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Dreams thread.

Jan 10, 2022
I had a very brief dream of my boss ripping up an important notebook I have at my job. Not much else to it, figure it’s me dealing with my frustrations with it recently in spite of me doing really well with it.


Thug Lyfe
ZD Champion
Apr 16, 2021
I was playing smash melee on the "NSO GameCube expansion" and there was only like 7 characters to choose from, all surrounding a blank square that I assumed was the random button. I selected it and when it got to stage select this weird music effect started playing (that ambience sound from fnaf 2, I realized when I woke up) and being put off by this I went back to change my character, but every time I selected another one the sound would start again till it was playing over itself several times. I was freaked out so I just turned off the game lol


funky fresh beats
Jun 16, 2020
House Chalphy
ya boi
I was very drunk (odd since I don't drink) and stumbling around in a daze down some city block. Didn't know where I was, why I was there, or where I was going, but it was noisy and super busy. Weird.


What’s the character limit on this? Aksnfiskwjfjsk
ZD Legend
I went to a Subway across the street from where I live, and then got a tornado warning on my phone. 5 seconds later the tornado hit the store and caught me in it. After flying away I woke up (still in my dream) to find myself inside my own house. It looked absolutely nothing like my house but that’s besides the point. I wandered around until I found a bunch of photos on the wall depicting my own dead body lying on the couch, and each one was dated, one photo each day for about a week. I walked over to my couch and found my own dead body so apparently I was a ghost, but as I walked up to it it sprung to life and jump scared me awake.

My dreams are always either the biggest ****posts imaginable or legitimately terrifying. There’s no in between.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
I had a dream where I was locked up in a classroom in some school I was at once. The only people in the school were my class, well I guess because I was locked in the room with them. The doors opened and the class just walked out and split up and went in random directions. I was probably at like the second floor of the building when I heard a noise. It sounded like it was a lawnmower for some reason. Suddenly my view panned over like a game or some **** and I saw a freaking rhino and that was the source of the noise. Then when my view went back to normal, the rhino was replaced with a gorilla and chased me down. I ran away from it as it made lawnmower and rhino sounds until it caught up to me. I woke up at that moment but I couldn't get out of bed, I struggled for a good minute. The worst part was my neighbor was ****ing mowing their lawn outside. I was so damn scared lmao. I was so relieved when I got out of my bed.


wild ride
Nov 15, 2020
your nightmares into your heart <3
I had a dream where the Lptpw gang talked about an animated adaption of DAN McFOX HeadHunter for the Nintendo 3Ds. The plot was that Dan McFox, with a laser pointer, was assassinating cats working at an office building next door. Dan was like aiming from a 60 feet tall tower and like the assassinations were way too freaking gory for ****ing DanMcFox HeadHunter. Like the laser pointer was an actual freaking LASER pointer and he was aiming the laser pointer at the cats heads and it was a bloodbath. Then when Dan was done with the job he put down the pointer and played around with a pocket knife. Meanwhile, some other fox outside of the tower noticed Dan through the window and runs away. So Dan, not wanting any witnesses, hatched a plot to kill that fox too. He started to drive back somewhere before the movie ended.
The rest of my dream was just scrolling through posts in Lptpw and reading every person's reaction to the movie. Everyone in Lptpw was very out of character and it was super trippy.
Very weird dream, lmao.
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Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I had a very normal dream the other day that was just about my niece and I playing video games, though I think that dream stemmed from guilt b/c the last couple times she came, I was preoccupied with something else to hang out with her

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