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Favorite/Least Favorite Zelda Games


Vile? I am a sorcerer now.
Nov 9, 2021
The Netherlands
1. A Link to the Past
2. Minish Cap
3. Breath of the Wild
4. Ocarina of Time
5. A Link Between Worlds
6. Link's Awakening (Switch)
7. Phantom Hourglass
8. Skyward Sword
9. Majora's Mask
10. Wind Waker
11. Oracle of Seasons
12. Link's Awakening (original)
13. Oracle of Ages
14. Twilight Princess
15. Spirit Tracks
16. Four Swords
17. Tri Force Heroes
18. Legend of Zelda
19. Zelda II

The CDI games don't exist to me.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
Breath of the Wild
Ocarina of Time
The Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
A Link Between Worlds
A Link to the Past
The Minish Cap
Skyward Sword
Link's Awakening (2019)
Phantom Hourglass
Four Swords Adventures

Least Favorites
The Legend of Zelda
Majora's Mask
Spirit Tracks

The Adventure of Link

Haven't Played
Link's Awakening
Oracle of Seasons
Oracle of Ages
Four Swords
Tri-Force Heroes
Jan 10, 2022
My list from best to worst, but some do kinda fluctuate when I replay them from time to time.

1.Wind Waker (tbh probably my favorite game in general)
2.Majora’s Mask
3.Skyward Sword/Breath of the Wild (tie for varying reasons)
4.Oracle of Seasons
5.Link’s Awakening (remake)
6.Oracle of Ages
7.The Minish Cap
8.Phantom Hourglass
9.A Link to the Past
10.Legend of Zelda
11.Adventure of Link
12.Ocarina of Time
13.A Link Between Worlds
14.Twilight Princess
15.Spirit Tracks


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
I've been so long on these forums, but I've yet to post in this thread XD

Favorite is Majora's Mask (with Ocarina of Time close behind)

Least favorite has to be Zelda 2. It's just too difficult for me, I can't even beat Horsehead :fpalm:
Jan 11, 2021
Least favorite has to be Zelda 2. It's just too difficult for me, I can't even beat Horsehead :fpalm:
If you haven't gotten past Horsehead, one way you can continue playing the game is by just getting the item in the palace and then moving to the next objective without beating the boss. The only thing the boss gives you is the crystal to open the palace at the end of the Valley of Death, so you won't be able to beat the final boss, but the final boss is the hardest in the series and you already can't beat Horsehead so I don't think that is much of a concern. For example, if you just get the key from Parapa Palace, you can use it to get through the dark cave without ever beating the overly-challenging boss.

I also recommend either playing with a guide or playing with the Switch's reverse mode. I've only beaten the game once without either of those and it was very, very challenging.

Zelda 2 is a pretty fun game minus the difficult combat.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
If you haven't gotten past Horsehead, one way you can continue playing the game is by just getting the item in the palace and then moving to the next objective without beating the boss. The only thing the boss gives you is the crystal to open the palace at the end of the Valley of Death, so you won't be able to beat the final boss, but the final boss is the hardest in the series and you already can't beat Horsehead so I don't think that is much of a concern. For example, if you just get the key from Parapa Palace, you can use it to get through the dark cave without ever beating the overly-challenging boss.

I also recommend either playing with a guide or playing with the Switch's reverse mode. I've only beaten the game once without either of those and it was very, very challenging.

Zelda 2 is a pretty fun game minus the difficult combat.
I have it on the Gamecube Collector's Edition and I'd obviously using ZD to play it. That's a must with both Zelda 1 & 2 for me. The big problem for me is that there is a level cap way too early, so even if you grind and get super-powerful early on, it'll all catch up to you and the game will get difficult again eventually


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The ones I like:

1. OOT is my favourite. It's just a wonderful game even today. It perfectly balances light-hearted humour and seriousness with whimsical adventuring and even horror all wrapped up in the same package taking the player on a journey of different emotions and locations. Unforgettable characters. Music is incredible. Groundbreaking gameplay at the time which even modern games are still emulating. The game is full of mysteries some of which have been solved but others are still elusive and keep the players talking and theorising even years later.

2. TP is very close for me also as it is a true spiritual successor to OOT, taking a lot of influence from that game but improving in quite a few areas, even giving us the most developed character in the series. Midna. And of course it's got Yetos Soup!

3. MM would be OOTs DLC if it released today. It's very much an immediate sequel and it's amazing like the game that came before especially considering it was made in a year. I love its unforgettable dark atmosphere with a sense of real impending doom throughout which makes it unique in the Zelda series.

4. WW I don't care for the toon link design but in the HD version I can't deny the world looks very good on the eye. This is definitely a more light-hearted entry despite the mentions of a dark past as these themes are never really explored nor focus given to. This gives WW much more of an adventurous feel good atmosphere which was a big departure from MM the previous 3D entry. WW has one of the best soundtracks for listening to even outside the game whereas with OOT many of the tracks are atmospheric and you wouldn't necessarily play them for enjoyment.

5. SS I was disappointed with the reveal as I thought it looked worse than TP, this features ugly enemy and NPC designs. Very linear and segmented world. I found it almost a total downgrade from Twilight Princess. Story did not match up with what previous games had made out to have happened, however it did an effective job of making me care for Zelda and want to rescue her. I loved Ghirahim and we need as much fabulosity as possible in the series. Groose was great fun. Still nobody had the development level of Midna which I'd think the series should have been going forward not regressing in that regard. Despite the annoying downgrades it was still fun.

6. BoTW This is definitely the best looking Zelda so far, with the biggest Hyrule yet. Loved the ability to climb, the runes were great and a lot of the puzzles were genuinely fun to solve. I think it was wasted by not having anything meaningful in the world to make it worth exploring everything. The weapon breaking was very annoying. It's a mechanic which in my opinion is never a fun addition. This meant that every treasure is pretty much always a new weapon which is gonna break. There should have been more types of rune to find instead which allowed you to solve different puzzles and access new areas. I also disliked that there was a disappointing and unfocused story. This is a game which for me at times touches the potential for greatness but falls into mediocrity too often and left me wanting more.

7. ALBW It's like a modern ALTTP. I'm not a big enjoyer of the top down style Zelda's but this is not bad. I enjoy the story. Doesn't make any sense timeline wise as Ganon is blown up in ALTTP not sealed in lorule but whatever. I love Yuga of course. Fabulosity is always welcome in my Zelda games.

8. ALTTP This clearly inspired a lot of things in OOT and whilst I enjoyed OOT a lot more. I can still appreciate this one.

9. ST I quite like the story and soundtrack for this one. I already said I don't care for this toon link look but this was an improvement over PH for sure.

The ones I don't like:
TLOZ and AOL: As Ser Meryn Trant would say. Too old. I found these games to be too dated to enjoy the gameplay and I am not prepared to force myself when there are games that I will actually enjoy out there instead. I'm sure people who grew up with them feel some nostalgia and enjoyment but not me unfortunately.

PH I don't care for that toon link look and I don't find the gameplay fun at all. Why is the villain some hentai monster as well? Gimme Ganon


Apr 15, 2022
My all time absolutely favorite game is MM! I love it so much and I want nothing more than to actually get to play it myself! I really love Majora’s Mask for so may reasons. My least favorite, though, is Hyrule Warriors: Age if Calamity, mainly just for gameplay and stuff and not at all for storyline, I actually really like the storyline.


Infrequently active ZD member
Apr 9, 2022
If you couldn't tell, my favorite is Majora's Mask, but I also really like Ocarina of Time! I don't really like the first two Zelda games, though. :[
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AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
For all of its faults, Ocarina of Time lives rent free in my head all these years later. Its tone is the epitome of what I want from a Legend of Zelda game. Whimsy is underused in gaming now and I want it back.
Nov 30, 2021
Majora's Mask n64 for a lot of reasons:

- Best 3d Dungeons: I love how the dungeon layouts can be manipulated, and even though there are less dungeons, they are some of the best in the series

- Best 3d Bosses: Goht is my favorite Zelda boss ever, and honestly, all the boss battles in this game are fun and creative

- Great Side Content: I love side quests in games in general since I love interacting with the world and Majora's Mask has great ones. They each have their own unique little story or some fun gameplay. Theres also other fun side content like the Spider Houses and the Deku Race

- 3 Day Time Mechanic: its very detailed, and since you can always reset it, it makes the time element fun for certain side quests, unstressful when exploring, but stressful during dungeons and trying to get those stray fairies to the great fairy. Best done timer in any video game

- The Masks: especially the transformation masks, I love the different abilities the masks can give you, which definitely made up a lot for that with the masks

- The World: Termina is my personal favorite Zelda world from any Zelda game. Its wierdness makes everything interesting and unique and its the kind of world that even though its small its fun to explore it and find everything in it

- Moon feels like a Threat: Ganon rarely feels like a threat in most Zelda games, but the moon always feels like a great threat and the third day does a good job of making you feel that

- The Music: some of Zelda's best tracks, Song of Healing is one of my favorite Zelda songs of all time, and some of my favorites from OOT were brought back, like Song of Storms. Also Final Hours is an incredible soundtrack since it makes the third day feel like the world is about to end

- The Atmosphere: I like the dark creepy atmosphere of this game

- Great Characters: I love the characters in this game. Every single character has their own unique story and side quest, and I love seeing all the characters react to the moon falling. They are a lot better and more developed then Ocarina of Time's characters IMO


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
Comm. Coordinator
Feb 15, 2021
- Moon feels like a Threat: Ganon rarely feels like a threat in most Zelda games, but the moon always feels like a great threat and the third day does a good job of making you feel that
Majora's Mask isn't my favorite zelda game, but I can get behind this a lot. One of the main complaints I have for games like WW and BotW is that its way to easy to forget that the world is in danger. Some people say the moon and 3 day are just stressful, but I like the fact that it gives you that constant reminder if what you're fighting for and what the stakes are.

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