this has bugged me for a long time. in the end of ph link wakes up. but he sees linebecks ship in the horizon. I for one think thats just a cliche.
What do you think
I think that PH takes place yes in a dream but in termina i think that PH takes place during or close to when LA takes place and when the wild fish sleeps the ocean king is awake and vice versa
I don't think Phantom Hourglass is a dream. Tetra knows she was captured after they wake up, he sees Linebecks ship on the horizon. I'm pretty sure they've been pulled into another dimention.
My opinion is that Phantom Hourglass takes place in Termina.
After all, Jolane looks like a Gerudo Pirate, Isle of Ember might be Woodfall and Isle of Ruins and Isle of the Dead could most likely be the remains of Ikana Canyon.
It has been confirmed that Termina is some sort of parallel dimension to Hyrule, Hyrule was flooded, so was Termina.
At the end they make it known that Tetra and Link have only been gone for 5/10 minutes. If they went into an alternate dimension or Termina I doubt that all that time would add up to a grand total of 5/10 minutes.
I haven't played the game in a long while, but I would think that the power of the Phantom Hourglass stopped time for the world outside of the ghost ship.
---------------I personally don't think Phantom Hourglass is a dream at all. Because fist of all, Link wakes up with the Phantom Hourglass itself. If it was a dream, he wouldn't have been able to get the Hourglass. But somehow, I think, The Phantom Hourglass froze time...or something...I am going to leave the rest for you guys to discuss...:shake:
I think it was sort of a "Chronicles of Narnia" type thing, where time passes slowly in the real world while a lot of time can pass in the alternate world. This being said, I'm not so sure about Linebeck. Was he from Hyrule too? If he wasn't I would see no point in the Ocean King sending him to Hyrule too.
My opinion:
NO!!!!!!! (lol, Michael Kyle moment)
I've thought about this before, and it makes since for the story, plus it makes the story better. I believe the whole point of the ending is for comedy and to show that Linenbeck is from their world. And, let's see. Lindenbeck is right in front of them, the hourglass is in his pocket and they had the same "dream." I adamantly believe that it wasn't a dream.
I really don't think it's a dream that I almost say it's not. It's like Narnia, it was long in PH world but short in Hyrule. It wasn't a dream, just an alternate world.
When they boarded the Ghost Ship, it was like a portal to another dimension. If you actually went with them and measured the time, it would be WAY longer than 10 minutes. But when they got back, the Ocean King returned them to their dimension, but I'm guessing that he returned them at the time when it was about 10 minutes past the time they left. Sorry if it doesn't make any sense. But say Link and Tetra left at 12:00 PM. The Ocean Kind would return them at the right time so it would be 12:10 PM.
The ending to phantom hourglass was the most undevelopped in the series. My english teacher once told the class that I was in to never end a story with "Then I woke up". Now I see why for ph it resulted into on of the worst endings in a videogame for myself.
No, the Ocean King is the Wind Fish from Link's Awakening! Don't you see the similarity in design and purpose of the character and situation?
He teleported you into his dimension, in Phantom Hourglass, to help him get his power back, then he returned you to your dimension.
But in Link's Awakening, Link went into the dimension accidentally and had to wake the Wind Fish up to go back to his dimension. Time is just messed up in the Wind Fish/Ocean King's world.