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Favorite Fast Food


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Everyone has a favorite fast food restaurant even if they don't always want to admit it. Sometimes it's the basic McDonald's, or maybe they prefer the superior quality of Wendy's oozing down their arms as they try to eat their favorite burger. Or they found out the hidden secret to eating and keeping down Taco Bell, they like having three dozen White Castle burgers to live on for the next two days, who knows. But out of all of them which one is your favorite and why?

I have to say my favorite has now become Popeye's Chicken, not even because of the chicken but all the cajun food they started carrying a few years ago like shrimp and crawfish Po'Boys. I've never seen those outside of New Orleans and god do I love them so much. A fried shrimp sub is too amazing to only be able to get in one city in the nation, that's why I love these guys.


So what's yours?


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
Long John Silver's. The food is greasy enough to lubricate a Hummer, but I love it.
Long John Silvers is a definite second for me. Also since I love seafood a lot and there are no LJS' in my town at all, only one about an hour or so outside of town and I only go by it every few months at best. So stopping there became a ritual for me, I could never drive past without stopping.
Feb 23, 2011
My favorite fast food is Chinese takeout. There is a wide variety of Chinese eateries to choose from in my area—too many to name at the moment, but man are they the best. One in particular is called Golden Lotus, and their egg foo young is insanely good; definitely the best I've ever tasted.

In close second comes the more generic, common Subway restaurant. Their Italian BMT with bacon and extra olives = Nirvana. I can live off of eating Subway for the rest of my life. Hah.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
hmmm KFC has the best biscuits, chicken express has all the fried chicken a healthy black guy like me could ever desire, just kidding, that honor goes to popeyes, anyway, my next favorite...mcdonalds is good for its proximity, then wendy's has good milkshake-like properties, after that, i also love to get a good taste of sonic drive in because it has a delicious limeade slurpee, afterwards.....

Well there you have it.


Staff member
Despite having worked there for about four and a half years now I still really enjoy McDonalds. Usually I make my own things now rather than stuff on the menu as I'm really fussy but I haven't become sick of it as I thought I might. Aside from McDonalds I also really enjoy Chinese takeout, at school last year we'd always do "China Friday" where we'd walk to the nearby Chinese restaurant for lunch.


Quid est veritas, Claudia
Feb 9, 2010
Probably Carl's Jr, they've definitely got the best burgers, and their fries are pretty good too. If Panda Express qualifies as fast food that'd be up there too though


The Cassandra
Site Staff
Nov 29, 2008
Used to be McDonalds. The Chicken Selects were amazing. I had them as often as a I could. Then... a couple years ago, they just removed it from the menu without a word and it hasn't been back, and neither have I. After that, I moved onto Taco Johns. They have chicken there, and it's very, very good. In the last few months, they started having ghost pepper wings there and it's.... beyond words. they have a real kick to them, yeah, but also a huge amount of flavor instead of just raw heat. And I like their potato oles better than McDonalds fries anyway. So I'm there. Funnily enough, I hate tacos and burritos. But, it's not unusual for me to be picky. I don't like burgers either so my choices at McDonalds was limited to the chicken selects.


The Rodent King
Jun 15, 2011
The Tree
Always been McDonald's.

I get a plain double quarter pounder meal with a medium vanilla milk shake every single time I go to McDonald's (except in the morning I'll get an egg mcmuffin).

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I'm actually a really picky eater, so when you ask me what my favorite fast food place is, it's more like asking me what my favorite fast food ITEM is, because I barely eat anything. XD

And that... would be a bean burrito with no onions from Taco Bell. It's so amazing. I'd eat nothing else from Taco Bell except for maybe a Mexican pizza, but those bean burritos are AMAZING. And my second favorite -- very close second -- would be orange chicken from Panda Express. Again, I eat nothing else from there, but man, orange chicken is yummy...


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
I have to go with Wendy's. But to be fair, where I live now, there aren't many options.

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