I'm going to quote a recent post of mine and use it as a reference:
Did Skyward Sword live up to the hype?
Definitely and utterly, no. It did not, to me. Skyward Sword was an okay game. It was average. I was excited to play it in the beginning, but that excitement later wore off. I still haven't finished it. It was not a horrible game overall; I did enjoy most parts of it. It didn't blow me away like most people expected it to/said it would. Nothing really stood out to me. As I said in my post quoted above, only a select couple of songs stood out to me. The story was average at best and not very unique. It's been done before. The graphics were pleasing to the eye, not quite beautiful but pulled off nicely. The media, naturally, does its best to hype up games in order to boost sales. In my opinion, Skyward Sword fell way short of that hype.
Did Skyward Sword live up to the reviews?
That depends on which reviews you're referring to. I believe it lived up to this review, which was a rather negative one, though I do agree with it. I do not believe Skyward Sword lived up to all the reviews that hailed it as the best Zelda game ever, nor the ones that praised it as "the beginning to a new era in gaming," for reasons listed above.
Did Skyward Sword live up to my expectations?
I honestly had very few expectations for this game. I did not want to get so worked up over it that I would be disappointed if it fell short. I really didn't pay attention to all the press it got, either. I stayed away from most Spoilers and just kept my eyes away from all the articles hyping SS. In the end, I think what I really had was hope for another Twilight Princess, my favorite Zelda game to this date. I had hoped for a game that would thoroughly engross me from the start, and SS was not a game that did so. Here is one excerpt that explains why I feel TP beats out SS:
Story is one of the biggest aspects in a game to me. My favorite game ever, Okami, has a fantastic, amazing story but has gameplay that leaves something to be desired. I'm honestly not sure which game was worse motions controls, Okami or Skyward Sword. However, Okami fully compensated for the shoddy controls with gorgeous locales, beautiful music, and a fantastic story with so many twists and turns and speculations, ups and downs and emotional moments, and comedy and liveliness. To me, Skyward Sword was not bad. But it was not fantastic, not like Okami or Twilight Princess. It was fun to play, but I won't spend a lot of time replaying it. I'm not sure when I'll even finish it, if ever.
Whether to not you personally enjoyed it doesn't determine Skyward Sword's influence. The most recent installment in the famed Zelda franchise truly is the beginning of a new era in gaming for no game heretofore has managed to accomplish the same with motion controls. Nintendo thus effectively beat its competitors in creating a truly blockbuster title that delivered.
And screw story. While important, it's whether or not the gameplay flows or is broken that should determine the majority of the score awarded to a given title. Although I haven't played it myself (though I intend to eventually) if you state that Okami was subpar in terms of gameplay, then getting through the game was truly tedious until an extensive and interesting cutscene or dialogue sequence was triggered. Skyward Sword has truly incredible controls if played in the correct conditions:
You're thoughts are respected and well defended, Nicole, but when you try to quantify aspects of the game, your argument comes out as ridiculous. If you give Skyward Sword such a low score what would you give shovelware like Amy? Let me guess: You never heard of it. A 0/10, then? Every piece of software deserves a raw score for the sheer amount of work put into its development and thus giving Skyward Sword anything less than a 7 is pure blasphemy as it's miles ahead of 90% of products in the industry. Either you have very high standards or you've always hated motion controls!
As far as the aformentioned story goes, Twilight Princess's may have been more suspenseful and thrilling but Ghirahim truly served his purpose throughout the game and came out as a better villain than Zant. Zant went from a mysterious persona at the start of Twilight Princess to a crazed childish maniac when encountered in the Palace of Twilight. Ghirahim transformed from a perverted pedophile to pure evil. Characters like Groose and Impa were also deeper than all of Twilight Princess's offerings except for Ganondorf and Midna. But don't get me wrong, I thought Twilight Princess was the better game as well.
Also, I wanted to say that Skyward Sword is in the same league as Okami and Twilight Princess as having some of the best boss battles in gaming history. :yes:
Thank you for your time.