If I had to pick a game based solely on appearance, of the 3 games you mentioned, I'd choose The Wind Waker before the other two, but never Twilight Princess.
If I had to pick a game based on content, between The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess, It'd always be the Wind Waker.
I haven't found any of the Nintendo or Capcom LoZ games to be childish. The non-canon games were totally for kids though.
OK We get it!!! You LOVE WIND WAKER!!! And about it having the best graphics, it's all based on personal preference. I didn't like them that much, they were too cartoonish IMO.
Twilight Princess was WAY better than WW IMO, I hated the sailing. Zant is epic, I wish he'd been the mastermind behind the plot... and I hate Tingle, he rips you off in WW for the charts, I'm glad he wasn't in TP and I hope he isn't in SS either.
Twilight Princess WAS taking a realistic approach, of course it didn't look photo-realistic, the Wii/ Gamecube can't do that, and I wouldn't want it to be that realistic.
TP's graphics could've used a little more color in some places.
I'm loving how SS is turning out, it looks better than both TP and WW so yeah.