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Ocarina of Time Farore's Wind: Useless?


Walkthrough Man
Oct 16, 2007
Homer, Alaska
I've always snagged it because I like to complete the game 100%, but I've never actually used it other than to play around with it. >.>

Have any of you ever really used it to your advantage? I'd like to show how it could be useful, but thus far, I have no idea of any places in the dungeons where it would be really nice to have (except maybe right before the boss of the Spirit Temple where you Longshot to the grate inside the Colossus statue so you don't have to travel so far).


Retired Super Mod and HK
Oct 24, 2007
No, I've never actually used it for anything, honestly. I've activated it a few times just to see what it did, but I never used it to help me out or anything. I mean, I know what it's for, but its function is kind of useless to me.

Niko Bellic 817

GH3: Legends of Rock
Apr 24, 2009
It isn't useless at all because if you were in the water temple in OoT for example and you are in the room before the dark Link miniboss, you could use Farore's Wind to get essential items (i.e. faries) and save time by using the spell to warp back to the room.
Oct 26, 2008
I only used it once when I needed to go to sleep in the middle of the Water Temple, So in the room before fighting DarkLink I used it to get there without having to activate all the water levels to get up there again. Other than that, No, This item is completly useless as you don't need it for anything and hardly ever need it.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
I used it quite often. A lot of the time I'd become bored with whatever dungeon I was in at the time, and I'd warp out to go do something else. On a couple of ocassions, it allowed me to leave and go grab some needed items.
Apr 10, 2009
^ yeah that is one of its cool use, you could warp directly to the room in the dungeon you were in.

I used it mostly in the water temple, in the mark to play the lullaby and rise the water level to the third level.

Also in Dark Link's room, I made a file just to fight him over and over, obsession much? Hahah.
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adjective spaceman
Feb 2, 2009
Truthfully, no, I barely ever use it. The only time I have used it was when I was testing it out, but now that I've read the above comments, I see it has a pretty good use for the Water Temple. Since raising the water level was quite the annoyance. It was also helpful if you put it in the "Main Room" of a dungeon for quick back tracking. Other than that, it was pretty useless. It might've been cool if it had a side effect too, though.


Can I has cheese burger?
Apr 13, 2009
On earth
It was pretty useful to me. I use it a lot in dungeons when I run out of health. If it wasn't for farore's wind I would have been pissed off and through the controller against the ceiling. (Aww, sweet little gamecube controller, sorry if I hurt you many times in the past):lol:
Jun 16, 2008
New York, US
Well, I remember using it a lot in the Shadow Temple, just because I hated to prolong my time in there at all. That, and it was a pretty long trek to the boss fight there, and using Farore's Wind right in the room outside of the boss room helped. Other than that, I've never used it. Although it certainly would've helped had I thought about it.


Walkthrough Man
Oct 16, 2007
Homer, Alaska
Thanks guys, that gives me some stuff to think about. I'll try to keep it in mind as I'm recording the video walkthrough and point out cool places to use it. If anyone else comes up with ideas, please let me know in this thread :)


Fallen Knight
Sep 1, 2008
The first and only time I used it was in Jabu Jabu's Belly. It was just to see what the thing did, haha. I don't think I've ever used it in a helpful way though, sorry. :(


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Farore's Wind is so useless to me that I actually had to look it up to be sure I knew what you were referring to. I really didn't even remember when it's obtained in the game. So, I suppose this is my way or saying it was useless to me! :P

It's essentially the same as Ooccoo in TP. I never once used Ooccoo either to escape a dungeon. I'm sure I probably tried Farore's Wind at least once, but oddly, I never even tried Ooccoo...

I'd have to go back and see if there's any places where it might come in handy. I'm always someone who doesn't like warping much. I like taking the long route and seeing all there is to see. I suppose it's a good technique to use though in case you're low on hearts and want an escape route to not die in a dungeon.
Nov 26, 2008
I've used it several time, primarily in the Fire Temple.

It's true that it isn't the most useful item, and it's certainly not needed to complete the game, but it has it's use. I honestly used it more than Din's Fire or Nayru's Love.

I used it the most in the Fire Temple because I had the tendency to fall down a lot, and since the temple is basically one big climb, I used it to warp back up. I'm sure there are other instances where it's useful as well, particularly if you had to retreat.


I've used it several time, primarily in the Fire Temple.

It's true that it isn't the most useful item, and it's certainly not needed to complete the game, but it has it's use. I honestly used it more than Din's Fire or Nayru's Love.

I used it the most in the Fire Temple because I had the tendency to fall down a lot, and since the temple is basically one big climb, I used it to warp back up. I'm sure there are other instances where it's useful as well, particularly if you had to retreat.

That's pretty much the only time I've used Farore's Wind. It is useful in the dungeons if you don't feel like backtracking to go get something you missed like gold skulltula for example.

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