Ocarina of Time - I cannot begin to describe the magic I felt and continue to feel every time I play, see, or even hear this game.
The Wind Waker - This game was absolute genius. It managed to recapture the magic of Ocarina of Time and even match the overall experience but with a charming twist.
Twilight Princess - It's the biggest most epic Zelda game to date. It was everything a successor to Ocarina of Time should have been and for a long time, I've been waiting for another Zelda game to take the next step and after 11 years, it finally looks that way.
A Link Between Worlds - By far my favorite of the top down view games. The classic aesthetic is a breath of fresh air for the series and quite a nostalgic trip. It's every bit as great as A Link to the Past but a lot more beautiful, charming, and polished.
Least Favorites
Adventure of Link - This isn't so much a least favorite, I just don't plain like it. It's not acceptable for a Zelda game and Miyamoto even admitted it was bad so that should say something. I get it was only the second game in the franchise but there's a reason A Link to the Past resembles the original and not this garbage.
Spirit Tracks - I enjoyed Phantom Hourglass quite a lot despite the tedious Temple of the Ocean King which I personally didn't find too bothersome. But every time I try to get into Spirit Tracks, I can never make it all the way through. I don't know if maybe the charm just wore off or the entire concept just got tired. But one thing I know for sure is that I don't like the train. It's way too limiting for me and in the end, it just isn't as fun as the boat.
Majora's Mask - My problem with this one is the same as Spirit Tracks. It's just way too limiting but perhaps this one to an even greater extent. The 3 day cycle just sucks out all the fun for me. Rather than being free and able to explore at my own leisure like I do in any Zelda game, this one rushes you to get done what you can in a 3 day time span before you have to reset everything and get back at it.