How are you going to compare Resident Evil 4, a game that released in 2005 and was reviewed according to the Gamecube's standards to, Resident Evil 5? A game that released in 2009, that was reviewed according to the 360's and PS3's (superior consoles to the Gamecube) standards.
You can't compare them based on reviews or specs or anything, but based on content you definitely can. Resident Evil 4 was most definitely capable of giving some kind of fright or shock. You don't get that out of Resident Evil 5 (unless you play on Pro mode, solo fighting Bird Beak Woman + Wesker and you have my kinda mind). RE5 was nothing but an action game, whereas RE4 at least
tried to keep a little bit of scare in. At leas RE4 has atmosphere, y'know?
Anywho, I don't believe in franchise fatigue. Games don't decrease in quality because so many are pushed out into the world -- that's like saying that X brand of lawnmower will die out because it has so many revisions. Just not the case. Yeah, it's somewhat costly (unless you do an OoT--MM where you reuse all the models of the previous game), but it's not gonna increase/decrease the quality of the series. Just give it more publicity because there are more installments to relate to.
[As a matter of fact, if I did beleive in FF, I wouldn't put Call of Duty on that list. Every CoD has been the same quality wise EXCEPT Modern Warfare 3 because it's spawns freaking suck and the MP7 is easily the most broken weapon in the game]