Legendary Sword
I voted for Spirit Tracks. I think it took a great game (PH) and improved upon it, fixing its mistakes. I loved the Oracle games, but compared to the other Zeldas, they weren't that great. I felt like they weren't original, and just rehashed a bunch of things from all its predecessors. But that's just little ol' me. FS was fun, but too easy, too short, and had virtually no story. Minish Cap was spectacular, but also a but to short, and I think ST was a bit more fun to play and had a better story. The closest handheld, imo, to ST was Link's Awakening, which was a phenomenal game with amazing music, a charming story, a good level of difficulty, and fun gameplay. However, ST just tops it in each of those fields (except maybe level of difficulty, but ST was not too easy, not too hard as well). But again, that's just me.