 10:17:30 AM] Eric the Red: Uni is boring me to death and I'm STILL trying to find a couch to use for filming
[4/27/2016 10:17:36 AM] Eric the Red: Haven't had any luck with that
[4/27/2016 10:46:30 AM] GoodguyStebs: Hace you tried craigs list?
[4/27/2016 10:46:38 AM] GoodguyStebs: Or offerup
[4/27/2016 10:46:47 AM] Eric the Red: Yeah haven't found much on CL
[4/27/2016 10:46:51 AM] Eric the Red: Haven't heard of offer up before
[4/27/2016 10:46:58 AM] Eric the Red: Is it a regional thong?
[4/27/2016 10:48:49 AM] Eric the Red: thing lmao
[4/27/2016 10:49:03 AM] GoodguyStebs: Nope its an app for selling and buying stuff. Super awesome I recommend it
[4/27/2016 10:49:07 AM] Eric the Red: Not doing THAT kind of filming


The game is on!
So um ... I just stumbled across this in the SB archive XD

May 17, 2016 8:49 PM - @Malon: Oh btw Eren you've managed to fool the entire test forum on accident.
May 17, 2016 8:50 PM - @Malon: They all think that we are a couple now,
May 17, 2016 8:50 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: How would I gey them to teust me otherwise?
May 17, 2016 8:50 PM - @DekuNut: They legit fo lol
May 17, 2016 8:50 PM - @DekuNut: *do
May 17, 2016 8:50 PM - @BlackWolf//WhiteAngel: Oh yeah, that was funny
May 17, 2016 8:51 PM - @Malon: I dunno how else you would gey them to teust you. But it worked.
May 17, 2016 8:51 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: Nah, but I do have a bae. But I'm not at liberty to say who it is.
May 17, 2016 8:51 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE ME.
May 17, 2016 8:51 PM - @Malon: Is it a ZDer if you don't mind me asking?
May 17, 2016 8:51 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: NEVERRRRRRRRR
May 17, 2016 8:52 PM - @DekuNut: It's obvs Pendio :P
May 17, 2016 8:52 PM - @Malon: Just wondering so if I should halt operation TT
May 17, 2016 8:52 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: XD Surreee, totally. Cuz Ari and I share Pendio. Rightttt
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: Halt op TT
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @DekuNut: What if...
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @DekuNut: You ARE Ari? :O
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @BlackWolf//WhiteAngel: Seems legit
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: Nah, she'd murder me.
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @Malon: ...very well.
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: And I'd let her.
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @Malon: I always wondered I mean Eren does seem like an Ari alt
May 17, 2016 8:53 PM - @Malon: But that was just me being paranoid probably
May 17, 2016 8:54 PM - @ErenTheGenderfluidTitan: Yeahh, I'm not Ari. She's cooler... and prettier... and nicer! *cries like a boss*
May 17, 2016 8:54 PM - @DekuNut: is ok eren
May 17, 2016 8:54 PM - @Malon: Ah that's right you don't look like Ari
May 17, 2016 8:54 PM - @DekuNut: Im not Ari either

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