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Favorite/Least Favorite Dungeon in Twilight Princess?

Oct 21, 2016
Finished 100% run of TP HD a couple of months ago. My favorite dungeon is probably Hyrule Castle or Temple in the Sky.
Oct 6, 2016
I have problem answering "favourite/least favourite dungeon in the franchise" questions, but this I can answer.}
Favourite: Probably the Lakebed Temple (yes, believe it or not). I just like how complex and interlocking it feels.
Also the Goron Mines, exclusively for the magnetic mechanic and how it's implemented.
Least favourite: The Temple of Time. I actually love this temple, I just dislike that it feels so linear (even though most temples actually are, this one feels a little dull).
Oct 2, 2016
Favorites: Hyrule Castle. The eeriness of it all + the dynamic changing in the intensity of the music as you got close to the top was great. Arbiter's Ground is also another fun one. SPIN2WIN.

Least favorite: City in the Sky. I fell many times because Link kept jumping off at the angle I didn't want and got lost multiple times.


Extraordinary Machine
Oct 13, 2016
Favorites: Goron Mines (loved the magnetic mechanic as well), Arbiter's Grounds, Palace of Twilight, Snowpeak Ruins (so many good ones!)

Least Favorite: Lakebed Temple

TP had some of the best dungeons ever in my opinion.
Oct 2, 2016
New York
Between Lakebed, Arbiter and Snowpeak for me. Because I really like areas with a story and have always dug mansions in general, Snowpeak might win for me. After that rankings are hard for me; TP really won for dungeon design.

Can we take a moment to appreciate the amazingness that was that game's Forest Temple? Like seriously as far as first dungeons go... wow.
Dec 28, 2016
This is my top 9 list over the dungeons in TP.

1. Lakebed Temple. I liked the movable stairs and how to figure out how to get the water running. Best tool and great swimming match against the boss.
2. Arbiters Ground. Scary Ghosts, tricky to find.
3. Forest Temple. Large rooms, exotic djungle spirit and different varying funny tasks.
4. Snowpeak Ruins. Some very tough enemies such as the miniboss. I liked my fight with the miniboss.
5. Palace of Twilight. Funny and tricky tasks.
8. Temple of time. Nice music.
6. Goron Mines. Interesting stuff such as walking upside down.
7. City in the sky. I like the flying and air-gliding situations.
9. Hyrule castle.
Dec 28, 2016
The Lakebed Temple was the best. I liked to figure out where to let the water flow and how to move the stairs. Swimming with the boss was really great.

The Snowpeak ruins on the other hand had the best enemies, chilfos and the lizard miniboss.

The Hyrule Castle was not very spectacular at all, only while fighting the two darknuts.
Oct 6, 2016
The Lakebed Temple was the best. I liked to figure out where to let the water flow and how to move the stairs. Swimming with the boss was really great.

The Snowpeak ruins on the other hand had the best enemies, chilfos and the lizard miniboss.

The Hyrule Castle was not very spectacular at all, only while fighting the two darknuts.
Between Lakebed, Arbiter and Snowpeak for me. Because I really like areas with a story and have always dug mansions in general, Snowpeak might win for me. After that rankings are hard for me; TP really won for dungeon design.

Can we take a moment to appreciate the amazingness that was that game's Forest Temple? Like seriously as far as first dungeons go... wow.
I liked Gorgon Mines. Lakebed Temple not so much.
I am really glad to finally find people that liked "the water level."
I personally really liked it in Twilight Princess (despite the fact that I still can't help but feel a little lost within it) and I've come around to even liking the water temple in OoT. But the thing is, I think those dungeons are just disliked because of a mixture of being stigmatised as "water levels" and the fact that they are really complex.

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