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Favorite Mario game


Jan 31, 2008
Amherst, MA
Didn't I already answer this one?
Super Mario Sunshine for the Nintendo Gamecube. It has a wide variety of things to do, very nice and lengthy game, and a good story behind it. Super Mario 64 was also a very fun game, with some nice little obstacles and things.

El Bagu

Wannabe Mr. 1-8-1
Jul 5, 2008
In Woods. N of River!
Thank you all for your comments and thoughts about the Super Mario "series" :). I´ve decided that I must get a copy of Super Mario World to begin with (I´m mostly a 2D game fan) and later on try to get my hands on Super Mario 64 (preferably the handheld version since I don´t own a N64).
Nov 26, 2008
If it counts, then Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. It's my favorite game of all time.

If I can't pick a Yoshi's Island game, then I pick Super Mario 64.


GoodNight SunShine!
Mar 7, 2009
Gran Pulse
Even though I've been playing this game "forever", I'd have to say galaxy for the wii. Everything about this game just takes my breath away... The missions may be long ,but at least its not one of those games that easily takes about 1 hour to complete.

Johnny Boy

Doctor JB!
Feb 26, 2009
Lets see here, so many great Mario games to choose from...

3D- Super Mario 64
Super Mario Galaxy
I haven't even played Super Mario Galaxy though, so I am considering Super Mario 64. It was one of the first video games I ever played. I had a lot of fun on nights playing it with my brother's watchful guide over me. The music was so great, and the 3D flare was awesome. I still play it from time to time on my N64.

2D- Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros 3
Ah yes, back to the classics. Don't get me wrong, but I think SMW is personally the best. My favorite part is the wonderfully made music. This game was made on the Snes, so it brought a lot of beautiful color to your screen. A must have.
Super Mario Bros 3 is also an instant classic. After the..uh..SMB2 incident, this game seemed to calm the folks down and give them what they wanted. I like all of the different worlds and themes. Music is a plus. This game was very good and creative considering the limited aspects of the Nes.

RPG- Paper Mario
Paper Mario 2
Here we go, the Paper Mario series. Maybe not as well known as the 2D titles such as SMB3, these games were excellent. Overall, I like the first one better though because it just seemed much more original and classic. Another game I remember playing with my older brother's watchful gaze. We even had a contest to see who could finish PM first. Day and night Paper Mario was running on the screen. The quirky characters, fun battle system, and the loads of sidequests made this an amazing game. When I heard another paper mario was coming out for the Gamecube, I was exstatic. Having beaten the first a couple of times, I was a bit more experienced and ready for a new challenge. I can remember Christmas Day, and playing this on our big screen. Right from the beginning, I noticed graphic improvements, and even more quirky characters. This game is much more retro, and uses a lot more slang. Overall, just as good as the first.


Feb 2, 2009
I would probably have to go with either Super Mario 64 or Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Super Mario 64 has got to be one of the greatest games of all time, and Superstar Saga was one of the best RPG's I've played, and one thing really cool about that one... Bowser is a good guy.

Johnny Boy

Doctor JB!
Feb 26, 2009
Crap, I completely forgot about the Super Star Saga series. I have played through the first one at least 10 times and it never ever gets old. The plot is constantly changing and is very good and keeps you coming back for more. The battle system was also very unique.


Hero of Internet
Mar 26, 2009
I liked Super Paper Mario, I thought it mixed platforming and RPG elements quite well. A great game to try out if you see it cheap.


Designed with you in mind
Dec 29, 2008
I can't believe I never posted on this thread...Hm...
Well I think that Super Mario World 2 and then Super Mario Sunshine were THE BEST Mario games ever! They were just so much fun to play and never got old.


Ok, this is easy:
super mario 64, perfect jumping 3D game.

(Nes) Super mario bros 3
(snes) Super mario world
(N64) Sm64
(Gb) Super mario land
(Gbc) Mario land 2
(Gc) Super mario sunshine
(wii) Super mario galaxy
(DS) Mario party ds


My favorite Mario game, would have to be either Super Mario Galaxy, or Super Paper Mario, I loved them both!:P

I bet I love them more than you do :nod:. Lol just kidding.

My favorite Mario games would definitely have to be the same. Paper Mario/Super paper Mario was awesome. Also, I liked the feel to Galaxy. You know the planet and gravity kind of feel? Love it. Great. Kkthxbai.


Zelda On Paper
Aug 5, 2009
In my very own world
its gotta be mario party 8 or mario galaxy since: i loved mario RPG,S before, so here are my favotite ones:
mario kart wii
super paper mario

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