I don't really use Eeveelutions much, so I can't base them off power. But, if I were to order them based on looks, the order would be like this:
8: Vaporeon - I don't know why, but it never appealed to me that much
7: Jolteon - I like the spikes, but they seem overused to me
6: Leafeon - It looks like a tree with legs... Still cute though
5: Sylveon - I like the desgin, but the ribbons and bows really are too much!
4: Flareon - It's cute, but a little too fluffy for me...
3: Umbreon - I love it's dark colour and cuteness, but what's with the odd yellow rings all over its body?
2: Espeon - Simply because, it's unique, and looks the way a psychic type should!
1: Glaceon - Aw, come on... Do I really need a reason? Just look at it!
If I were to add Eevee itself to this list, it would go between Glaceon and Espeon