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Dreams thread.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Repentence wanted me to go meet him in Halifax so I went. When I landed in Halifax, got out my plane and went inside the airport I met JC. We both decided to go meet Rep together. We logged onto the forum and Rep gave us directions to were he wanted to meet us. We walked outside we heard screaming and gunshots. There were buildings on fire but niether of us were alarmed by any of it. We somehow got to were Rep said to meet him very fast. It was a dark ally, we walked into it and then JC yelled, “AH, ITS GOT ME!” I was like, “What has you?” Then he was gone and I was alone. I took a few steps and then I started to feel a falling sensation. It stopped and I was tied to a chair, to my right JC was also tied up, and to my left was Rep.

Anyway the point of the dream, JuiceJ was behind it all. He captured Rep, used his profile to lure JC and me to Halifax so he could, “Get back at us Skyward Sword haters” He forced us to take turns playing Skyward Sword against our will.

I woke up and thought that dream was weird. I believe I had it because I briefly put in SS before going to bed to see if I had all the hearts in the game (I do).


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I dreamt I was fighting the covenant. I often dream things related to the games I play. They are rarely pleasant and fun though I generally fear for my life.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
Literally the worst:
So it started off as this really weird zombie apocalypse that was actually really chill for a zombie apocalypse. After few minutes it changed; somehow me and the ex were in the same physical place and we attempted to patch things up. There were a lot of details that just seemed so real and accurate that I was 100% convinced this was somehow actually happening (I somehow managed to ignore the fantasy elements that I'm just now recalling). I remember everything that "happened" in that dream so vividly, including getting ready for a date, feeling nervous, how everything actually felt (it was a very vivid dream) and what followed. The dream concluded as we shared a kiss and fell asleep all snuggled up. Now, not twenty minutes ago, I woke up IRL and spent a good 2 and a half minutes thinking that this actually happened and wondering where she could have gone to. Realization crashed down on me hard fairly quickly.


Doktor Assisted Homicide
Oct 30, 2010
If you can't read this, you're blind.
Literally the worst:
So it started off as this really weird zombie apocalypse that was actually really chill for a zombie apocalypse. After few minutes it changed; somehow me and the ex were in the same physical place and we attempted to patch things up. There were a lot of details that just seemed so real and accurate that I was 100% convinced this was somehow actually happening (I somehow managed to ignore the fantasy elements that I'm just now recalling). I remember everything that "happened" in that dream so vividly, including getting ready for a date, feeling nervous, how everything actually felt (it was a very vivid dream) and what followed. The dream concluded as we shared a kiss and fell asleep all snuggled up. Now, not twenty minutes ago, I woke up IRL and spent a good 2 and a half minutes thinking that this actually happened and wondering where she could have gone to. Realization crashed down on me hard fairly quickly.
It may be just me, but I feel that the part involving your ex means your subconscious mind is wanting her to come back to you. It's just my theory, though, so interpret that dream however you feel.


Jun 11, 2015
So now this isn't my dream but it's a friends dream that I was in so he had to tell me about it.

It goes like this "it was a science fiction/fantasy film and it came to a point where we were all doomed, so you" (you in this case is myself Kyru) "were serving everybody ice cream so we could enjoy our demise. You were the only one that I could talk to about how stupid Jim was for opening the gates of Ghandela. And You were serving the ice cream as if it were cake. Cutting it into rectangular pieces and placing them on plates."

This is what my friend sends to me. It was so silly, none of it makes sense, except the part where I would be serving ice cream to enjoy our demise.


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
A very odd chain of events. I started off exploring a Fallout vault and found nukes ready to be launched. I panicked and ran out to tell people and somehow found myself at the end of a class period with my ex. The professor handed out study guides for an exam and the dream shifted to this house that was a bizarre amalgam of places I've stayed. We were in pajamas and I can only assume New Zealand but there was a box full of the pizza I had last night. A few interactions later and I woke up.

Please feel free to interpret that how you will.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
A very odd chain of events. I started off exploring a Fallout vault and found nukes ready to be launched. I panicked and ran out to tell people and somehow found myself at the end of a class period with my ex. The professor handed out study guides for an exam and the dream shifted to this house that was a bizarre amalgam of places I've stayed. We were in pajamas and I can only assume New Zealand but there was a box full of the pizza I had last night. A few interactions later and I woke up.

Please feel free to interpret that how you will.

Well, the first part could mean you stayed up too late the night before playing Fallout. :bubsy:

I think the other parts of the dream are expressing repressed emotions that you need to deal with and move on from, since it brought up particular people and places from your past.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I had a dream I was a pirate last night. Probably because I have been playing a lot of Assassins Creed Black Flag, which is a great entry into the series. If I play lots of a particular game I tend to dream about a theme that comes up in that particular game.
I was big into Minecraft a while back and I started dreaming in blocks.
May 4, 2014
All my dreams, especially my nightmares, involve water and /or drowning. I can't swim, maybe that's why, but I'm not scared of water irl.

Maybe you feel your being drowned in other areas of your life? Either emotionally or your going to enter a situation where you won't have control.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Last week or so we were discussing politics in the shoutbox, mostly talking about how terrible of a candidate Donal Trump is, and I think it was because of that he haunted my dreams that night. I dreamt he chased me up and down Ocean City Maryland. Needless to say any dream involving Donald Trump is a nightmare.


Jun 11, 2015
I have had a reoccurring dream where I seem to take the place of a person, unknown person, so be put into a machine that slices, dices, and squishes you to death. I don't know... The machine also faces another person who is suffer the same fate and I always seem to be talking to the person across from me very calmly and proud. The person across is always goes first and dies and I shortly get squished afterwards and wake up....


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Hmm so mainly lately I've been having nightmares again but the one I had the other night made no sense at all and wasn't even scary but it scared the **** out of me

I was somewhere and my brother and sister decided one of my nieces have to watch this old kids show (it doesn't actually exist btw and never has) and so we had to go in this room where the pictures could move. The room was actually my uncles old bedroom in my nans house. My nan died eleven years ago so idk. One picture was a girl with an old fashioned bonnet and the other one was four men who were human but if they stood still they looked like lions idek. So I went into this other room and it led outside and this girl I swrsr I've never seen in my life picked up a pigeon and started chasing me with it.

I don't like pigeons irl but my reaction in the dream was a bit extreme. I was running and I knew if that pigeon touched me.something bad would happen but I couldn't get away and I was like hysterical. Somewhere my conscious mind knew I had to wake up before this dream was concluded so I did but it was definitely amongst the weirdest dreams I've had and trust me I've had a few

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