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Favorite Ways To Kill Miniblins


Jun 14, 2010
Not in the SB ;-;
Yeah I love to hit squash them with the Skull Hammer they look funny when they are flat:nod:, but i also enjoyed to push a full group into a little corner with the Deku Leaf and then make a HOMERUN with all them. Its funny because they go all flying in different directions:xd:


But you called me here...
Aug 6, 2010
Skull hammer, Hurricane Spin, and bombs. So much fun sending the Miniblins flying with the hammer.
Nov 26, 2008
I actually don't like to kill them in any special way. I use the Sword, Bow and Boomerang in combat against them mainly. So how I killed them isn't so important as where I kill them. I like to find a spot where they spawn endlessly, like certain areas in the Forsaken Fortress and just battle for like 5-10 minutes against and endless tide. That's just epic and is really fun for me. I usually intentionally do it in the most stylish way possible as well. :P


Sep 20, 2008
I like using the Bow and Arrow to pick them off one by one when I see them from far away, like up on a ledge or something.

Shooting them when you're up on a ledge can have its comedic benefits, as they run around in confused circles wondering where the arrow came from. :P

My second favorite way to kill them is by using the Skull Hammer to flatten them and send them flying over the edge of the islands and into the water below. Hearing that "eeeeep" sound they make when they're falling makes me laugh maniacally every time.


Poe Catcher
Aug 25, 2008
Georgia, USA
Aahh, the miniblins, those annoying little things. I swear, their presence and their little chant just makes me want to slap them in the face, except slashing them with a sword is much more fun. So, I guess I'll name my favoirate ways to "take care" of these little demons.

Firstly, I have my classic "Press L and B rapidly", which works great against the horde of weak enemies, mainly just about any enemy that ends in "-blin." (The only exception here would be moblins.) I don't know why, but whenever I do that, it ends up making the game lose quite a few frames. However, it's fun to do, especially in a place like Shark Island. My second preference for attacking these nuisances would be to, in a place like Shark Island or any other place where sword wielding enemies are present, lure them to that enemy, then once the sword enemy begins to strike, jump out of the way so that way the enemy armed with the sword ends up killing his comrade. For some reason, the higher ranking darknuts feel the need to attack them anyways if they're in the way.

My final way to try to take out these pests would be using the hurricane spin. It's a bit bad when you have to deal with the other enemies during the recovery time, but it's still quite a fun feat to do. It isn't even that hard to get the spin of hurricanes (yeah, I just came up with that), and it doesn't take that damage, but I'd suggest spending the last 3-5 seconds trying to get into a safe spot to recover (or hit an object like a tree). So, those are my three ways, and I'm pretty sure you all have done those before at least once.


NaNah, Nanah! They must be the silliest foes ever. I liked the savage labyrinth floor that was swarming with them. However, I prefer fighting wizzrobes (with swordfighting and dodging their fireballs) and Darknuts.

Master Sword13

Oct 16, 2010
South Carolina
I've never tried the Skull Hammer before and it seems like a good way to kill them, so maybe I'll try it soon. For miniblins, I just stab them all to death. When there's a swarm I just do a spin attack, or if I know there's more coming I use the Hurricane Spin. I've tried shooting them before but if they see you you can't get up to a ledge safely because they can walk up walls like ninjas. I'll try it though.

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