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Game Thread Far Far Away Mafia

  • Thread starter Deleted member 14134
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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
And right now i feel like youre setting a bad example for the new players on how us peers should be interacting with one another. Please do not get upset. Its just a game. Youll get your win. Dont worry.
You are actively trolling me right now, but whatever.

Deleted member 14134

Final Vote Count

Rubik - 5 (Jamie, funnier6, Doc, Storm, Stormageden)
Jamie - 1 (Rubik)

Not voting: 3 (Yigahim, Dekunut, Karu)

Rubik was Prince Charming, a Werewolf

The Living:

1. @funnier6
2. @Storm
3. @DekuNut
4. @Stormageden747
5. @YIGAhim
6. @karu
7. @Jamie
8. @Doc

The Dead:

1. Ryuken: Pinocchio, a vanilla townie (lynched day one)
2. Ayano Keiko: The Big Bad Wolf, a vanilla townie (killed night one)
3. Minish_Link: Lord Farquaad, a mafia goon (killed night one)
4. Rubik: Prince Charming, a werewolf (lynched day 2)

Day three starts April 8th 11pm est.
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Deleted member 14134

Storm choked on a hair ball over night and died. He was Puss in Boots, a Vanilla Townies

Goodnight sweet prince, and may god not have mercy on the soul that struck you down. Funnier was Donkey, the town doctor.

The Living:

1. @DekuNut
2. @Stormageden747
3. @YIGAhim
4. @karu
5. @Jamie
6. @Doc

The Dead:
1. Ryuken: Pinocchio, a vanilla townie (lynched day one)
2. Ayano Keiko: The Big Bad Wolf, a vanilla townie (killed night one)
3. Minish_Link: Lord Farquaad, a mafia goon (killed night one)
4. Rubik: Prince Charming, a werewolf (lynched day 2)
5. Storm: Puss in Boots, a vanilla townie (killed night 2)
6. funnier6: Donkey, the town doctor (killed night 2)

Day three ends Wednesday April 11th at 11pm EST.

Rip Puss and Donkey


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Vote Storm

No 2 doctors. I think we all know this means storm is lying and lying leads only to mafia


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Perhaps the comment about being doctor was sarcasm but I am not sure...

For now I am sticking with this vote


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
my investigation was ruined since storm died.

figured he was town but wanted to confirm he wasnt a woofbrother pulling some crazy ****, but people killed him so too bad.


Can I get an explanation as to what the actual f*ck day 2 was?! In all my games of mafia this is the most unmafiaest one. And now we're just role-claiming here and there? Fine! I'm a biscuit of sweetness, and maybe the last vanilla townie. Oh my god my role is my character! just noticed that...

I honestly have no idea what's going on whatsoever; going to my original roots and always assume Yiga is scummy. You also yeeted out of your vote on Storm (rip you shall all be avenged), saying you confused Storm for Storma (understandable), but you never proceeded to correct your vote. Answer me this; do you or do you not find Storma, with an a in the end, scummy?

Vote: Yiga

Defend thouself


Sole Survivor
Apr 10, 2017
Can I get an explanation as to what the actual f*ck day 2 was?! In all my games of mafia this is the most unmafiaest one. And now we're just role-claiming here and there? Fine! I'm a biscuit of sweetness, and maybe the last vanilla townie. Oh my god my role is my character! just noticed that...

I honestly have no idea what's going on whatsoever; going to my original roots and always assume Yiga is scummy. You also yeeted out of your vote on Storm (rip you shall all be avenged), saying you confused Storm for Storma (understandable), but you never proceeded to correct your vote. Answer me this; do you or do you not find Storma, with an a in the end, scummy?

Vote: Yiga

Defend thouself
Alright, let me take you back to the beginning, where the misunderstanding happened.

I read storm dead as storma dead, and checked to see if anyone else died, and if it was me. Immediately, I went back looking for storm's doctor claim post, which I found and used without hesitation. Then, I thought storm's thing may have been sarcasm, which made me think about unvoting, but eventually not. Finally, I reread all of the role PMs and that modpost in general for a deeper understanding (plus I was informed that storm died already) and did an unvote with a ? because I didn't know if I actually had to because storm was dead.

So far, I find storma to be normally scummy, just like everyone finds about me. I have had a history of playing as mafia with storma, so I kinda know some of "the tricks in the bag" so to speak, but of course there is nothing proving storma town, and nothing proving storma mafia. I am going with slightly town on this read.

I did correct my vote. I don't know why you said that. You then proceeded to ask me a question on whether or not I found storma sccummy, which I can see as a pressure into me showing my hand, but I can also see as an unusual way of just putting on an opportunistic vote. However, this could very easily be the first thing I mentioned, so I will not vote


Thanks for clarifying that misunderstanding
Alright, let me take you back to the beginning, where the misunderstanding happened.

I read storm dead as storma dead, and checked to see if anyone else died, and if it was me. Immediately, I went back looking for storm's doctor claim post, which I found and used without hesitation. Then, I thought storm's thing may have been sarcasm, which made me think about unvoting, but eventually not. Finally, I reread all of the role PMs and that modpost in general for a deeper understanding (plus I was informed that storm died already) and did an unvote with a ? because I didn't know if I actually had to because storm was dead.

So far, I find storma to be normally scummy, just like everyone finds about me. I have had a history of playing as mafia with storma, so I kinda know some of "the tricks in the bag" so to speak, but of course there is nothing proving storma town, and nothing proving storma mafia. I am going with slightly town on this read.

I did correct my vote. I don't know why you said that. You then proceeded to ask me a question on whether or not I found storma sccummy, which I can see as a pressure into me showing my hand, but I can also see as an unusual way of just putting on an opportunistic vote. However, this could very easily be the first thing I mentioned, so I will not vote
Got it.

@Stormageden747 any thoughts?
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