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Do You Ever Read Books All the Way Through?


birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
If I find a book interesting, I'll read it all the way to the end. However, if I get bored with it, or think it's stupid, I'll stop reading it. In some cases though, I'll have to take a really long break because of school or other things that are more interesting. Sometimes those breaks become indefinite stops. xD


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
Almost always. I'd hate to leave a book unfinished, even if I didn't really find it appealing. It would have to be pretty terrible for me not to finish.

Not Take Mirror

Sage of Ice
Dec 8, 2012
Minneapolis, MN
If it's a novel, yes, I read it all the way through starting from page 1 unless its boring, then I stop reading it.

For a non-fiction book, I'm reading for information or to satisfy curiousity, I'm more likely to skip around some and use the index or table of contents to find things I might be interested in reading about.
Aug 7, 2011
Malibu, CA
I always read all my books all the way through. I always have this weird mentality that I have to finish everything I started, even if it kills me. I've only stopped in the middle of a couple books, but those ones were just... painful.
May 14, 2011
Why wouldn't you read the whole book as the author/writer did put it for our eyeballs. As I am a bookworm, I usually read cover to cover and everything in between.


Jun 19, 2010
Of course. I don't just start a novel and not finish it. Same with video games. I always finish, unless what I'm playing/reading is really that bad.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
For me there are some things that I would consider before even reading a book first
a.) Do I know about/read a book by the author?
a.1.) If yes, I'll read through it
a.2.) If not, it depends of if the cover or summery looks interesting.
b.) Is the book a part of a series?
b.1.) If yes, is it the first book in the series or later in the series?
b.1.1.) If it's the first I go back to question "a"
b.1.2.) If it comes later in the series(second, third, etc.) I worry about getting the book(s) before it.
b.2.) If not, I go back to " it depends of if the cover or summery looks interesting"

I know there are a lot of "if"s there but I am not the kind of guy that would randomly grab a book off the shelf and start reading. I like knowing about it(and the author[if possible]) before really starting. and another "if"...
If the summery and cover look good and the book itself turns out bad i'm closing it.


Mrs. Caleb
Aug 20, 2008
It depends on what it is. I have been known to read the glossary and appendices if I am genuinely interested in the topic. I've read the appendices to Lord of the Rings multiple times. I read glossary items if I am confused by what is happening in a story, or if it is written in an interesting way.

But otherwise, I try to read all books all the way through. Sometimes I get derailed by poetry or songs, but I try to read them for the most part.
May 5, 2012
In the land of no return :D
you mean people actually DON'T read them all the way through ? o_O excuse me while I take a breather...

-----------shakes head------------

ok so, I always read the book completely. Otherwise, what's the point? You will miss what happens. That's the best part of reading, starting the journey, going through the ups and downs, and coming to the conclusion of all that has happened.

I'll even read the same book multiple times even if its really good :) right now I'm reading the hi get games trilogy for the 3rd time in a row.

Sorry lol I'm a avid book lover/reader :)


The Good Samaritan
Mar 20, 2012
Canberra, Australia
I typically don't read anything that's not the actual story of the book; this includes, but is not limited to, praise, appendices, epilogues, prologues, ect. This is mainly due to me not caring. :squishy:

The one book that I did read entirely, though, was TKAM. Shocker, amirite. :rolleyes:
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Yes. I always read a book all the way through. There are times when i know a book well enough to just flip to a random page and read from there, but more often I finish it. It bothers me if I stop randomly, because the plot hasn't been resolved and I have at to get a good look at the back cover.

Oh wait you meant the prologue and about the author and such... yes. There's something about, at the end of a book, seeing that white page and then a brief note about somebody. It cams me, in an inexplicable way. Like the last notes of the end credits have faded and you're looking at the company logo one last time.

And yes, I always watch through the end credits. Always.


Sep 20, 2008
Joliet, IL
Of course I read all the way through the book. I want the whole story, not just bits and pieces. Sometimes I won't read any about the author stuff, because well, it doesn't have to do with the story. Now if it's a book on say wars, then I will read that bit on the author to see his backround.

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