Platinum Hits and Greatest Hits...
I know, because The Legend of Zelda offers a whole lot more. Sure it's the same for the most part...but again. What do you expect when it has been done perfectly? At least they always find a way to make it new and innovate while still being The Legend of Zelda. Spider-Man games are no where near perfect. When was the last time Spider-Man set the standard? Spider-Man struggles when it comes to video games. He still hasn't even found himself an identity in video games. Batman has...what gives Spidey? Bogus developers and publishers?
Yep, just characters making death sounds and war sounds...the music is the 9 year old screaming in your ear.
That's like saying the main focus of Halo is the shooting...yet, Halo offers much more than that.
Who is everyone, exactly?
Oh, forgot about those. Haha.
I'll give it to LoZ just this time, if only because OoT exists. (;
I gotta admit, this made me laugh. Although, sometimes when playing online there is some dude blasting Hispanic music over his cheapo mic, which is slightly better and slightly less irritating.
Here, I'd like to say that Halo is more story-centric than it is gameplay-centric. It's like that of Kingdom Hearts: the gameplay definitely is good every time, but the devs seem to put more focus into the story especially by way of interviews, press conferences, and the like.
Everyone meaning majority of Zelda fans, sorry for not clearing that up!
Precisely. :yes: Would you rather have a steaming pile of horse **** or a golden apple?
The reason why the CoD fanbase is intolerable.
Which one tastes better?
I don't know FOR SURE, but judging by the Sonic, Zelda, and KH fanbasers' comments, I'm almost certain they'd act JUST LIKE the CoD fanbase had their respective series went to online play with mics.
Oh, as I mentioned the series, I also hate the
Kingdom Hearts' fanbase. It is almost like that of the Zelda fanbase, only this time you have two groups: those that demand KH3 and declare any other game a spin off or a gaiden, and those that believe every non-KH3 game is a great game and on par with KH1 and KH2 [which they aren't -- not even BBS is on par with KH1/KH2]. Members of both groups will call anyone who disagrees with the majority consensus a troll, as if it's an added bonus (for the record, disagreeing =/= trolling, and stating your opinon =/= trolling).