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Dreams thread.

Jun 7, 2016
I killed my brother in hand-to-hand combat before turning into a majestic Zora queen. Then I proceeded to save a bunch of Glaceon from global warming, by swimming them to the arctic and refreezing it.


Azure Sage

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I had a weird dream that was kind of like based on the God Eater anime, except Dimitri from FE3H was there. I was in a car trying to protect this child from Aragamis while Lindow, Sakuya, and Dimitri were fighting them off. We were about to escape, and then Dimitri fell behind so we went back for him. And in doing so, Sakuya got eaten in his place. And then it happened all over again, except I knew it was coming, so with my directions, we were able to keep both Dimitri and Sakuya alive. It was so weird. It was like a future premonition that chilled me so much it woke me up at 6:30 AM.


I just really like botw
Apr 8, 2019
I had the worst nightmare :( My biggest fear is heights and I was forced to watch a football game on a horizontal flagpole that was like 1 kilometer into the air. I woke up crying at 6 AM, was so afraid but then so relieved I was in my bed


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I had a dream that me and my friend Wiggy went to the boob job shop by the Asda (in reality this shop is a tanning salon). I was there to get a boob job for my hyper-realistic love doll with wonky breasts. They asked me a lot of questions I should have felt uncomfortable answering in front of Wiggy, but in the end they agreed they could help me for £350. I got scared when my bank balance appeared in front of me and I didn't have enough. I don't remember anything beyond that.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
was held by moldarach in the game and in my dreams. truly Moldarach is the scariest boss in SS and a master in punishing mistakes in timings20190825_235455.jpg
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Took a nap this afternoon and I had a weird dream abot ZD where it was a large house instead of a website, and a bunch of us were running around, locking all the doors before forum staff came home, as a prank. Except we trapped ourselves in various rooms and couldn't get out because the doors were locked from the other sides. Sad for the person who locked themselves in the pantry.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
you guys know the youtube guy antdude92? I had a dream that I was gonna meet him at some near by park for some park event or something [I barley even recognize the park], and he was a COMPLETE jerk, that classic case of meeting someone famous and they turn out to be asses

I'm not even that big of a fan of him, I can only assume I dreamt about him b/c I was talking to some friends about youtubers the night prior


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I dreamt I needed to make a device to stop my ducks and foxes from getting their toes caught in the escalators, but didn't know which one to invent first. In the end I reasoned that I would be sending more ducks down the escalator than foxes up, and so I'd need the bottom toe guard first. My phone rang then, waking me up, so I don't know how everything turned out. I hope those duck toes are ok :(
Aug 15, 2017
This is moreso a string on trollish nightmares I keep having. I'm curious if anyone else suffers from this as often as I do. Lets say I accomplish something irl or am in the process of doing so. I'll use a random Mafia game as example. That night I'll have a dream that I somehow edited my post and got modkilled, or that my YouTube account got hacked. Basically just overall trying to harass me on things I've currently involved with. I always know when I wake up that it wasn't true, but it gets extremely annoying.

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